Empress Lin Ance

Chapter 74 73 This is her life!

Chapter 74 73. This is her fate!
Shen Yu's worry was absolutely right, the prairie traitor's suspicion of the candidate had already fallen on Chu Qingyan's head.


Outside Shangshu Mansion, Chu Qingyan looked at the three large characters on the plaque in front of the door, and thought of something.

Pei Huaizhi has been trapped in the mansion for six or seven days, but the Dali Temple can't find any evidence of his collusion with the grassland, or even evidence of false edicts.

The doorman looked at her for a long time, and finally someone recognized her, and stepped forward, "But Princess Lin'an is here, I'll go and report—"

"No need, I will go see him myself."

Chu Qingyan waved her hand, and stepped straight into the gate of Shangshu Mansion.

The doormen looked at each other a few times, but no one dared to be troublesome, so they had to ask someone to report to the housekeeper.

Every plant, every tree, every flower and every pavilion in Shangshu Mansion are no strangers to her. She used to visit here often when Pei Hua was still there.

Someone in the mansion saw her and wanted to take her to see Master Shangshu, so Chu Qingyan asked Pei Huaizhi's location, and refused them to lead the way.

Knowing the way, she found Pei Huaizhi's study.


In the study room, Pei Huaizhi heard the familiar sound of the door opening, he frowned, finished writing the last word, and put down the pen in his hand.

"Old Lin, how many times have I told you that the door of this study should be repaired, why haven't you..."

"your Highness?"

He looked up and saw Chu Qingyan outside the door with a look of astonishment.

Chu Qingyan raised her skirt and walked in with a smile, "Master Pei seems surprised to see me?"

With a graceful figure, she randomly found a place below and sat down.

However, Pei Huaizhi hurriedly got up and saluted Chu Qingyan, "Princess is here, I am supposed to treat you well, why don't you go to the front hall and prepare the food and drinks..."

"My lord, it's not the princess who came today, but Pei Hua's sister."

Pei Huaizhi still wanted to pretend to be confused, so he smiled coyly, "A ruler is a ruler, and a minister is a minister. No matter what your status is, the etiquette of a ruler and a minister must not be violated."

No oil and salt.

Chu Qingyan sneered, "What a courtesy of a monarch and minister, since that's the case, you should tell me everything, do you really want me to treat you with the courtesy of a monarch and minister?"

In an instant, her aura was fully activated, releasing all her deterrent power against Pei Huaizhi.

"In that case, let me ask you, what are you thinking about sending Pei Hua to the grassland to get married?"

"Pei Hua is your biological daughter, you really don't feel guilty about using her?"

"If there is a chance to save her, will you save her?!"

Pei Huaizhi was a little dazed by her repeated questions, but she remained calm on his face.

"Princess, Hua'er voluntarily went to marry for you. As her father, I naturally respect her wishes. What does this have to do with taking advantage of her?"

He spoke righteously, even a little angry, as if he had been wronged by her.

"It's good to respect her wishes, Pei Shangshu, you haven't answered my last question." Chu Qingyan stared at him firmly, "If there is a chance to save her, will you save her?!"

Her eyes were cold, staring at him deeply, Pei Huaizhi never avoided her gaze, and went up to him——

"It can't be saved!"

"This is her life!"

Clap——! !

Chu Qingyan suddenly dropped the teacup on the ground, her face flushed, she was completely out of breath.

Seeing this, Pei Huaizhi directly bowed and lowered his head, not even daring to look at her again.

"What is her fate? This is clearly the fate you imposed on her!"

She stood up, sneered at Pei Huaizhi and said, "Master Pei is indeed cold-blooded enough, it's useless for me to risk my life and sneak into Su Feng's tent."

"The grassland is full of crises. As an outsider, I can do this, but you, as her biological father, don't care about her safety. It's really chilling for Pei Hua to have a father like you!"


Chu Qingyan snorted coldly, the flames in her eyes seemed to burst out, she flung her sleeves away and broke through the door.

Seeing her coming out, the butler servants outside the door knelt on the ground as if they were frightened, and shouted:

"Princess calm down!!"

Chu Qingyan snorted coldly, flung her sleeves and left.

In the study, Pei Huaizhi put down his hands and slowly straightened up, but a smile slowly appeared on his face.

"Su Feng?"

No wonder the news he released was useless, it turned out that she was not under the tent of Huyan Xingchi, but ran to Huyan Sufeng.

Princess, princess, no matter how many tricks you have, you still lose your age. One day you have to understand——Ginger is still old!

Coming out of Shangshu Mansion, Chu Qingyan went directly into the palace.

Dali Temple can't produce any evidence. In two months at most, Pei Huaizhi's confinement will be lifted. He has many disciples in the court, and it will only be a matter of time before the official returns to his post.

I don't know how much Pei Huaizhi will believe what she said in Shangshufu, but at least it can confuse his sight.

It is really helpless to lie to him today.

She can only take such a risk.

In the imperial garden, a group of noble ladies were admiring the flowers and feeding the fish, when they suddenly caught a glimpse of her figure.

"Isn't that Princess Lin'an?"

"I heard that Princess Lin'an recently edited the Grassland, which relieved Dasheng's urgent need. My father asked me to learn from her!"

When Chu Rao turned around, she saw that unlucky thing coming towards her. She couldn't get angry, she put down the red flower in her hand and shouted: "Hey."

Not far away, Chu Qingyan heard her movement, turned her head to look over, and a group of noble ladies saluted her together: "I have met Princess Lin'an, Princess Wanfu Jin'an!"

Chu Qingyan raised her hand, the girls stood up, she looked at Chu Rao, "What's the matter?"

"I'm fine, but what are you going to do? Do you want to harass my brother Huang again? Are you annoying?"

It's fine for the emperor father and the emperor's grandmother to favor her, but Chu Rao hates her prince's elder brother favoring her more than her own sister!
Chu Qingyan sighed, and looked at the idiot speechlessly, "You can't tell the difference between the harem and the east palace?"

"Teacher has taught so many people, why is it that you don't know the direction?"


After asking twice in a row, Chu Rao was stunned and speechless. This was clearly a scolding for her blindness. A lady beside her couldn't help laughing secretly. She became furious and stomped her feet angrily.

"You wait, father can't cure you, someone will be able to cure you, I'm going to tell the emperor's grandmother!"

"Princess Anyang, Princess Lin'an shouldn't have any other meaning, she's just explaining to you..."

"That's right, Princess Yong'an is just speaking out, without any malice."

The aristocratic ladies could see the way in which it happened. Princess Lin'an probably didn't pay attention to Princess Anyang at all, but Princess Anyang insisted on it...

"No, today I have to ask Grandmother to treat her!"

Chu Rao is really angry, everyone is a princess, why is Chu Qingyan more noble than her?

Cining Palace.

Chu Qingyan collected her expression, and stepped into the palace calmly.

"Queen, you have been embroidering for such a long time, take a rest..."

By the window, the Empress Dowager was squinting her eyes and threading. There was an embroidery frame in front of her.

(End of this chapter)

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