Qin Yao looked at His Mysterious Highness affectionately. She knew that she existed not only to perform tasks, but also to provide support and reliance for His Mysterious Highness. "Your Highness, you have always been the smartest and strongest person, and I believe you will be able to overcome all these difficulties."

The eyes of His Highness Mysterious gradually became firmer, and she nodded slightly: "You are right, Qin Yao. I can't shrink back because of difficulties, I want to move on and achieve my goal."

Qin Yao smiled, eyes full of trust: "Yes, Your Highness. No matter what the road ahead is, I will always be by your side and face everything together."

A warm emotion surged in the heart of His Mysterious Highness. She knew that she was not alone. With a partner like Qin Yao by her side, she would be stronger.She held Qin Yao's hand tightly, feeling the support and warmth.

"Thank you, Qin Yao. With you by my side, I will be more confident and pursue my goal more firmly."

Qin Yao smiled and hugged His Highness Mysteriously gently. She knew that no matter what happened, she would always be by His Highness Mysterious's side, cheering her on and facing all challenges together.In this dark place, the hearts of the two are closely connected, and they will always walk side by side for the same goal.

The monster power of the Taoist clan cultivator continued to wreak havoc in Jiang Yifei's body, burning his meridians, muscles and bones like a scorching flame.Big drops of sweat oozed from his forehead, and his frown showed intense pain.

Pain spread all over his body, making his vision gradually blurred.He knew he couldn't stay here, he had to find ways to heal and heal.Jiang Yifei took a deep breath, forced himself to stay awake, then took a difficult step, and fled into the distance.

His movements seemed a little staggered, and every step seemed to cost a huge price.His breathing was rapid and erratic, his chest was aching, and the injury was obviously extremely serious.

Jiang Yifei knew that the most important thing right now was to save his life, he couldn't let himself be caught up here, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.He didn't dare to distract himself from feeling the pain in his body, so he could only grit his teeth and move forward.

As he fled, he desperately searched for a way to heal himself.His thoughts were chaotic, but he knew that what he needed most now was to find a safe place, and then perform careful healing and grooming to restore his state.

Jiang Yifei's pace gradually accelerated, and he felt the aura of the chasing monster clan getting closer, and he had to find a place of refuge before they arrived.His heart was beating wildly, and every beat brought severe pain, but he had to persevere, he couldn't give up here.

Amid the pain and sickness, Jiang Yifei's will remained firm.There was a tenacious light in his eyes, and he knew that only by surviving would he have the opportunity to find a way to heal his injuries and restore himself to his peak state.He didn't dare to stop, and he didn't dare to look back, he could only go forward bravely, looking for the hope of life.

Not long after, the Yaozu who were chasing after him had already caught up behind him. Although they were several miles away, the murderous intent seemed to be coming towards him.He didn't choose to look back, he moved forward with his eyes focused, his mind was serious, and his speed gradually increased.His steps became powerful and firm, as if he wanted to integrate himself into the night, becoming a flame-like existence.

His speed increased rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, he had become a streamer in the night sky, shining with a sharp aura.From the point of view of speed, these chasing monsters can never overtake him, but the problem is that he is seriously injured at the moment and his physical strength has been exhausted. More importantly, he is still carrying an unconscious person. A bag of soggy flour, so bulky that he could barely breathe.

Although there were many difficulties, Jiang Yifei did not waver in the slightest. He knew that now was a critical moment, and any hesitation might lead to failure.He gritted his teeth tightly, his expression was determined, and all his strength was concentrated in running.

The wind was howling, and the night was getting darker. His shadow cast a long arc on the ground.He seemed to be a galloping wind, disregarding his own life and death, just to protect that comatose figure.

The killing intent of the monster clan was gradually approaching, and they pursued them mercilessly, but Jiang Yifei had no intention of stopping at all.He could feel the threat from the monster race, but he had decided that no matter how much he paid, he would bring this comatose person to a safe place.

There was a firm light in his eyes, and his heart was full of determination.He knew that as long as he persevered and kept his speed, he might be able to get rid of the pursuit of these monsters, find a hidden place, heal his injuries, and then find a suitable opportunity to fight back.

No matter how dangerous the road ahead was, Jiang Yifei didn't flinch in the slightest. He locked his eyes firmly on the front and put all his strength into running.He knew that this chase was a contest between life and death, and he was determined not to let himself become a loser.

On the night when the wind was howling, a firm determination surged in Jiang Yifei's heart.He knew very well that if he could discard the unconscious person in his hand, it would be very difficult for the Yaozu to catch up with him.He can return to the garden where human practitioners gather, avoid the hunt of the demon clan, and then gradually launch a counterattack with his own strength and wisdom, uncover the conspiracy of the demon clan, and regain everything he lost.

His thoughts flashed quickly in a brief moment, he could imagine all kinds of possibilities, and he could see the scene of that future.However, he knew very well that he couldn't do this, he couldn't abandon this person in his hands.

Because he understood that the importance of this person far exceeded all his imagination.What she represents is not only his personal responsibility, but also the hope of all human practitioners.They need her, her strength and wisdom to resist the invasion of the monster race and maintain the dignity and survival of human practitioners.

There was a firm light in Jiang Yifei's eyes. He knew that he could not give up the hope of the entire race because of his personal desires.He must persevere, bring this comatose person to safety, find a cure for her, and then fight for his family and race.

His steps became more determined, without the slightest hesitation or wavering in his eyes.He understands that even if the road ahead is difficult, even if he is injured and tired, he cannot back down.He needs to be responsible for his own choice, as well as the future of all human practitioners.

So, no ifs.In his heart, there is no longer any hesitation or wavering, only firm determination and faith.He knows that only in this way can he really move towards victory.

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