Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 110 Seeing Longyan

Chapter 110 Seeing Long Yan (Part [-])
Under Feng Zhang's lead, the horse paved the ground a little irritably, and raised its head from time to time, trying to break free from the rein.

Feng Zhang inspected it carefully, and already made a rough decision in his heart.

He jerked the rein, and the horse calmed down again, and sneezed discontentedly.

Feng Zhang turned around: "Your Majesty, there is indeed something wrong with this horse. If I guessed correctly, it should have been drugged."

As soon as he said that, everyone was in an uproar!

Emperor Mu Wu frowned tightly: "Prescribe medicine?"

"That's right. These horses are usually raised and cared for by special personnel, and their tempers are well-trained, but now this horse is obviously a lot more irritable and violent." Feng Zhang paused, "I know a way, as long as the castor grass and three sprigs of nine-leaf clover are crushed and mixed into the forage, the horse will become excited and irritable."

When Feng Zhang first went to the battlefield in his teens, he was in charge of food and grass for the army and horses, so he knew it very well.

Since he said so, then...

Emperor Mu Wu's face was as gloomy as water.

"So, someone did it on purpose?"

Every word and every sentence is majestic and cold.

"Your Majesty!" Zhao Hanguang prostrated himself on the ground, "I have neglected my duty! I have not found any clues to this! Please forgive me, Your Majesty!"

Xiao Chengxuan also frowned.

Zhao Hanguang has always done things safely, how could this happen?

Emperor Mu Wu didn't speak, Zhao Hanguang and others didn't even dare to raise their heads, they just knelt like that.

Xiao Chengxuan deliberated and said: "Father, Mr. Zhao is loyal and hardworking. He should not be able to do such a thing. It is likely that someone secretly did it and wanted to frame him."

After all, this matter has become a big deal, and he must be the first one to be held accountable.

Emperor Mu Wu said coldly: "Whether it is dereliction of duty or dereliction of duty, it is not known until we find out!"

Xiao Chengxuan's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately shut his mouth.

Zhao Hanguang was also in a hurry, and said repeatedly: "Your Majesty! I am innocent! I can swear on my life, I don't know about this matter from beginning to end!"

The noble concubine advised softly: "Your Majesty calm down, don't let yourself get angry. According to my concubine, Mr. Zhao must not be in charge of the investigation of this matter anymore, but Mr. Han, as the young secretary of Guanglu Temple, has a good understanding of these matters and has authority. It is much more convenient to investigate. Why don't you just leave it to him?"

The middle palace has been vacant for many years, like a noble concubine who is in charge of the sixth palace, her status is extremely high, and her words in front of Emperor Mu Wu are quite important.

However, Emperor Mu Wu didn't listen to her this time.

"Su Wei."

"Wei Chen is here."

"I will leave this matter to you. Within three days, you must give me a satisfactory answer!"

Su Wei took the order immediately: "Yes!"

The smile on Ru Guifei's face froze for a moment.

His Majesty actually handed over this matter to Dali Temple to investigate and handle it with full authority?

Even if the eldest princess was involved in this matter, no one was hurt. As for mobilizing people like this?

But she never dared to say this, her eyes flickered, and she said with a smile: "Leave this matter to Master Su and the others, and they will definitely find out soon, Your Majesty, don't worry."

"Okay, anyway, I'm fine. If we continue to delay, today's polo match will be delayed." The eldest princess didn't seem to care much about this matter, and persuaded Emperor Mu Wu, "It's only lively once a year, so why worry about such a trivial matter?"

Emperor Mu Wu was a little helpless: "Sister Huang."

He also understood that the eldest princess was thinking about the overall situation, so she finally went down the steps and waved her hand to signal the polo match to continue.

Su Wei led people away, and Feng Zhang was also with him.

Naturally, the horse and related personnel were taken away.

Ye Heng watched this scene with mixed feelings in his heart.

He is obviously also from Dali Temple, but now he is not even qualified to participate in the investigation of this matter.

Since some time ago, he has repeatedly made mistakes, which has already made Su Wei dissatisfied.

He had only taken a few days of sick leave to rest at home, and he was already clearly marginalized.

He worked hard and finally got promoted to this position. Who knew he would face such a problem?
Ye Shixian saw his grievance and resentment, and persuaded in a low voice: "Father, don't worry, this case involves a lot, it's a good thing not to get involved."

Hearing what she said, Ye Heng finally felt better.

He looked at the field, Zhao Hanguang, Han Tong and others had already returned to their respective positions, but he also knew that they must be sitting on pins and needles at this moment, how could they still be in the mood to appreciate the polo match?
Ye Heng glanced at Murong Ye from the corner of his eye, turned his head and asked, "By the way, what's the matter with you recently? Just now, Murong Ye took the initiative to come over to greet you outside, why are you so cold?"

Ye Shixian frowned slightly when she heard this name.

She lowered her eyes and said in a low voice: "...there is a large audience, so many people are watching, you still have to avoid suspicion."

Suddenly, Ye Heng patted his thigh.

"Yes, yes, you have not officially engaged yet, if you get too close and let people see it, it is inappropriate."

He was a little annoyed: "Father was negligent, these things should have been your mother's worry, this..."

When mentioning Gao Shi, he paused.

With Gao's current situation, don't worry about these things, he can't even show up on occasions like polo matches, he can't help him at all, and he often throws things and loses his temper, which makes him very annoying.

So much so that he doesn't want to see her now, only bored.

He suppressed these thoughts, and said again: "The words are good, but you can't be too distant. I don't think you seem to have much contact with him during this time. It's been a long time, this—"

"Don't worry, Dad, I know it well." Ye Shixian interrupted him impatiently after listening to this.

There were other people around, so it was hard to say too much, so Ye Heng swallowed the rest of his words.


"I heard that the one who tamed the horse just now was the freshman who won the first place in the two subjects of imperial archery just after entering the Imperial College?" Emperor Mu Wu asked what happened just now as soon as he sat down.

The eldest princess smiled broadly: "Isn't it? That child is not yet 13 years old, but he is very courageous."

As she spoke, she smiled and called Ye Yunfeng over.


Emperor Mu Wu looked at Ye Yunfeng and nodded: "It's really rare to have such ability at such an age. By the way, the emperor said just now that his surname is Ye?"

"Yes." The eldest princess's eyebrows and eyes were full of admiration, "It just so happens that his elder sister is the one who saw my doctor before."

Emperor Mu Wu was stunned for a moment: "Oh?"

He knew that it was a 17-year-old girl who rescued the eldest princess on the day when she suddenly fell ill, but he had never seen her before.

The eldest princess waved: "Chutang."

Ye Chutang bowed profusely.

Emperor Mu Wu's eyes lingered on the faces of the two siblings for a moment, and he was stunned.

"It looks familiar..."

The eldest princess hesitated for a moment.

Ye Chutang lowered his brows and narrowed his eyes, his voice was clear and calm.

"Your Majesty's insightful eyes. My father's former doctor of the Ministry of Punishment——Ye Zheng."

(End of this chapter)

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