Empress Lin Ance

Chapter 127 126 Cold should be treated with hot springs

Chapter 127 126. Cold should be treated with hot springs
Time goes back to the grassland——

Chu Qingyan's mind was a little confused.

The words Shen Yu whispered in her ear before he left still echoed in her mind.

She couldn't believe that Huyan Xingchi liked men.

But Huyan Xingchi seemed to treat her a little differently.

For her sake, he risked his life to get the antidote and even delivered the secret letter to her personally... His inexplicable hostility towards Pei Huan and the strange atmosphere between him and Shen Yu.

But if it was Mu Dan, wouldn’t he do the same for him?


“…A Qing!”

Before Chu Qingyan could finish her thoughts, her curtain was torn open and Mu Dan rushed in from outside with a look of joy on his face.

"Don't stay here, let's go soak in the hot springs together! Ah Chi said that you should soak in a hot spring to get better faster for your cold!"

Chu Qingyan suddenly felt unwell.

"Who, who told you..."


Mu Dan replied as a matter of course, "Don't be fooled by his rough appearance. He actually knows a little about pharmacology. You can be right if you listen to him!"

As he was speaking, he stepped forward to pull Chu Qingyan. Chu Qingyan didn't know how to react for a moment and was caught by Mu Dan.

"I...I actually don't have a serious cold. There's no need to fight with you for the hot spring."

"Then you don't understand. It's the best time to take a bath. It will drive away the coldness in your body. This way, you won't catch a cold again!"

Mu Dan was fully aware of his own cleverness and wit. His head started moving, his eyes rolled around, and he pushed Chu Qingyan out of the tent.

As he pushed the person, he spoke earnestly, "Actually, Ah Chi cares about you a lot. Look, he tried to gain your trust, tricked you into giving him the antidote, and even sacrificed himself..."

Mu Dan wanted to help his good brother, but he didn't dare to say it too bluntly. After all, he didn't know what Yan Qing was thinking.

"I know, he truly treats me as a brother." Chu Qingyan said in a depressed tone, and was suddenly pushed by Mu Dan again.

You know what you know...

Mu Dan rolled his eyes behind him, not knowing how to start the conversation. What A Chi had done made him feel that he was in a difficult position and was not accepted by both sides.

By the way, if Ah Qing really knew that Ah Chi liked men and had other feelings for him...

Will nothing really happen?

Mu Dan considers these two people to be good brothers whom he does not want to lose.

"Mudan, stop pushing me. I really don't need to go... I'll just go back and drink some hot water."

"Come on, we're almost there, stop making excuses!" Mu Dan struggled for a few times in his mind, but he felt that his brother's happiness was more important, and he couldn't let him go back at this time.

Apart from the old Khan, Achi had no one caring about him since he was a child. After the old Khan passed away, no one cared about Achi anymore. He never had any desires, and was indifferent to everything except matters concerning the Tianlang Master.

Now he finally developed some desire, although the idea was a bit strange, it was really not easy... He felt it was worth it to fight for his brothers.

Chu Qingyan was so confused. Although she was fully equipped, if she really went into the hot spring and took the water, there was no guarantee that people would notice something.

How could she get into this water?

As the two of them pushed and shoved each other, Chu Qingyan spotted Yan Xiaoxuan not far away. Her eyes lit up, "Xiaoxuan!"

Not far away, Yan Xiaoxuan, who was carrying water towards Aunt Alishe's tent, was suddenly startled. He thought he had heard it wrong.

"...Young Master?"

The young master actually called him Xiao Xuan affectionately? ! She hadn't called her that in a long time...

Yan Xiaoxuan was a little bit overwhelmed, so he didn't understand what Chu Qingyan said to him the first time. "Ah? What did you say, Master!"

He was so excited that he seemed to be full of energy. Chu Qingyan had a bad feeling. "...I seemed to hear a voice just now. Did Taotie send a letter? I have to deal with it urgently..."

"Don't worry, sir!"

Yan Xiaoxuan shouted loudly and patted his chest confidently, "Absolutely not!"

"I have been keeping a close eye on the letters and will never miss any of them. Don't worry, sir!"


Chu Qingyan was confused by Yan Xiaoxuan's nervousness. Before she could react, Mu Dan continued to pull her out.

"Let's go, let's go. Why can't we come back to deal with the letter? It's just a hot spring bath. How much time can it waste..."

Yan Xiaoxuan was still in a trance. Chu Qingyan could see that he was not in the right state. Mu Dan's voice was not small, but Yan Xiaoxuan didn't even react when he heard that she was going to take a hot spring bath? !

Is he crazy?!
"Yan Xiaoxuan..."

"Oh stop yelling, let's go!"

Mu Dan was afraid that she would come up with some excuse, so he hurriedly pulled her away. Ah Qing thought faster than him, and he couldn't let Ah Qing lead him by the nose.

Yan Xiaoxuan, who was at the back, was still in a state of silly laughter. He happily carried water to Aunt Alishe's tent.


South bank of Luochuan.

On the vast prairie, covered in silver, there is a rare forest growing.

The forests were sparse in the winter, and Chu Qingyan had excellent eyesight. Before she even reached the hot spring, she seemed to have seen a figure.

Mu Dan held her tightly, and even though they had come this far, he still didn't let go.

"Okay, just get out of here. I'm already here. Can I still run away?"

Chu Qingyan shook his sleeves helplessly, and Mu Dan realized that he had been pulling his sleeves to prevent Ah Qing from escaping.

"Well, second brother, this is all for your own good. Come and soak in the hot spring to drive away the cold. If you had been obedient earlier, would we have to fight like this?"

Chu Qingyan smiled after hearing this and glanced at him with interest, "Great, you can use idioms now?"

"That's right!" Mu Dan heard her say that, and a bit of pride instantly appeared on his face, "I didn't want to learn it at first, but when you chat with A Chi, you have to say it after a few sentences, so I have to learn it..."

"But it was Princess Lin'an from your Central Plains who finally made me decide to learn it."

"Oh...ah?" Chu Qingyan was shocked.

Mu Dan was already talking to himself, "During that diplomatic mission, Princess Lin'an scolded people in a lot of ways. You don't know. I didn't have the courage to say anything at the time. Sometimes I couldn't understand her scolding in front of me. Looking back, I felt that I was at a disadvantage..."

"I can't think about it, I have to learn!"

"Even if it's just for the sake of meeting in the future, I'll still use some flowery words to tease her and make her speechless!"

"Ouch, I said an idiom again..."

Chu Qingyan felt very sad, but forget it, she didn’t want to say anything more.

When they got closer, Chu Qingyan could only see a single silhouette through the sparse trees. She was a little puzzled. "Mudan, didn't you say Tuhechi and the others were there too? Where are they?"

Probably because of the hot spring, the forest became somewhat warm. Mu Dan felt sweat on his forehead. He raised his hand to wipe it off, but he couldn't hide his guilty conscience when he spoke:
"There is more than one hot spring here. Maybe they are bathing in another pit!"

Just as he was talking about this, Mu Dan suddenly bent down and covered his stomach.

"Ouch... No, my stomach hurts a little. These are A-Chi's clothes. Go and give them to him first. Go quickly. A-Chi is still sick. Don't let him get cold..."

Peony, you are very brave!

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