Empress Lin Ance

Chapter 17 16 Is he crying?

Chapter 17 16. Is he crying?

A few days before the mission, Huyan Yili summoned Huyan Xingchi to the royal court alone, but it is unknown what he said.

It's just that after Huyan Xingchi came back, he seemed to be in a bad mood.

He locked himself in the tent for two days in a row, and he didn't release himself until someone visited on the third day.

"Qi Nalan? What is she doing here?" Mu Dan frowned.

"Is there any problem with her?" Chu Qingyan seemed to have heard of this person.

Mu Dan folded his arms and shook his head, "She's fine, it's Ata who has the problem."

"A Chi has been in a bad mood for the past two days. I'm afraid that old guy, Prime Minister Qi, will come to trouble him again."

Yes, Chu Qingyan remembered.

In "Sizhou Zhi", there is also a description of this person, Qi Nalan, the daughter of Prime Minister Qi, is a descendant of the combination of Central Plains people and grassland nobles.

Qi Chengxiang was a businessman in the Central Plains in his early years. After his hometown experienced a disaster, he fled to the grassland. He was favored by the noble lady of the Huyan tribe at that time, and finally stayed and became a guest minister in the grassland.

Step by step to where it is today.

His daughter, Qi Nalan, has a gentle character, noble and elegant, and is a well-known noble girl with both talent and beauty in the grassland, and is very sought after by people.

Speaking of which, Prime Minister Qi is a legend.

"He wants to win over Huyan Xingchi?"

Chu Qingyan opened her mouth inadvertently. She meant to ask, but she gave a definite meaning.

Mu Dan looked at her a little strangely, then smiled.

"Honestly, sometimes I really think you are very powerful, where do you see it?"

Prime Minister Qi intends to win over Huyan Xingchi. It is clear that no one has mentioned these words. Even if others know about it day by day, how does Yan Qing, a native of the Central Plains who has just arrived, know about it?

Chu Qingyan was momentarily at a loss for words, "I..."

"Forget it, you will know this sooner or later, anyway, you are one of us, it's better to be smarter."

Seeing that he relieved herself as a matter of course, Chu Qingyan laughed and said nothing.

The two of them watched Qi Nalan order the maid to wait, and walked into the large tent in Huyan Xingchi by themselves.

"Not to mention, Miss Nalan followed her Ata, she looks really good-looking." Mu Dan sighed in admiration.

"But she seems to have taken a fancy to your Chi."

Mu Dan looked back at her in horror, "You can see that too?"

Chu Qingyan smiled suddenly, hiding her achievements and fame.

After about half a stick of incense, Huyan Xingchi lifted the curtain and came out, with Qi Nalan following behind him.

There was only Mu Dan outside the tent, Huyan Xingchi glanced around and walked over.

"Where did Yan Qing go?"

"Let's practice martial arts. Recently, he has thought about a new formation for Tu Hechi and the others." Mu Dan replied.

Qi Nalan also came over, heard their conversation, and asked curiously: "Yanqing? Is that the warrior who won the tribals at the Kuliltai Conference?"

Mu Dan smiled back at her: "Exactly, he is amazing, he is a good brother of me and A Chi!"

Amused by his answer, Qi Nalan covered his face and smiled lightly, "It seems that he is as interesting as you, and I will definitely meet him when I get the chance."

On the contrary, Mu Dan was a little embarrassed by the words.

Huyan Xingchi looked as usual, turned around and said to Qi Nalan: "Miss Qi, I understand what you said, you can go back first, and I will go to Prime Minister Qi's tent to discuss in detail later."

Qi Nalan nodded, and left calmly without any reluctance.

Watching people leave, Huyan Xingchi's face slowly turned cold.

"Are you going to see Prime Minister Qi?"

Huyan Xingchi nodded, his eyes were cold but clear, "The way ahead is unclear, we must hold him steady."

Mu Dan nodded resolutely, "I'll accompany you!"

"No need." Huyan Xingchi glanced at him and refused mercilessly.

"Yan Qing follow me."

After Huyan Xingchi finished speaking, he lifted his feet and left. Mu Dan frowned and followed, "Hey, I'm your best brother. You two are not allowed to carry me behind your back..."



The grassland is vast and the water and grass are lush.

Huyan Xingchi traveled in plain clothes and did not bring any guards with him. There were only two people and two riders on this trip.

Huyan Xingchi had a plain face, and Chu Qingyan didn't ask anything, the two of them galloped all the way, feeling the wind blowing by their ears.

In the evening, I arrived at the prime minister's tent.

Chu Qingyan noticed from a distance that Prime Minister Qi was actually guarding outside the territory in person, and when he saw them, he immediately came up to meet them.

"Lord Ye Hu, I have been waiting for a long time. When you come, I feel that the humble house is full of splendor!"

Prime Minister Qi warmly entertained them, and after the two were brought into the big tent, only Qi Nalan was left as a companion, and the rest were sent away.

Chu Qingyan followed Huyan Xingchi, and Prime Minister Qi noticed her at a glance, and he said after deliberating, "Ye Hu, this..."

This is obviously to throw her out too.

Unexpectedly, Huyan Xingchi put down the teacup, his eyes were burning, "Master Prime Minister, this is mine."

The implication is that he is not qualified to drive people out yet.

Prime Minister Qi naturally understood, he nodded knowingly, and led everyone to sit down, the table was already full of dishes, very rich.

"Nalan, pour wine for Chi Yehu."

When Prime Minister Qi spoke, Qi Nalan nodded obediently, got up and poured a glass of wine for Huyan Xingchi.

Chu Qingyan looked at the full wine glass in front of her, then at the wine glass that had just been filled by Huyan Xingchi, and frowned.

Huyan Xingchi seemed unaware.

"Chi Yehu, you will lead the army to Dasheng as an envoy in a few days. I specially invite you to come here today. I think you should understand what I mean."

Prime Minister Qi smiled and spoke vaguely.

Huyan Xingchi raised his eyes and looked over, and never shied away from his temptation, "I don't know, how many such intentions did the Prime Minister send?"

As cunning as Prime Minister Qi, who knows how many companies he has won over?
Maybe, Huyan Xingchi, Huyan Sufeng, and Huyan Gujin are just one of his pawns.

Chu Qingyan silently watched the back and forth between the two of them.

After being silent for a while, Prime Minister Qi suddenly laughed, "Hahaha, Chi Yehu really knows how to joke. What should I think it is? It turns out that Ye Hu is worried about me."

"Then I might as well tell you that no matter how many wishes I send, I only have one Nalan."

As soon as the words fell, Qi Nalan's face turned red instantly, she was sitting by the side, but it was hard to hide the shyness in her eyes.

Obviously, Qi Nalan likes Huyan Xingchi.

This is Prime Minister Qi's best questioning stone.

Sure enough, Huyan Xingchi smiled. He looked at Qi Nalan at the side with a much more relaxed expression, "If this is the sincerity of the prime minister, I seem to..."

Prime Minister Qi stared at him closely.

"There is no reason to refuse." Huyan Xingchi said the last half of the sentence.

"Hahahaha! Good! Good!!"

Prime Minister Qi was very happy and applauded again and again, "Sure enough, I saw the right person, Chi Yehu, why not drink this cup together today!"

He raised his glass to invite, and Huyan Xingchi was also in good spirits. He raised his glass, but there was a burst of enthusiasm from under the table.

He lowered his eyes, lightly shook the hand under the table, and let go.

He raised his eyes and drank it all in one gulp.

Chu Qingyan withdrew her hand. For some reason, she felt very depressed.

Huyan Xingchi was clearly smiling, but she seemed to have seen it...

He is crying.

 This is a two-way redemption story.

  The boyhood of the male protagonist was actually very difficult... let’s not talk about it, let’s look at it later~
  Next episode preview: Ready to go!
(End of this chapter)

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