Chapter 2

On the way down the mountain, Changsun Fuling was very quiet, but he kept complaining in his heart.

Whoever wrote this book is an idiot.


The male lead is in trouble, either the female lead saves him or the villain loves him so much. A novel with such an old-fashioned plot would explode in the novel world.

Not now, the hero is in trouble, I'll come to the rescue.

The idiot Mr. Chaosheng Laozi was dragged by the plot Mr. to save you.

When they arrived in the city under the mountain, the eldest grandson Fuling got lost.

Good guy, tell me what kind of logic it is to get separated while walking in the middle of a group of people?

The eldest grandson Fuling came to an alley and stopped.

At the entrance of the alley, a man was surrounded by people, punched and kicked.

You don't need to look to know that this is the hero.

He tightly protected a jade tablet with both hands, and let the group of people's fists fall on him.

The eldest grandson Fuling looks at the sky speechlessly, please be more serious, Mr. Plot!Why don't you see a fist hitting your face?

"Just you, a lifeless waste, is also worthy to enter Huashan Tiangang Sect? Bring the jade card to this young master."

As the young master said, he was going to grab the jade token in Jun Chaosheng's hand.

When Jun Chaosheng heard that he wanted to snatch the jade token, his pupil was very ruthless, staring at the young master like a cold poisonous snake.

The young master was a little frightened by this look, and realized that he couldn't hold back his face. Since I'm afraid of a trash?
"A waste who dares to stare at me, seek death!"

Angrily, he took the long sword in his hand and stabbed straight down.

Well, the plot has been set up here, it's time for me to act.

Tell me you're a fool, knowing that you have an enmity with this bullshit young master, but you don't know how to go quietly to the Tiangang sect by a remote path.

Eldest Sun Fuling took out his sword and recited the incantation silently, the sword floated in the air and vibrated, a white light flashed, and in the blink of an eye, the young master's sword flew out, and with a clang, it stuck into the gap in the wall.

Everyone was shocked and turned to look at the entrance of the dark alley.

A young girl was leaning against the stone wall with a long sword in her hand, her expression was unlovely, she didn't look like she was here to save someone.

The eldest grandson Fuling squinted and looked at the boy who was covered in dust and blood, but his face was clean.

"Let go of him, or next time my sword will not be stuck in the wall, but in your chest."

The young master was about to go into a fit when he heard the elder grandson Fuling's words, when the people under his command saw the gown embroidered with the eight trigrams formation on her body, they knew that she was a disciple of the Tiangang Sect, so they rushed to whisper in the young master's ear.

Tiangangzong is one of the five great immortal sects, and they can't afford to mess with it.

They could only apologize hastily, leaving Jun Chaosheng behind and scrambling away.

Jun Chaosheng got up slowly, because he couldn't see the other person's expression clearly because of the backlight.

At this time, Senior Sister Xiuying, who had lost her eldest grandson Fuling, came here with a few juniors.

"Junior Sister Fuling, where have you gone? You are so worried about us." Xiuying frowned, terribly worried.

Xiuying pulled my sleeve and looked around, she felt relieved when she saw no injuries, looked up, and there was a scarred man standing in the distance, and she saw at a glance that the jade card in his hand belonged to the Tiangang Sect Jade plaque.

"you are?"

After saluting, the boy opened his dry lips and introduced:
"My next king is Chaosheng."

After the introduction, he looked at his grandson Fuling again:

"Thank you girl for saving me."

Changsun Fuling turned her head and ignored him, fearing that she would be stabbed in the stomach if she couldn't help it.

Seeing that her junior sister ignored Jun Chaosheng, Xiuying answered:

"Seeing that the young master is holding a token of my sect, can you let me see it?"

Hearing this, Jun Chaosheng came over and handed the jade token in his hand to Xiuying.

Xiuying bit her finger and smeared blood on the jade tablet, silently chanting a spell.

A trace of spiritual power emerged from the small jade tablet and wrapped around Jun Chaosheng's ring finger.

Spiritual energy traction, I am right.

It seems that they should be the new batch of disciples of Tiangangzong this year.

Then the spiritual power transformed into a white transparent butterfly and let it fly into the air. This is the unique communication tool of the Tiangang Sect, called the Secret Word Butterfly.

When Uncle Ning, Chang Ning of the Tiangang Sect, came over, Jun Chaosheng had already fallen to the ground and fell straight down with blurred vision.

"He is a newly recruited disciple this year, and it is my Tiangang Sect's fault that his new fellow is persecuted by thieves. Take him back and heal his injuries." Master Changning learned what happened from Xiuying, and explained it in an orderly manner.

"Is Fu Ling okay? Why did she get lost from the team? Uncle Changning looked at me worriedly.

How can I say this?Because of providence?

"Master uncle was worried. At that time, he saw a candied haws seller passing by. He was greedy and wanted to buy one to try, but he was told not to, so he followed me all the way around here."

Uncle Changning nodded.

"So that's how it is. Next time, you can't get lost again. Just let the uncle go if you want to buy something."

(End of this chapter)

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