Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 120 Congratulations

Chapter 120 Congratulations (Part [-])
As time passed, Han Yao never felt so hard.

He gritted his teeth secretly, and wanted to step forward several times to take a closer look, but he was afraid of being discussed by the people around him, so he had to stay where he was.

Although he tried his best to pretend to be calm on the surface, it is not difficult to see his nervousness and apprehension at this time.

Ye Shixian glanced at him from the corner of her eye, cursing inwardly as a waste.

She has already made a match for this step, and Han Yao can still mess things up!

According to the original plan, they went to the lake to enjoy the moon together today, and it was seen by everyone. In a few days, the news that Ye Chutang and Han Yao were in love would spread.

Dad and the others will engage them and get married as a matter of course, everything will come naturally.

Even if the eldest princess intends to marry Ye Chutang, it's not good to intervene in another pair of "lover".

But who would have thought that a Su Pei'er would be killed halfway!

Not only is it a brothel woman, but she is also pregnant!
The same goes for Ye Chutang, who actually went to see Su Peier in person, what on earth was she thinking! ?
Because of the sudden movement here, it attracted the attention of many people around.

Many large and small ships were parked nearby, and the people on board were also watching.

Han Yao became more and more anxious.


The setting sun had completely set, leaving only the last afterglow dyeing half of the sky red.

The painful crying of the woman in the canopy gradually weakened, and finally dissipated, leaving only silence.

One person asked in a low voice: "This... I don't know what's going on inside, why is there no movement at all? Could something be wrong?"

Han Yao's heart seemed to be suspended by something, and his expression flickered when he heard the words.

If it was true that Ye Chutang didn't rescue the person and Su Pei'er died twice, then——

Thinking this way, he finally said, "I'll go see Miss Ye Er."


Inside the canopy, Su Pei'er slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were empty and lifeless.

Ye Chutang withdrew the needle and told the little maid: "Wipe your lady's face and tidy up."

After such a short period of time, Su Pei'er was so painful that she was sweating all over, and her clothes were soaked through.

The little maid opened her eyes round, dazed.

She didn't even watch how Ye Chutang rescued her. She only saw that she had pricked a lot of silver needles on her own girl, but she didn't expect to save her!

Seeing that Su Pei'er really came back to life, the little maid cried and laughed: "Yes! Yes!"

She hurried forward, carefully wiped Su Pei'er's sweat with a handkerchief, and said with a choked voice, "Girl, you are fine! Just, just now, I almost thought..."

Su Pei'er usually treats her well, like a sister, that's why the little maid is so worried about her at this time.

However, hearing her cry, Su Pei'er's face was numb.

She looked at the roof of the boat, her eyes were out of focus, and she spoke hoarsely:
"Why... save me?"

She is like this now, what is the need to live?
Ye Chutang put away the silver needle and cleaned his hands, transparent drops of water fell from his slender and pale fingertips.

It's hard to imagine that it was just such a pair of slender hands that saved two lives, one big and one small.

She wiped her hands carefully, and said in a warm voice: "You have been pregnant for one and a half months, and the fetal image was unstable in the first three months. You are emotional today, which caused bleeding. Be more careful in the future."

Su Pei'er slowly raised her hand and stroked her lower abdomen, tears fell silently.

Her monthly letter for this month was delayed, and she had a bad premonition in her heart. A few days ago, she secretly went out to get her pulse, and only then did she know that she was pregnant.

"This child shouldn't have come." Her voice trembled slightly.

Ye Chutang turned his head to look at her: "If you really don't want this child, why come here today?"

Su Pei'er looked at her, looking into those black and quiet eyes, suddenly felt that all her thoughts were seen through by the other party.

She bit her lip and smiled wryly.

"Yes. I thought Han Lang and I were in love. He was just too busy to ignore me for a while. If he knew the existence of this child, he would definitely change his mind. I was wrong... I was wrong!"

If she told her mother that it was just about a bowl of abortion pills, she would not give up and was full of fantasies.

Until now, she didn't know how wrong she was.

Ye Chutang looked at her and said:
"Go back and take care of yourself for a few days, drink some warming and tonic medicine, and remember not to get angry again. Today I can only save you once, and the only one who can really save you is yourself."

Su Pei'er was stunned for a long time, then she turned her head and murmured: "No wonder he cares about you so much..."

Before she came, she found out that Han Yao had chartered a boat and invited friends to come here for a lake tour today, in fact, to show courtesy to the second young lady who had just returned from the Ye family.

Su Pei'er had actually heard about Ye Chutang, but she had always felt in her heart that compared to him, she was only born differently, and in terms of other things, that Ye Chutang might not be better than her.

But now that they met, she realized that the difference between the two was not just a little bit.

No, she is not qualified to be compared with the other party at all.

Origin, family background, appearance, demeanor...

Su Pei'er has always been somewhat arrogant. This arrogance comes from her outstanding appearance on the one hand, and her superb piano skills on the other.

But now, in front of Ye Chutang, she knew for the first time what it means to be dwarfed by comparison.

Su Pei'er closed her eyes: "He is sincere to you."

Suddenly there was a chuckle in his ear.

"Is his sincerity precious?"

Su Pei'er turned her head in astonishment and looked at her blankly.

Ye Chutang said calmly: "People's hearts are fickle. If you pin your hopes on a man, if you struggle with whether he is sincere to you every day, you are just asking for trouble for yourself."

Su Pei'er was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to reply.


"What's more, he can abandon you like this today, and he can treat other people like this in the future. He is a person who cares most about himself, and he is extremely selfish." Ye Chutang casually pinned a strand of hair Behind the ears, the expression was indifferent, "I have never been interested in doing things like asking for hardship."

Su Pei'er didn't speak for a long time.

She has been taught how to please men since elementary school, and no one has ever said such a thing to her.

After a while, she looked down at her lower abdomen: "But, after all, it's because of this child..."

At this moment, there were footsteps outside, as if someone had boarded the boat.

Su Peier realized something and immediately became nervous.

Ye Chutang turned his head and raised his brows slightly when he heard the voice that was getting closer.

"How could it be? The child's own grandfather is the majestic Guanglu Temple Shaoqing Master Han Tonghan. He is rich and wealthy and enjoys endlessly. Why should he suffer?"

Su Pei'er froze there.

Han Yao's voice has already been heard outside:
"Miss Ye Er?"

Ye Chutang lifted the curtain and walked out.

All of a sudden, everyone's eyes turned to this side.

Ye Chutang took a step forward, the corners of his lips curled up:

"Congratulations Mr. Han, Miss Su's mother and child are safe."

(End of this chapter)

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