Empress Lin Ance

Chapter 125 Chapter 124 Assassinated!

Chapter 125 124. Assassinated!

As soon as the Minister of Justice lost his power, those who relied on him scattered like monkeys when the tree fell, and those civil and military officials who had opposed him or been bullied by him in the past spat at him and wished they could drown him.

In short, they believe that the sentences for such a serious crime as treason and treason have been too light so far.

Among them, Pei Huaizhai's retainers and guests were the most excited.

Those who were once at odds with him naturally took advantage of his misfortune, while those who were once on good terms with him cursed him even more, fearing that the charge of treason would be tainted on themselves.

"Your Majesty, Pei Huaizhi has evil ambitions. I never thought he would do such a treasonous thing. He is guilty of treason and collusion with the enemy and should be executed immediately!"

"Not only that, Your Majesty, all the people in his nine clans must be carefully investigated, and not a single spy can be let go!"

"I think it's better to kill them all, so as to avoid leaving some fish that slip through the net and bring disaster to our Dasheng!"

"That's right. For a scourge like treason, it's better to kill a whole group of people by mistake than to let one go!"

"I second the proposal..."

The King of Chu was extremely anxious and his face was as gloomy as water.

Normally, these good ministers of his could never reach a consensus.

But this time, because of Pei Huaizhai's fall from power, almost all the people, whether they hated and cursed him or wanted to take advantage of his misfortune, stood on the united front.

Now, the civil officials, led by Wang Taifu and Prime Minister Gao, used all the flowery words to exaggerate Pei Huaizhi's crimes;

The military officers were mainly General Xiahou, with Shen Yu as his assistant. If they were not in the court, all the generals would have been ready to roll up their arms and personally torture Pei Huaizhi to death.

If Emperor Chu did not understand the cause and effect of this, he would really have doubted when these people had secretly joined the same camp behind his back.

However, it was rare to see his subjects united in front and share the same hatred for the enemy...but at a time like this, he didn't know how to feel.

Everyone is cursing at him, and this is also a way to gain greater benefits for themselves, both overtly and covertly.

When the tree falls, the monkeys scatter; when the whale falls, all things come to life. Pei Huaizhi's success was almost over, and more than one or two officials were implicated and fell from power. Every radish has its own hole, and now that these radishes have been pulled out, new radishes need to be planted.

Who wouldn't want this opportunity?

"Gao Xiang, what do you think?"

The King of Chu really felt a headache after listening to this. He frowned and randomly pointed to someone to ask a question.

Prime Minister Gao, who was called, took a step forward. He walked out in a square step. Wearing the crimson official uniform at the moment, he looked particularly energetic. "Your Majesty, the crime of treason is different from other crimes. I suggest that Pei Huaizhi be executed and his entire clan be exterminated!"

Prime Minister Gao always spoke in a strict manner, and then he added, "The crime of treason is a crime that should punish all nine generations of the family! Moreover, no one knows how many other members of the Pei family were involved. Punishing all nine generations of the family is not only to strangle them, but also to serve as a warning to others!"

There were many people in the court who agreed with Prime Minister Gao.

Of course, everyone understood that the reason why the Emperor of Chu asked for their opinions was not to use them for reference, but to take this opportunity to test them.

Could it be possible that the King of Chu could really forgive a traitor who collaborated with the enemy and committed treason?
"What do you think, Master?"

This time, the King of Chu shifted his gaze to Tutor Wang, who had been holding the tablet and remained silent.

After being named, Wang Taifu naturally could not sit idly by. He was over fifty years old and his beard was white. He frowned and stepped forward, "Your Majesty, I think... Pei Huaizhi deserves to die, but the nine clans of the Pei family are so large that the spies who are enemies must not be let off, but there are also many innocent people. Should we conduct a detailed investigation..."

Well, the old lady’s compassionate nature has come back again.

Gao Xiang snorted coldly, almost inaudibly.

Everyone in the court was looking at each other, even the Taifu's disciples were watching with concern. At this time, who would dare to step forward and agree with the old Taifu's words?

How could he take the charge of treason and collusion with the enemy lightly? Didn't he see how dark your Majesty's face was? He actually dared to speak for the nine clans of the Pei family. Is Old Master Wang crazy?

"Oh... then according to what the old master said, my handling of the matter is still inappropriate?"

The King of Chu held his forehead with one hand, staring at the people in the hall with a gleam in his eyes.

Wang Taifu took another step forward, raised his tablet neither servile nor arrogant, and seemed to be ready to say "yes" once again. "I dare not, but Your Majesty is currently practicing benevolent governance, and I think..."

"I believe that these nine clans must be executed!"

Wang Taifu's words were abruptly interrupted. He frowned and looked back, only to see Xiahou Ling, dressed in a crimson purple official robe, with a frown on his face and speaking with certainty.

His lips trembled twice and he wanted to say something, but the other party didn't give him the chance to speak. Even His Majesty's attention was attracted by Xiahou Ling.


The King of Chu seemed quite interested. "General Xiahou, what do you mean by that?"

Xiahou Ling stood up and spoke to the King of Chu: "Collaboration with the enemy and treason is not only punishable by death, but also leads to countless disasters. If we don't kill one person to serve as a warning to others, I dare not imagine how many people will gamble on your majesty's benevolence and tolerance and take the chance to follow the Pei family in the future!"

"By then, the whole court will be in trouble. Wouldn't my entire Dasheng Empire be in jeopardy?!"

Every word she spoke was sonorous and powerful.

She glanced at Master Wang, and there was a hint of warning in her words. After this, although Master Wang had some objections, he had to agree with her.

Compared with the peace and stability of the entire Dasheng, the death of a few people is really not worth mentioning, let alone criminals.

"Hahaha! After all, what Lord Xiahou said is true. It takes a long time to think deeply about it!"

The frown on Emperor Chu's face had relaxed, and the gloom just now had disappeared.

After all, he was the one who conquered the country, and he cherished the hard-won peace even more. He always attached equal importance to civil and military affairs in governing the country, which was indeed correct.

These old, pretentious fellows are, after all, used to enjoying their comfort zone.

"My dear ministers, please think more and pay attention to everything. Although General Xiahou usually takes drastic measures, when it comes to the safety of the country, he is more thoughtful than me!"

This time, the King of Chu was really praising someone.

Of course, everyone understood the emperor's expression and echoed:
"General Xiahou is far-sighted, Your Majesty is wise!"

"I will teach you!"

Just as he was thinking of the generals, the King of Chu glanced at the group of generals and found that one was missing.

"Where is Shen Yu?"

Today's court session is of vital importance, and the secret letter of Pei Huaizhi's treason was brought back by him personally. The King of Chu does not think that he will take leave for this matter.

Just as he finished speaking, a young eunuch hurried in from outside the door, walked up to Li Zongguan who was standing beside the emperor, and whispered something to him.

Everyone below was shocked and confused.

But at the top, the emperor's face gradually darkened, and after a while, he looked down with a sneer.

"What a coincidence, today there is such an important matter to be discussed, and Shen Yu was assassinated!"


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