Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 118 Pipa on the Lake

Hearing this sound, Han Yao's expression froze immediately.

Someone looked curiously in the direction where the voice came from: "Brother Han, is someone calling you?"

"How come? You heard it wrong." Han Yao took a sip from his teacup, covering his face, "The arch bridge in the lake has the best view, why don't you let the boatman go there?"

As soon as the words fell, the female voice came again: "Han Lang!"

Ye Chutang looked sideways, and saw a boat parked not far away, with a young woman standing at the bow.

She is wearing a plain white fringed gauze dress, her black hair is rolled up, her pair of willow eyebrows are curved, her almond eyes are full of water, her eyebrows are flowing and charming, she is really a charming beauty that I still feel sorry for.

The woman was holding the pipa in her arms, and she was looking at this side obsessively. When she saw Han Yao, she immediately looked happy, but the corners of her mouth just turned up.

"Han Lang, you haven't seen me for a long time, could it be that you have rejected Pei'er?"

While speaking, crystal clear tears fell down.

Anyone who watched this scene had to think about it.

A young man recognized the woman and said in surprise, "Isn't that, isn't that Su Pei'er from Chunfenglou?"

These young masters who like to eat, drink and have fun most are no strangers to this name.

That's the number one card in Chunfenglou!

How do you hear her meaning, and Han Yao...

In front of everyone, Han Yao had no choice but to bite the bullet and force a smile: "Miss Su, what a coincidence, you also come to swim in the lake?"

Su Pei'er bit her red lips lightly, looked at him with tears in her eyes, and said softly, "What's a coincidence? During this period of time, the Japanese and Han Lang have avoided seeing me, so I have no choice but to make such a bad move and wait here. I hope I can see Han Lang."

The atmosphere is awkward.

If it was normal, Han Yao would be so proud of being so cared about by such a charming beauty, maybe it could be used as a talking point to show off with others, but not today-Ye Chutang is here!

Being entangled with a brothel girl in front of Ye Chutang, how ugly it would be to spread this word!
Han Yao seemed surprised: "Miss Su is looking for me, why?"

Su Pei'er looked at him with red eyes, resentful and strange.

Han Yao smiled sheepishly and avoided her gaze: "Well...I'm really busy recently, so I didn't go to Chunfenglou to listen to the music. I hope Miss Su will forgive me."

He turned his head to the other sons and said, "Have you ever heard Miss Su's pipa music? It's really a masterpiece! Since I happened to meet you today, I just invite you all to enjoy it. Not everyone can hear this song. "

As he spoke, he pulled down the purse from his waist and threw it to the boy beside him.

"If Miss Su plays well, she will be rewarded a lot."

Judging by his appearance, he is very chic and generous.

Su Pei'er stared at him blankly, as if meeting this person for the first time.

Not long ago, he was courting her in every possible way, spending a lot of money, just to make her happy.

Those sweet words of vows and vows seemed to be still lingering in his ears, but the person in front of him seemed to have completely changed.

During this period of time, Japan and Han Yao stopped going to Chunfenglou. At first, she thought it was something she had done wrong that made him angry, but no matter what method she tried to contact him, nothing came of it.

In desperation, she accidentally learned that he would come to visit the lake tonight, so she waited here early.

Who knew that after seeing her, there was no surprise in Han Yao's eyes, but only panic.

Now he even said such things to her and asked her to play music to please everyone.

Her lips trembled, and she asked softly, "What does Han Lang think of me?"

Han Yao seemed to hear some joke: "Miss Su plays the pipa well. I invite everyone to appreciate it. If so, what's the problem? Of course, if Miss Su is unwilling, we will naturally not force it. "

One word at a time, the relationship between them is clearly divided.

Su Pei'er trembled with anger and couldn't speak.

Han Yao, however, seemed to have lost his patience. He looked away, ordered the boat to go further away, and poured another cup of tea for Ye Chutang.

"Miss Ye Er, this is the Junshan silver needle that I found specially, you try it?"

Ye Chutang didn't touch the cup of tea, but looked back again: "I see that Miss Su is looking for Mr. Han, it seems that there is something wrong?"

"It's just a music player, what can you do with me? It's just that I want to spend a lot of money to make a show." Han Yao didn't raise his head, as if he didn't even mean to say a word.

Ye Chutang was noncommittal.

Ye Shixian who was on the side also said: "Yes, Mr. Han is famous for being generous in his actions. When these people meet him, they naturally want to please him a lot and make him close."

Between the words, it seems that Su Pei'er is just an insignificant object that can be thrown away casually, and there is no need to pay attention to it at all.

Seeing Ye Chutang's calm expression, Han Yao thought she was unhappy because of Su Pei'er's appearance, and quickly explained: "In the past, Han did like to be lively, and he liked to listen to a song or watch a play, but those were just boring times. Don’t worry, Miss Ye Er, I will definitely take care of you in the future and won’t go again.”

Ye Chutang laughed.

"Mr. Han, you and I have nothing to do. Why do you say such things? Where you want to go and what you want to do are all your business. Why do you need to involve me?"

Han Yao coughed lightly, and said cautiously and earnestly: "Aren't we about to decide—"

Before the words fell, the sound of the pipa suddenly came from the lake, accompanied by the mournful weeping and singing of a woman.

At this time, the sun was setting and the afterglow was shining, the lake was rustling, and boats of different sizes were lying on the water waves, with many reflections.

This pipa spread far above the lake, attracting many people to look at it.

"Who is that playing the pipa?"

"It seems to be Miss Su from Chunfeng Tower?"

"It's her! This pipa song is the only one in the entire capital! But...why is she playing here all of a sudden?"

"You don't know? She came for Han Yao! Who doesn't know that some time ago, Han Yao praised her so much, but now she is probably tired of playing, and Su Pei'er was unwilling, so she came here again."

"Why is this Su Pei'er so stupid? How many words can be trusted by men in Fengyuechang? I heard that today Han Yao specially invited the second girl from the Ye family who had just returned to Beijing, and even He also specially invited many friends to accompany him, and his intentions are clearly revealed. Didn't Su Pei'er come here on purpose to make Han Yao unhappy?"

"Who says it's not? That Miss Ye Er is amazing, with the support of the eldest princess! Han Yao is so entangled with a brothel girl, wouldn't it be..."

Han Yao vaguely heard these discussions, and felt even more annoyed with Su Pei'er.

"Miss Ye Er, how about we—"

Before he could finish speaking, a panicked scream suddenly came from the person next to him.

"Girl! You are popular!"

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