This place is more like a fiery red palace. There are two rows of people from the center of the earth standing on both sides of the hall. They look like guards on both sides.

The man on the throne also had red skin and a fiery red cloak. The group felt that their eyes were about to be blinded when they came here.

"Oh, my dear earth people, welcome to the inner earth world! You are the first group of people to successfully come to the inner earth world after the passage between the two worlds was re-opened.

Let me introduce myself to you first. I am the king of the inner earth world!You can call me Your Majesty Hongx! "

There was a look of surprise on the faces of the group, there is actually a throne system here!And the king here actually knows the language of their earth! ! !

But... Dr. Xiao frowned.

"What do you mean by the first group of people who successfully came to the inner earth? There are still those who failed before us! What about those people?"

When Dr. Xiao and his team woke up, they found that there were a few people missing from the team. The little red doll, Jin Ke and Comrade Jiang were all missing!
Now this red-skinned man named King Kes actually said this. Could it be that Captain Jin and the others have...!
The group of people shook their heads and denied their conjectures. It shouldn't be the case. They could all get here safely. The strength of those two people was obvious to all!
"Of course there are those who fail! The result of failure is death! The passage between the two worlds is not yet completely stable, so the only ones who can get here successfully are you!"

The faces of the group turned pale, and several experts were also stunned in their hearts!
Captain Jin and Comrade Jiang are so powerful, how could they...

Everyone's minds were in a mess, but the red-skinned man on the throne spoke again:
"It's been more than 100 years! Dear compatriots, tell me about your current development!"

Hearing this, Dr. Xiao's eyes flashed with a dark light!From the few simple words spoken by the man on the throne, Dr. Xiao could tell that something was unusual.

This man clearly has a certain understanding of human life on the ground, but he also said that the passage between the two worlds has been reopened...

What does it mean!More than 100 years have passed?Could it be that the two worlds were interoperable more than 100 years ago?

But there is clearly no record in the data that there are people from the center of the earth appearing on the earth!I'm just speculating that such a thing exists.

And their skin is so obvious... If it happened, there would be something strange recorded!But……

Hongx, who was sitting on the throne, could not help but look cold when he saw that the next group of people did not answer for a long time.

"Huh? It seems that you want to see the hospitality of our inner-earth people?"

"Red Thirteen, take this group of distinguished Earth Star people to the small room to rest first!"

Seeing the red-skinned man walking over with a sinister look on their face, the group realized that this was definitely not just a simple rest!

Sun Jian said hurriedly: "Your Majesty...Your Majesty, right? My teammates are not good at talking. Let me tell you! Before I talk, can I ask do you know our language?"

Sun Jian originally wanted to ask how the reply was in Chinese, but considering what might be exposed, he temporarily changed his wording.

The group of people stopped talking when they saw Sun Jian speaking. Before going on the mission, they had all been investigated and investigated. They believed that Sun Jian would know what he knew. Besides, it was the end of the world now, and they had some important things. Ordinary people with superpowers have no right to contact it. As long as the experts don't speak, they won't reveal anything easily!
After hearing the questions from the group of Earthlings below, Hongx put away the casualness in his eyes and gradually became serious.

Except for the red skin on his body, no one in the Hua family would doubt that he was an authentic member of the Hua family.

Hongx glanced at the group of people for a few times, and then said calmly: "I went up there by chance more than 100 years ago..."

Although Hongx didn't say clearly what he meant, everyone knew that he had actually left the inner earth world and gone to the surface, and it seemed that he went to the Hua family.

"At that time, your country was in the midst of a war, but because of this, I saw a lot of powerful technologies in the Earth and Star worlds, which were beyond the abilities of our Earthlings! That was also the language of your Earthlings that I learned!"

Everyone was shocked!Ability!

The people in the inner earth had supernatural powers more than 100 years ago. Could it be that the changes in the end of the world are related to the inner earth world? ! !

But at that time, Hongx, who was living on the ground, probably didn't know that there were many countries on the ground, and Chinese was just one of them. But judging from Hongx's appearance, he must be a descendant of Yayi!

The group ignored the shock in their hearts and listened carefully to Hongx's story, for fear of missing something!
"It has been recorded in the atlas that we all had the same ancestor whether it was the inner earth world or the surface world, but a catastrophe suddenly came!
Humanity is divided into the warring faction and the escapist faction. After the disagreement, our ancestors led the tribe to live in seclusion here, and closed the only channel linking the two worlds. "

“There is abundant fire spiritual energy here, but the spiritual energy on the ground is getting thinner and thinner.

By the time my generation accidentally fell into an unexpected passage and reached the ground, you Earthlings had all evolved into ordinary people, but you had invented a powerful weapon!It can destroy a city in an instant!Makes me yearn for it! "

Seeing Hongx's increasingly excited expression, the group of people probably understood that everyone in the inner earth world has superpowers!In other words, the means of attack is to practice superpowers!
However, many countries on the earth mainly rely on weapons. It cannot be said that their supernatural powers are not powerful, but they are still inferior compared to hot weapons!

After all, the power of thermal weapons can damage a wide range, and even nuclear weapons, once released, are enough to destroy an entire country!

Hongx paused, then looked at Sun Jian who had just spoken.

"I've already answered your questions! Now it's your turn to answer them!"

Sun Jian pretended to be submissive and said: "Our development... A year ago, there was an extreme heat on Earth. After that, the civilization order of Earth was broken, and all aspects were paralyzed...

In short, the current earth star has entered the end of the world! "

Hongx on the throne was thoughtful:
"The end of the world..."

Suddenly Hongx seemed to remember something and murmured:
"A year ago... wasn't that the time when the Earth Star was first researched and tested!"

Hongx had some doubts in his heart, but the passage between the two realms had not yet been opened, and he could not send people out to inquire, but he could not believe everything they said.

As a person in power, you still have to have the most basic suspicion.

Hongx then asked some insidious questions about Dixing's current level of military power, but Sun Jian was able to talk him out of it.

After finishing speaking, Hongx actually arranged for someone to take the group of them down to rest for the time being.

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