Empress Lin Ance

Chapter 12 11 Between good brothers, what happened to the dressing change?

Chapter 12 11. Between good brothers, what happened to the dressing change?
"What's so great about that Yanqing? I didn't go there at the time. If I played, I would have defeated more tribes than him!"

"Bragging you, then you are not as good-looking as others."

"What's the use of looking good, Zhongyuan's little boy..."

Holding a good report in his hand, Mu Dan passed through the gossip of this group of people.

He shrugged and smiled, it seems that Yan Qing has a long way to go if he wants to win the trust of these people.

After entering the big tent, I found that Huyan Xingchi was preparing to change the medicine.

He happily threw the things in his hands on the table, "We sent people to harass him overnight, and Beihu was really ready to move. He thought we were going to attack him, and now he was so frightened that he gathered troops all night."

"It is estimated that Wang Ting will receive the news soon. I see that whoever dares to take your military power now, let them fight it themselves!"

Huyan Xingchi stopped his movements, "Be careful, don't really fight."

Mu Dan waved his hand, "Don't worry, let them withdraw after a while, but by the way... who came up with this bad move?"

Huyan Xingchi was about to speak, when suddenly there was a commotion outside the tent.

The two looked at each other and got up to leave the tent.

Outside the tent, there was a lot of applause and uproar.

"What's going on?" Mu Dan pushed away from the crowd, and followed Huyan Xingchi to the center of the crowd.

But see——

Four generals in the army, led by Tu Hechi, surrounded Chu Qingyan in groups—the kind of groups lying on the ground.

Chu Qingyan flicked her long hair, raised her hand and threw the braids on her chest behind her head, and raised her index and middle fingers at everyone——

"Waste time, let's go together."

The air was silent for a moment.

"Ah, he is so handsome!!"

"If you dare to look down on us, go up and go up, you must show him some color!!"

"Go on!!"

All of a sudden, there was a chorus of voices, and Huyan Xingchi and Mu Dan were directly submerged in the sea of ​​people.

Mu Dan was about to be squeezed into meatloaf, so he had no choice but to stick tightly to Huyan Xingchi, who was still safe, and shouted loudly: "Is Yan Qing crazy, and even singled out seven or eight generals in one go!"

Huyan Xingchi pushed him away in disgust, but his eyes were fixed on the people surrounded in the center without blinking, and the sweat on his forehead glistened.

Fist to the flesh, palm wind!
At this moment, he felt that his heart, which had been silent for a long time, also came alive, and he wished he could also play a hearty fight!
Chu Qingyan left the last person behind, also panting badly, her clothes were mostly wet, her figure was a little unstable, but her eyes were sharply staring at everyone, and she spoke arrogantly——

"Who else?!"

It's been a long time since she was so happy beating so many people solo in one go, or simply fighting in a hand-to-hand fight!
The air was silent again.

Everyone looked at her in disbelief, and the generals at her feet.

No one can believe that she just won?Won the best eight generals in the Sirius Division?
Also won so beautifully!
"Master Yan."

Tu Hechi got up from the ground, led all the generals, and saluted her fiercely.

"You won! Now that you have proved that you are stronger than everyone here, then I, Tuhechi, have convinced you!"

"Yes, I, Moore, too!"

"From now on, you will be the military advisor of our Sirius Division!"

After watching the whole scene, Mu Dan couldn't help clapping his hands, and he was excited for a while.



Facts have proved that showing off one's ability is fun for a while, and then the ground is lying on the ground afterwards.

Chu Qingyan managed to finish administering the medicine to herself, and was about to be lazy, when Mu Dan broke into the tent and took her to the big tent in Huyan Xingchi.

Huyan Xingchi handed her a letter.

Chu Qingyan unfolded it suspiciously, and after seeing the above content clearly, she looked slightly surprised, "Pei Hua is coming?"

"You can see clearly, Princess Yongping is offering a gift, and Huyan Sufeng brought her here." Mu Dan added.

"and then?"

Chu Qingyan looked at him inexplicably, and Mu Dan sighed angrily, "Huyan Sufeng has never stepped into our tent, who is he coming for this time, you still don't know?"

Chu Qingyan frowned, "Are you here for me? Just because I lied to him by pretending to be dumb?"

"Then who knows, he has always been neurotic, and he also likes men...you know this, right?" Mu Dan suddenly remembered that Yan Qing had hid in Su Feng's men's team before.

He had a gossipy face, and even Huyan Xingchi stared at her curiously.

She coughed uncomfortably, "I escaped from him only by pretending to be dumb."

"Ah...hahahaha!!" Mu Dan laughed so hard, "No wonder, I said how could he let you be so handsome, it seems that he is really wicked."

"The visitor is not kind, don't let your guard down." Huyan Xingchi felt that it was not that simple.

Mu Dan nodded, then turned around and slapped Chu Qingyan on the shoulder, "Brother, don't worry, I will never let Su Feng succeed!"

"Hiss—be gentle!" Chu Qingyan felt her shoulders were about to shatter.

"Oh, speaking of which, your black tiger trick today is really amazing! Teach me if you have time~ good brother?" Mu Dan poked at her.

Chu Qingyan brushed him away, "Wait until I recover from my injury."

Mu Dan curled his lips, "Your injury is not as serious as A Chi... yes! A Chi hasn't changed his dressing yet, since we are all good brothers, today you help him change his dressing, it's your right to make up for it!"

He had a righteous look on his face, and he did not forget to remind Chu Qingyan: "Although we are all good brothers, A Chi and I are the best friends. You two can't go past me."

"...Change, change the medicine?"

Chu Qingyan hasn't recovered yet.

"Yeah, they are all good brothers. Isn't it normal to change medicines for each other? What's wrong?" Mu Dan looked at her with big eyes blinking.

She turns around—

Huyan Xingchi raised his eyes, and also looked at her with big eyes blinking.

Chu Qingyan felt for a moment that she was the abnormal one.

"Hurry up and change, I still have a lot of things to do..." Mu Dan turned his head and made a big fuss.

She and Huyan Xingchi's big eyes met small eyes, and she squeezed her robe in embarrassment, "Well, you should be able to change it yourself, right?"

"No." Huyan Xingchi pursed his lips.

It was inconvenient, but it was possible, but he didn't want to say it.

"What about the wizard?"

"Just came back from the battle, the Sirius Master has many wounded, and the wizard is very busy."

"..." Then the military division is not busy?

Chu Qingyan gave in, and she slowly approached him until she moved to the side of his couch, "Take off your clothes."

"Why are you still stuttering?" Huyan Xingchi raised his eyes, and saw that her ears were red, he chuckled lightly, and pulled off the tunic and opened his outer robe cleanly.

Chu Qingyan didn't bother to pay attention to him, bent down and tore off his old gauze without looking at him.

Huyan Xingchi thought it was funny, seeing the furry head on his chest, he actually wanted to rub it.

The hands are also good-looking, with distinct roots and flawless white jade.

"Mu Dan is right, we are all brothers, it's normal to change dressings and take a bath, you don't have to be so heroic... Hiss, take it easy."

"Master Ye Hu's mouth is so poisonous, it seems that the injury is still too light."

Chu Qingyan deliberately played tricks, tightened the gauze, her wrist was suddenly pinched, she raised her head, and Huyan Xingchi was staring at her solemnly.

"You did it yourself, didn't you count it yourself?"

 Next episode preview:
  Good news: Sister Pei Hua is here!

  Bad news: Huyan Sufeng also came, and brought a beautiful slave given by the Khan.

(End of this chapter)

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