Empress Lin Ance

Chapter 63 62 I Believe in You

Chapter 63 62. I Believe You

The matter involving Huyan Xingchi colluding with Dasheng and intending to rebel is purely framed.

The demon girl of the Central Plains deliberately slandered, and the prime minister Qi Rong was deceived by the witch, and ordered him to contemplate behind closed doors for three months, and was not allowed to go out without Khan's order.

Ye Hu big tent.

Mu Dan was so angry that he wanted to rush into the prime minister's tent with a knife, "It's ridiculous! Khan just exposed this matter like this?!"

"That old man Qi Rong, he framed us and almost killed us all, but he was only banned for three months. I think Khan is also in cahoots with him!"

"Mu Dan, there are some things you can't say nonsense." Chu Qingyan opened the curtain and walked in.

Seeing her coming in, Mu Dan was even more annoyed, "Tell me what to do, haven't you seen how those people treat A Chi, they dare to strangle A Chi to death!"

"If you weren't there that day, they might have already succeeded!"

Chu Qingyan sighed, stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, and said with a broken smile, "I said you think our eldest brother is too weak, even if I didn't make a move that day..."

She turned her eyebrows and looked at Huyan Xingchi at the side, "A Chi will beat them all up too, am I right?"

The pen in Huyan Xingchi's hand trembled and dropped a drop of ink.

What did he just... call him?
"Ah Qing, even if you are right, so what if I scold them a few words, Qi Rong, that shameless old man, and that big Khan who can blink but can't look!"

Mu Dan felt scolded, and felt more than a little bit better.

Back on his own territory, this tent is full of their people, so naturally he doesn't have to restrain himself.

"Yes, yes, you are right, but you have missed one curse." Chu Qingyan pursed her lips, her eyes brightened.

Huyan Xingchi's heart sank, his eyes turned cold, "Huyan Gujin."

Chu Qingyan chuckled, it seemed that he had seen the crux of the matter, what she said just now was not a lie, Huyan Xingchi was fully capable of protecting himself even in such a critical situation.

She had heard that the most famous stunt of Huyan Xingchi was called Xing Luo Needle.

There are countless stars scattered all over the sky.

Although the name sounds nice, it is a poisonous needle hidden weapon that seals the throat with blood. If she didn't make a move that day, those people would all be scattered and would not be able to escape death.

"Huyan Gujin? Yes, I remembered." Mu Dan hammered his palm, "It was he who begged Khan for that old man that day!"

He was still wondering, normally the eldest prince didn't care about these things, why did he suddenly intercede for the prime minister?
"Achi, what do you mean, he also had a part in framing us? Does he have such a brain?"

Huyan Xingchi closed his eyes, "It can't be wrong."

"Qi Rong was rejected by me, and Su Feng didn't want to see him, so there was only one person left for him."

Chu Qingyan nodded, "Khan's successor is nothing more than among the three of them, aside from this point, Achi holds a large army and wins the hearts of the people, Su Feng...he is cunning and arrogant, and he doesn't want to Controlled."

"If I were Qi Rong, after being shut out twice in a row, I would definitely find someone easy to control, and even you think Huyan Gujin has no brains, would Qi Rong not think of it?"

Mu Dan opened his mouth, but he didn't say a word, these people were ruthless one by one.

Huyan Xingchi also darkened his face.

This battle for the title kicked off as early as when he returned from victory.

The civil war has depleted the country's power, and the tribes in the grassland are eyeing each other. If this battle for the throne is not ended as soon as possible, the future of the Huyan tribe will be worrying.

"Ah Qing, the agreement between you and me may not last for three years, one year is enough."

Chu Qingyan was slightly taken aback.

What he said was that within this year, he would seize the position of Khan and let her and Pei Hua leave the grassland?


The sun is setting in the western mountains, and the sky is full of rosy clouds.

The members of the Heavenly Wolf Division had just been released, and the people in the tent had just been released from prison. In the past, there were laughter and laughter in the evening, but the atmosphere in the entire tent was depressed at this time.

In the big tent, from nowhere, there was a burst of crisp flute sound.

Yan Xiaoxuan put down the bucket in his hand, and pricked up his ears wonderingly, "What's on the princess' mind? Why is she playing the flute again?"

Behind him, Yan Xiaobai followed up with another bucket of water, and just chuckled when he heard this.

"You still don't admit that you are staying. There is no worry in the sound of the princess's flute. I only hear joy and encouragement."

"Just you understand?!" Yan Xiaoxuan glared at him.

Xiaobai sighed helplessly, "You don't understand the rhythm, so naturally you don't understand the meaning of this song."

The princess's joy and encouragement were blown to the people in the big tent, right?
Suddenly, before the sound of the flute fell, another sound of the piano sounded.

The sound of the piano is far away, more desolate than the sound of the flute.

"This is, Chi Yehu?" Yan Xiaoxuan suddenly realized and nodded, "You don't need to say it this time, it must be joy and encouragement again, right?"

Yan Xiaobai glanced at him, then shook his head with a broken smile.

He put away his thoughts and continued to walk forward with the water, "Hurry up, Aunt Alysé is still waiting for water to bathe her little granddaughter!"

Seeing that he didn't answer, Yan Xiaoxuan felt that he couldn't talk to him, so he raised two buckets of water with a stern face, followed him angrily, and then overtook him...

Xiaobai shook his head helplessly.

At this moment, in the big tent, the Tianxing Terrace.

Chu Qingyan put down the jade flute on her lips, turned around and saw Huyan Xingchi not far away, she had a face of disapproval, she folded her arms and shook her head.

"The sound of your piano is too sad, it spoils the scenery."

"You came to my door to play the flute. I didn't blame you for disturbing the people, but you blamed me for spoiling the scenery instead?"

Huyan Xingchi smiled, put the Langtouqin aside, got up and walked towards her.

The cold eyebrows and eyes in the past are now full of smiles.

"Ah Qing, do you think I can really settle down within this year?"

Chu Qingyan was not surprised that Huyan Xingchi was troubled like this.

Huyan Xingchi is excellent, and the grassland people admire him, but Huyan Sufeng also wins the hearts of the people, and his strategy is extraordinary.

The eldest prince doesn't look as good as the two, but he is backed by the great backing of Ke Dun's mother clan, and now he has the help of the Prime Minister of the Grassland, and he has personally led the wolf camp to victory.

Chu Qingyan held the jade flute behind her, eyes full of arrogance, "Soldiers come to cover you with water and earth, I will do my best to help you, there is nothing I, Yan Qing, can't do."

Huyan Xingchi smiled, and the haze swept over most of his heart, "Actually, I still have a question, that waist card..."

"Oh, tell me about the piece on Xiang's body." Chu Qingyan lowered her eyes naturally, and then raised her head suddenly.

"Nature is inherently false."

"Is it fake..." Huyan Xingchi paused, and felt that there was no need to think about it any further. He just looked at the winding mountains in the distance under the cover of the moonlight.

"I believe you."

Just at this time, I hope that the green mountains will not change, and the green water will flow forever.

(End of this chapter)

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