Empress Lin Ance

Chapter 27 26 Surprised by an old friend?

"You two, don't carry me behind your back!"

Mu Dan boarded Yun Qingchen's boat, his heart was still tied to the two people on this side, and he was sulking on the other boat with his arms around his shoulders.

On the other boat, Yun Yudai also stared angrily at this side. She even lowered her head to invite Huyan Xingchi, but he actually ran to be on the same boat with a man.

Feeling suffocated by the stare, Chu Qingyan simply turned around and looked at the vendors on the bank.

"You grew up in Chang'an, there should be many relatives and friends of yours here, right?"

Huyan Xingchi sat next to her and chatted.

Chu Qingyan shook her head subconsciously, looking at the street vendors on the shore in a daze, "No, I run around a lot outside, in fact, I haven't been in Chang'an for a long time."

"At home... there are many brothers and sisters, and there is no shortage of me, so I don't have time to make friends."

Huyan Xingchi pursed his lips, and lay lazily on the side of the boat, "You've been out for so long, don't you plan to go back and have a look?"

"Forget it, they wish I wouldn't go back." Chu Qingyan chuckled, but there was no smile in her eyes.

It seems that Yan Qing's relationship with his family is not good. Judging by his clothes and speech, he looks like a child of a big family, and it seems normal for brothers and sisters in a big family to be at odds.

Huyan Xingchi didn't ask any more questions, and the two of them chatted about other things one after another, and walked around half of Chang'an City.


After everyone disembarked, Mu Dan couldn't wait to run back.

The crown prince Yunzhao was still too polite to others, but every word seemed to have something in it, and he couldn't stand it.

To Chu Qingyan's surprise, Huyan Xingchi greeted the two of them as soon as they got off the boat and wanted to leave.

Mu Dan pulled her to walk in the opposite direction.

She wondered, "Where is he going?"

"Let's play martial arts, he has agreed with that General Shen to have a martial arts competition." Mu Dan replied indifferently.

Chu Qingyan was puzzled, "Shen Yu?"

"That's right, it's your hussars general. During the last banquet in the palace, they both intentionally made gestures."

Mu Dan stood in front of a small stall, looking at all kinds of strange gadgets he was wearing, and gesticulating with a bunch of hairpin sachets.

Chu Qingyan felt a little uncertain in her heart.

Huyan Xingchi is not a combative person, why did he suddenly want to compete with Shen Yu, but Shen Yu actually agreed?

She knew the real purpose of Huyan Xingchi's mission to Chang'an, if she asked him to go to the martial arts field and saw the training of Dasheng's generals, wouldn't she let the wolf fall into the sheep's nest?

What did Shen Yu think...

No, she has to go and see.

"Mu Dan, I still have something to do—"

The moment Chu Qingyan turned around, she was knocked sideways by a young man before she finished speaking!

She steadied herself so that she would not be knocked to the ground.

"Ah! I'm sorry..."

Seeing that she was fine, the young man hurriedly apologized, and then hurriedly disappeared into the crowd.

Chu Qingyan felt something was wrong, almost subconsciously, she hurriedly raised her head and looked in the direction where the young man disappeared, but the young man had disappeared without a trace...

In the crowd, she saw another figure!
It was a tall and straight figure from the back. The man was wearing a black robe, with long hair hanging down to his waist, overlapping with the weak figure in memory...

But the moment she looked over, it disappeared again!

Familiar, yet unfamiliar.

Chu Qingyan's face turned pale in an instant, and she staggered after two steps, panicking in a hurry.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

In the end, he was squeezed back by the crowd!
Gone, that back figure is gone, as if it was a phantom that appeared when she was unconscious.

Mu Dan turned around and found that she was gone, but not far away saw Chu Qingyan who was in a daze, and he hurriedly chased after her.

"Ah Qing, what are you doing? Are you uncomfortable? Why is your face so pale?"

Mu Dan was a little worried, he had never seen Yan Qing in such a trance, his face was a little pale.

Chu Qingyan turned her head and grabbed him, "Did you see that there...was a man there just now?"


Mu Dan looked in the direction she pointed, and saw that there were many men, which one was he talking about?
"Ah Qing, are you experiencing hallucinations due to heat stroke?" Mu Dan didn't answer her, Chu Qingyan finally calmed down after being absent-minded for a while.

She squeezed the space between her eyebrows, then waved her hand, "Maybe, I have something else to do, so I'll go back first, you should come back earlier."

She bid farewell to Mu Dan, and left feeling restless.


On the other side, the restaurant.

The two young people got together and watched Chu Qingyan walk out of the street step by step.

One of them was the young man who bumped into Chu Qingyan just now. He touched his chin, "Did I be too aggressive just now? She seems to have noticed something."

"What are you talking about! You are so fat, you broke her, you go to ask the Pavilion Master for your sins!" Another young man punched him.

The fat young man rubbed his head, "Probably not, but why did the pavilion master let us stare at her?"

"Then who knows, the needle in the bottom of the Pavilion Master's heart."



After leaving with Mu Dan, Chu Qingyan gradually calmed down.

She must have misread just now. How could a person who was declared dead eight years ago still be alive?

With this in mind, she turned around and left the Sifang Pavilion again, planning to go to the martial arts field in the east of the city to have a look.

East of the city.

All the soldiers of the hussar battalion gathered together, they circled around and watched the two people on the field with great interest.

Shen Yu held a spear in his hand, and looked at Huyan Xingchi opposite with burning eyes.

"I've heard about Ye Hu's name for a long time, and I'm lucky enough to fight today, so please give me your advice!"

Huyan Xingchi walked to the weapon rack, raised his foot and hooked it, and a long knife fell into his hand.

He raised his knife and pointed towards it, "General Shen's carbine return is a must. I, Huyan Xingchi, have long wanted to ask for advice!"

After the words fell, the two collided together!

Chu Qingyan came here in men's clothing.

The soldiers of the Hussar Battalion had never seen her before, so they probably wouldn't have recognized her, but Shen Yu recognized her the first time he saw her.

When she came, the martial arts arena had already calmed down. It seemed that the martial arts competition was over, and the atmosphere between the two seemed to be quite good.

"Ah... Qing."

Shen Yu saw her not far away, and said in surprise, but he almost called her by the wrong name.

In Chu Qingyan's letter to him that night, she explained some of her basic situation in the grassland. She would inevitably meet some acquaintances in Chang'an, just for fear that Shen Yu would be betrayed when she saw her.

Huyan Xingchi obviously didn't expect the two to know each other, he looked at Yan Qing with some surprise, "Didn't you say that you have no friends in Chang'an?"

After saying that, he didn't look at Chu Qingyan, and stood aside with a cold face.

Shen Yu had a hurt expression on his face, "Ah Qing, is what he said true?"

Chu Qingyan was swayed by Huyan Xingchi, she sneered and punched Shen Yu, "What nonsense are you talking about, aren't we brothers?"

Oh hoo, who is that person?

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