Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 114 Don't bother the prince

Ye Chutang's eyelashes twitched slightly: "What do you mean, my lord?"

Shen Yanchuan said: "Three years ago, Huo Yucheng marched recklessly, causing tens of thousands of soldiers to be pitted and killed in Tongtian Pass. There were many bones and blood flowed like rivers. Your Majesty was furious, and more than a hundred members of the Huo family's entire family were executed. There was also a lot of turmoil, and they all drew a clear line with the Huo family, but Lord Ye, who was the doctor of the Ministry of Punishment at the time, knelt outside the palace gate and pleaded for General Huo, which led to his being demoted to Wuzhou, and finally died in an accident on the way north."

As he spoke, he looked at the expression of the girl opposite him calmly.

Ye Chutang's face was calm, and there was no wave in his eyes, making it hard to guess what he was thinking.

"This volume is the file of General Huo's case." Shen Yanchuan said, "I thought Miss Ye Er might be interested."

His address to Ye Chutang changed from Doctor Ye to Second Miss Ye.

——This file is related to the truth of the year, and it is very likely that it contains the answer to Ye Zheng's death. As his daughter, Ye Chutang cannot remain indifferent.

Ye Chutang didn't speak.

Xiao Wu also sensed that the atmosphere in the carriage was not right. He looked up and looked left and right. His little hand was on the second drawer, and he didn't move for a long time.

But this silence didn't last long, and Ye Chutang quickly made a decision.

"Your Majesty gave me such a big gift, what do you want me to exchange for it?"

Shen Yanchuan's thin lips curved.

It has to be said that Ye Chutang really gave birth to a seven-aperture exquisite heart.

Trading with smart people is indeed a lot more worry-free.

Shen Yanchuan's deep eyes fell on that warm and beautiful face: "The transaction is fair, and I don't want much. I just need Miss Ye to tell everything that happened when the incident happened."

Ye Chutang narrowed his eyes slightly, and his whole body was instantly alert: "What?"

"The person who knows the truth of the matter best is the person involved. Although it has been three years, Miss Ye Er is extremely intelligent, and she should still remember the situation at that time clearly." Shen Yanchuan seemed to have never sensed the subtle change in her tone, and looked at her calmly. : "Three years ago, the group of people you met were not ordinary rogues, were they?"

The air seemed to stop flowing, and even breathing became dangerous.

When Ye Chutang saw the dossier, she knew that Shen Yanchuan must be planning something, but she really didn't expect that he wanted to ask this.

"It's been a long time, and the situation was sudden at that time. I just wanted to take Ayan, Afeng and Xiaowu to escape as soon as possible in order to save their lives. As for the identities and origins of those people, I don't know very well." Ye Chutang said lightly road.


Shen Yanchuan raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Miss Ye Er really doesn't remember anything?"

Ye Chutang knew that Shen Yanchuan wouldn't believe a single word of his rhetoric.

But what he meant was very clear now - he wanted to exchange that file for her truth.

If it was other conditions, Ye Chutang could refuse without hesitation, but the files in Dali Temple were strictly banned, if she wanted to get them by herself, she would have to spend a lot of effort.

He made an offer she couldn't refuse.

After pondering for a moment, Ye Chutang raised his eyes and looked straight at Shen Yanchuan: "These things don't seem to have anything to do with the prince, forgive me for being stupid, but I really don't know why the prince has to go into this muddy water?"

Shen Yanchuan seemed to be smiling.

He leaned back, his voice was cold and loose.

"What if I was already in this muddy water?"


Xiao Wu picked up a longevity lock inlaid with multicolored gemstones and pinched with gold wire, and there was a small bell made of pure gold on it, which jingled.

She carefully put it away and placed it neatly in the wooden box next to it.

There were already a lot of gold and jade wares inside, and they were all rare treasures outside, but at this time because there was no place to store them, they were all stuffed together.

She moved very carefully, on the one hand because these gifts were very expensive, on the other hand, she was afraid of disturbing Sister.

Xiao Wu gently closed the lid, turned her head to look, and saw her elder sister was still reading the book.

Xiao Wu scratched his head, rested his chin on the small table, quietly.

In my impression, sister always reads very quickly, it is rare for her to read a book for so long!

The carriage was moving slowly, and there were loud noises of hawking from the roadside from time to time.

However, Ye Chutang seemed to be in a sedation, maintaining that posture all the time, turning pages one by one.

She lowered her head slightly, her thick and curly eyelashes cast a faint shadow under her eyelids, her skin was white and clear, and a strand of broken hair hung down and swayed lightly, like a meticulously drawn painting of a lady, but with a touch of emotion. Come rich and fresh.

Shen Yanchuan tilted his head slightly and looked away.


Ye Shixian and their carriage returned to Ye Mansion first and stopped in front of the door.

Ye Mingze got out of the carriage first, but when he turned around, he saw Ye Shixian still standing there, looking behind them, as if waiting for something.

"Sister, what are you looking at?" Ye Mingze asked strangely.

Ye Heng also looked over.

Ye Shixian clenched the veil tightly, and forced a smile: "Oh, it's nothing, just seeing that my cousin and the others haven't come back yet, I just said to wait here."

"What are you waiting for them to do!" Ye Mingze looked disgusted.

Today's Ye Yunfeng can be said to be in the limelight, and the eldest princess is openly supporting Ye Chutang. Now he can't wait to sever ties with those siblings and stop contacting them again!

He also glanced over there, and snorted coldly: "Isn't it normal for their broken carriage to be slower than us?"

Of course Ye Shixian was not concerned about the two brothers, but Ye Chutang who was in the same car with Shen Yanchuan.

Finally, a carriage appeared at the corner of the street, it was the carriage of the Dingbeihou Mansion.

Ye Shixian breathed a sigh of relief.


Ye Chutang turned to the last page, closed the file, and handed it back again.

"Thank you, son."

Shen Yanchuan said: "You can take this file away."

Ye Chutang glanced at him, it seems that this elder son is really capable, not only can take out the files of Dali Temple, but even give them away so casually.

It seems that he is not afraid of being checked at all.

But he was willing to give it, but she couldn't take it.

"That's unnecessary." Ye Chutang smiled slightly.

Such a hot potato, if she brought it back, it would only bring more hidden dangers.

Shen Yanchuan understood and laughed.

"Miss Ye Er has a photographic memory, amazing."

He took the file away and put it back in the drawer.

The carriage stopped, Shen Yanchuan took a look outside, and saw Ye Heng and the others waiting at the door.

He looked back at Ye Chutang and paused.

"Over at the Han family, if you need help, Miss Ye Er just ask."

Ye Chutang was about to go down with Xiao Wu in his arms, but he turned around in surprise when he heard this sentence.

The Han family?

He said Han Yao?

"Thank you, my son, but I don't need to bother you with such a trivial matter." Ye Chutang's lips curved slightly, "Someone will help me."

Shen Yanchuan's eyelids twitched slightly.

His slender fingers unconsciously tapped on the small table, paused for a moment, and then asked seemingly unintentionally:
"Xu Rongqing?"

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