Chapter 102 Chapter [-]
Jiang Ying found that Mo Li woke up, happily hugged Mo Li and kissed him: "You scared me to death Mo Li, do you feel better now?"

Jin Ke's entire cat body froze in place... What happened just now... Jiang Ying her! ! !He actually kissed himself! ! !
But what is the inexplicable feeling of sweetness in my heart?

Seeing Mo Li's dumbfounded look, Jiang Ying raised his heart that had just let go: "What's the matter, are you still feeling uncomfortable?" After finishing speaking, Jiang Ying waved and took out a glass of spiritual spring water.

"This spiritual spring water is good. It can quickly improve your recovery from injuries. Come obediently and have another drink."

Jin Ke had no choice but to rub his little belly helplessly, why did it feel so full.

Jiang Ying put the water glass next to him, and wanted to chat with Mo Li about what happened when he went out, how he got such a serious injury, but he accidentally passed his palm across Mo Li's eyes, only to find that Mo Li's eyes were open in a daze... …

"Ink carp..."

Jiang Ying passed Mo Li's eyes again with trembling hands, but Mo Li still didn't blink his eyes.

The ink carp's eyes are...

Jiang Ying smoothed Mo Li's messy hair one by one, feeling sore.

"Little ink carp! What did you encounter outside..."

Jin Ke was taken aback, almost ready to speak, paused, and communicated with Jiang Ying with mental strength.

"There are monsters infected with the plague outside again, and both humans and animals have mutated..."

Jin Ke omitted some content, but told Jiang Ying everything related to the plague, including various symptoms of the infected person, and asked Jiang Ying not to go out casually in the near future.

Jiang Ying nodded, it turned out to be the infected person.

A day or two before Mo Li's return, Jiang Ying's survival bracelet received two messages.

"Recently, the official testing department discovered that an unknown virus had invaded, causing plague symptoms in some urban areas. The infected people had weakness in their limbs and red eyes... Please save the supplies and take precautions for yourself. The infected people can no longer be called They are infected, and if necessary, they must take up weapons to protect their own personal safety."

"Recently, many survivors have awakened unknown powers, and their powers have different characteristics. The official name is the awakening of abilities. It is currently divided into six basic abilities: gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and strength. Abilities include: space system, spirit system, ice system, lightning system... Each power is different as the name suggests... According to the test, the power of the power is very powerful. I hope that the survivors will cheer up! Go to the official base of Kunlun Mountains!! !"

So Jiang Ying can now use his powers openly and aboveboard, and he will say that he is of the ice system. If someone finds out, he will say that he has awakened dual powers. In addition to the ice system, he also has the space system. Don't worry about showing some telltale feet all the time.

To be able to use supernatural powers, at least the basic safety can be guaranteed, and there will be no unsightly things come up to touch porcelain, such as the one named Gu Shao two days ago.

"Mo Li, it's a good thing you came back today. I'm planning to leave soon to find a new place to stay. I was always worried that you wouldn't be able to find us when you came back. Now that you're back, it's just right. When your injury is better, we will leave. .”

Jin Ke nodded, and he was going to persuade Jiang Ying to leave the mountaintop base these two days. Recently, several big families in the mountaintop base have started to feel uneasy, so it is better to find a new place to stay.

(End of this chapter)

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