Chapter 24 Sending Snacks

Whether Yinzhen will come over tonight, Chen Niannian has no idea, but he must not have discovered the poison in the courtyard by himself.The front foot itself was deeply trapped in the vortex that poisoned Er Gege, but the back foot could not sink any further.

But he couldn't let the poison really hurt him, Chen Niannian glanced at Zhuqing, although the child had only been with him for a day or two, he was a very nice person, and he couldn't bear her suffering.

It reminds me of the fact that mice are used for experiments in modern laboratories. This is a side hall. Only the place where I live has been carefully cleaned, so the food in everyone else’s place will definitely attract mice.

"Zhuqing, I want to drink sugar porridge tonight, remember to bring more sugar." Chen Niannian pretended to be sick and said weakly.

Zhuqing nodded and replied: "Okay, master will go talk to Su Gonggong in a while."

The relationship between Zhuqing and Su Peisheng seems to be good, and he deceived Zhuqing by pretending to be sick, but he doesn't want Yinzhen to know about it yet.

"Don't tell Eunuch Su that I'm uncomfortable. I'm still grounded now. Don't let people think that I'm pretending to be sick and want to invite Fourth Master over." Chen Niannian turned his head pretending to be sad.

Zhuqing looked at the sad Nian, but didn't dare to say more, she said "yes", closed the door curtain, and retreated secretly.

Getting along with Fujin the past few days has made Zhuqing more loyal. The master is not only beautiful, but also has a good personality. I really don't understand what Fujin can do against the master. There are other arrogant masters everywhere in the mansion. I don't see who Fujin stood up and spoke for.

Thinking about something in his head, he didn't pay attention when he passed by Su Peisheng, and he was stopped by someone, so he regained his senses.

"Don't you walk with your head down and don't look at people? If you bump into a nobleman in the mansion, you will be punished!" Su Peisheng reprimanded pretending to be serious.

Zhu Qingben was also frightened, looked up and saw Eunuch Su alone, and then put on a flattering smile, "Eunuch Su, you have a lot of adults, slaves will definitely not dare next time."

Seeing Zhuqing's hippie smiling face, Eunuch Su couldn't pretend to be serious, and grinned involuntarily, "Master Nian has a good temper, and even you have become lively. Where are you going to sneak around during this time?"

Nian Fang Fujin was grounded, and the maids around him should not be able to come in and out. Zhu Qing was dispatched according to the prince's wishes, but people were under the control of the front yard, so free access was not embarrassing.

"Master wants sugar porridge for dinner, I'll go to the kitchen to get some." Zhu Qing remembered Nian Fujin's words, even though Eunuch Su was close to him, he kept his mouth very strict and didn't say anything.

Why do you want to drink sweet and greasy food like sugar porridge, and remember that Nian Fujin stayed in Jiangnan for a while, and Jiangnan likes sweets, so he has such a hobby.

This is a gift from my lord, which can be regarded as something that people like. "No, this is the pea yellow that my lord ordered me to send back in person. I guess your master likes to eat it. It's not better than sweet porridge."

Although this pea yellow is also a dessert, it is not suitable for people who are sick. The spleen and stomach are weak, and this will make the disease worse.

Unable to speak, Zhuqing had no choice but to give up going to the kitchen to get sugar porridge, but the food box in Su Gonggong's hand was flattered, "Master will be happy to see you, Su Gonggong is also tired all the way, please come and have a drink together Tea."

Seeing Zhuqing's obedient appearance, Su Peisheng also beamed with joy. As an eunuch, he has no destiny to have children, and now he still treats his old friend's daughter as his own.

(End of this chapter)

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