Empress Lin Ance

Chapter 90 89 Qi Rong's downfall!

into the night.

In the prime minister's tent.

Qi Rong was drinking wine happily, and called a few dancers to come up and drink and have fun in the warm and peaceful tent.

"Congratulations, Mr. Xiang, as soon as today is over, the whereabouts of this grassland will be in your hands."

The housekeeper stepped forward to pour wine for him, and complimented him very well, Qi Rong really enjoyed it, but he didn't forget about it.

"The person who was sent out, is he coming back soon?"

The butler counted the time, nodded at him, and then listened to him, "At most half an hour, the royal court will definitely be in chaos. As long as the news of the man's death in the grassland spreads, the two countries will definitely go to war."

Qi Rong seemed to be in a good mood, and looked around, but did not see Qi Nalan.

His face changed slightly, "Where is Miss?"

"My lord, Miss said she is not feeling well and is resting in the tent." A maid answered.

Qi Rong heaved a sigh of relief, his face showed a hint of displeasure, all of this was noticed by the housekeeper at the side, and the housekeeper stepped forward to comfort him.

"Miss is just fascinated by that person. Once we gain power and that person collapses, Miss will definitely not look at him again. At that time, how many men are there for her to choose from? What will that person do?"

Qi Rong was obviously comforted, he put the wine cup on the table, and sighed helplessly: "Madam left early, I only have Nalan's daughter under my knee, this girl is spoiled."

Hearing this, the housekeeper's eyes moved, "Master Xiang, you are now in your prime, as long as you have the heart, why worry about having no heirs."


Qi Rong didn't show any expression, his expression was just indifferent, as if he didn't hear this sentence.

However, even though he wanted to kill that Princess Lin'an, he was really curious about the well-known Princess Dasheng.

If possible, he would really like to sit down with her and have a talk, to understand what she failed to do back then, and how she single-handedly facilitated the trade.

But in the royal court that day, if she wasn't good at disguising, then she was really a little careless. I think the rumors about her were a bit exaggerated.

The singing and dancing was peaceful for a while, but there was still no movement, Qi Rong faintly felt something was wrong, he got up and waved away the crowd.

"What time is it?"

"Master Xiang... the time of Hai has passed."

Not only Qi Rong, but also the housekeeper was sweating, but he didn't dare to wipe it off, he just prayed in his heart that everything would go well.

He is still clear about the truth that one prospers all prospers and one loses all losses. If the operation fails tonight, what happened to the prime minister...he must die first.

"Something's wrong." The bad premonition in Qi Rong's heart had reached its peak, he got up and wanted to lift the curtain——

"Don't move, don't move!"

In the originally empty big tent, dozens of guards with knives poured in instantly. The butler's legs softened and he collapsed on the ground in a hurry!
Qi Rong looked directly at the people who broke in, his eyes fixed, and his expression was stern, "What are you doing? You broke into my prime minister's tent in the middle of the night, are you trying to rebel?!"

"What's the rush, Mr. Xiang?"

A voice came from behind, and the guards took the initiative to move out of the way, and a rough man with a big knife came forward, "Master... No, Qi Rong, you colluded with Dasheng, intending to plot rebellion, killing Princess Lin'an, and trying to stir up trouble." The war between the two countries has all the witnesses and material evidence, but what is there to argue?"

Princess Lin'an was killed? !

But he lost?He actually lost! !
Qi Rong barely caught his breath, he looked at the rough man, his lips were white and trembling: "Murza Ratti, you know... I was wronged."

There seemed to be something in his eyes, and there was something else in the words, but Lati sneered, "It seems that there is nothing to say, take it away!"

Qi Rong didn't give up, the guard wanted to step forward to arrest him, but he brushed him away with a sneer, and took the initiative to walk in front of Lati with a sneer.

"General Rahti, if you don't have such a thing as physical evidence, you can have it if you don't have it..."

"Your Murcha family can't help me. You are the mother family of the eldest prince, and I belong to the eldest prince. If you are prosperous, you must protect me."

After he finished his two sentences, he was full of confidence, because he knew that there was no room for turning around. It was not that he had never used this method before. As long as the so-called witnesses and physical evidence were removed, even if the gods came, they would not even think about accusing him!

But he seemed to have miscalculated, Lati shook his head slowly, stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder.

"Master Xiang, it's not that I won't help you, it's just the witness this time, but even I can't do anything."


Qi Rong was dragged back to the royal court for trial that night!
And just as he was pushed into the king's tent and knelt in front of the Great Khan, he found that almost everyone was there!

When he turned his head, he could see that Huyan Xingchi was sitting bored, and even nodded when he saw him.

Huyan Yili sat at the head, his face was gloomy and he didn't say a word.

Qi Rong's heart froze, and he immediately knelt on the ground, "Great Khan, I've been wronged!!"

"I have never done anything harmful to the Huyan tribe. I have only colluded with the enemy country, intending to rebel, and the attempt to start a war is even more false! It is pure slander!!"

"Khan, you must trust me!"

Above, Huyan Yili snorted coldly, clapped his hands and waved, "Ben Khan also wants to know if it is slander, why don't you confront your witness?"

It didn't take Qi Rong to react, the moment the curtain was lifted, footsteps sounded behind him, Qi Rong seemed to be hit in the soul instantly.

He didn't even look back, just hearing the sound of footsteps, he couldn't help being in a trance for a while, and almost collapsed to the ground!
Until the man knelt next to him, trembling every word when he spoke, instantly pulled back his thoughts.

"My daughter, Qi Nalan, reported that my father, the prime minister, Qi Rong, colluded with the enemy country, intending to harm the princess and provoke a war between the two countries... This is evidence of a crime!"

She held the thing in her hand high above her head, her body was trembling uncontrollably, and she was also on the verge of falling. When someone took the thing in her hand, she couldn't help closing her eyes.

Tears slowly rolled down the corner of her eyes.

The physical evidence is nothing but the letters between him and his friend from the Central Plains. Even if he was beaten to death, he never thought that the person who personally sent him to the court for guilt was actually his own daughter!

Great Khan threw the letter in his hand to the bottom, just a few steps away from Qi Rong, "Qi Rong, Ben Khan didn't expect you to be so ambitious, what else do you have to say?!"

When the evidence was thrown down the hall, Qi Rong had a calm expression on his face, no longer flustered as before.

"Great Khan, I'm all for the Huyan tribe. This letter alone can't explain anything. At most, I know that Princess Lin'an has come to the grassland, and I don't have any intention of murder!"

He couldn't be more clear about what was written in this letter!

Without physical evidence, no amount of identification would be futile, but he would never have imagined that the one who came to identify him as evidence of his guilt was his daughter, whom he had loved since childhood!

On the side, Huyan Xingchi sneered.

"Prime Minister, since you are so convincing, why don't you meet Princess Lin'an who was killed by you?"


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