"You killed him?!"

Mu Dan couldn't believe that Ah Qing, who was let go by A Chidu, dared to do something under Khan's nose?
"Damn him."

Chu Qingyan didn't explain too much, glanced at the person who was still sleeping on the couch, and frowned slightly, "How long has he been asleep?"

"Sleeping? You should ask me how long he has been in a coma. He hasn't woken up since he came out of Wang Ting. The doctor said he was out of breath and prescribed some medicine."

Mu Dan's complexion was not very good either. He and A Chi had been by Old Khan's side since he was a child, and Old Khan treated him like his own son, but he hadn't even seen the last side of Old Khan. Take revenge for him with your own hands.

What he didn't expect was that... the real culprit behind the scenes was actually the current Khan, Huyan Yili!
If he is still like this, A Chi must feel so uncomfortable.

"Go to sleep, there is not much time."

Chu Qingyan turned her gaze back, her expression cold and helpless, "When he wakes up, everything on this grassland will be reshuffled!"

Mu Dan opened his mouth, but in the end he couldn't say anything. These days, he found that...

I don't know when it started, no, it should be that Ah Qing got drunk that night on a snowy night, and after being carried back by Ah Chi, she became a little different.

"Ah Qing, will you always be here?"

Mu Dan didn't know why he asked this question, but he always felt a little uneasy in his heart, and he couldn't tell where this uneasy came from.

Chu Qingyan glanced at him with a smile, but the smile didn't reach her eyes, "Of course I will always be here."

After saying this, she went out of the tent, but Mu Dan was restless at the same place, he always felt that Ah Qing's answer to him did not mean the same as what he asked.


The secret letter that Qi Rong gave is in his residence.

Chu Qingyan ordered to go down and ask Yan Xiaoba, the best Qinggong in the Qingwu Guard, to get the letter, but before the time passed, Yan Xiaoba came back with a sad face.

"The letter was not found?"

"No, I swear I went very early, but I didn't expect that group of raiders to be faster than me!"

Yan Xiaoba raised her hand swearing, but Chu Qingyan felt a little surprised, "The house ransacked at night... Who are they?"

"People from the Murza family, I remember someone called that general... Lati!" Xiao Ba thought carefully for a while, "That Lati was very vigilant, and took away the object containing the secret letter, I was afraid of being discovered by him, so I didn't dare to follow."

Chu Qingyan sighed.

Murcha Lati, the natal family of Ke Dun and the eldest prince Huyan Gujin.

He is only in his twenties, he is the old son of Murcha's old family owner, he is the brother of Ke Dun, and even the uncle of the eldest prince.

"Sizhou Zhi" also has records about this person. If Huyan Xingchi is a prairie wolf god who is too popular, then this General Lati is a low-key dormant prairie tiger.

Previously, Qi Rong and Huyan Xingchi had had such a big fight that this person didn't show his face. It seems that this grassland really needs to be reshuffled.

But if it wasn't for an accident, she didn't want to have anything to do with the dead.

"Where did the seized items go?"

"It is currently being packed, and it seems that it will be sent to the royal court tomorrow morning." Xiao Ba explained clearly what he had heard.

Chu Qingyan pondered for a moment, that secret letter was the primary evidence she found for Pei Huaizhi's collusion with the grassland, if it was gone, there would be no favorable evidence to overthrow him, so it must not be lost.

"If that's the case, you can't blame me."

Xiao Ba was in a daze, his lips trembled twice, "Master, son, do you want to..."

Chu Qingyan's eyes were clear and firm.

"Tomorrow, rob me of things."

Good night! !

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