Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 125 The dream related to him

Shen Yanchuan paused after hearing the sound, then shook his head.

"Based on him, he has no ability to make the eldest prince take the initiative, so there is no need."

Lian Zhou was a little surprised: "Then you...really not going?"

Shen Yanchuan wrote, and the candlelight reflected the powerful handwriting on the paper that seemed to penetrate the back of the paper.

He seemed to be smiling.

"It's too late, why bother."


This night, Ye Chutang and Xiao Wu stayed at the Princess's mansion together.

Xiao Wu leaned against her arms and soon fell into a deep sleep.

Ye Chutang closed his eyes. After a long day of exhaustion, he was so tired that he fell asleep after a while.

The moonlight is like water, flowing silently, the evening breeze in the courtyard is gentle, and the shadows of the trees are swaying.


There was a vast expanse of whiteness in front of my eyes, and I couldn't see the way ahead.

Only the rustling of the leaves, and the faint sound of the stream flowing.

Ye Chutang stood there for a while, then walked up, with fallen leaves piled up under his feet.

The mountains and haze drifted away with the wind, and everything that seemed to be obscured was finally gradually revealed.

In the middle of the mountain, an octagonal pavilion stands quietly, and two people sit opposite each other in the pavilion, with the fragrance of tea curling up.

One of them had his back to her, with a tall and straight figure, quite familiar.

Ye Chutang instantly recognized that person's identity.

Shen Yanchuan?
Why is he here?
"I don't know how the prince thought about the previous matter?"

The person sitting opposite Shen Yanchuan spoke.

It was a man, and the voice sounded quite familiar, but the distance was a little far away, and it was not really heard.

What is...

Ye Chutang was thinking about it when he suddenly heard a strange sound.

call out--!
A sharp dart suddenly shot out from the nearby woods!
Shen Yanchuan seemed to be aware of it, and when he looked sideways, the dart was close in front of him!
Ye Chutang suddenly opened his eyes.

The room was extremely quiet, and by the moonlight, she could vaguely tell that this was not the Ye family she was familiar with.

By the way, this is the Princess Palace.

Ye Chutang sat up, closed his eyes, pressed the center of his eyebrows, and began to recall the scenes in his dream.

She didn't know why she had such a dream tonight, and she didn't even know where she was in the dream.

It seemed to be a mountain, but she had never been there in her past memory.

Everything in the dream seemed extraordinarily peaceful, except for the last dart...

But it was aimed at Shen Yanchuan, and it had nothing to do with her.

Xiao Wu seemed to sense the emptiness around her, so she leaned closer, until she touched Ye Chutang's hand again, then rubbed her cheek again, and continued to sleep peacefully.

Ye Chutang looked down at her, pulled her small arms out from under her head, and adjusted to a more comfortable position.

Sitting quietly for a long time, after making sure that no other scenes appeared in the dream, Ye Chutang reluctantly lay down again.

What is this called?

In the dream before, at least she and Shen Yanchuan were in danger at the same time, but now she is fine, she is well aware that Shen Yanchuan is in danger.

Ye Chutang turned over and sighed silently.

It would be fine if she couldn't predict it, but she dreamed it again this time, and more importantly, every predictive dream in the past was finally confirmed to be related to her.

Therefore, even if the dream came out of nowhere, she still couldn't ignore it.

At least you have to know which mountain it is, right?
How about...Ask Shen Yanchuan?


In the early morning of the second day, many people gathered outside the door of Ye's house, watching the little servant girls coming in and out of the door of Ye's house, pointing with excitement and curiosity on their faces.

"What is the Ye family doing?"

"Who knows, I've been tossing all night!"

"I just saw that they put all the things in the house into the carriage. I heard that they sent them back to the old house in Fengling Lane. Is this going to move?"

"Really? They've been here for three years. The old house hasn't been visited for a long time. Why do they suddenly want to go back?"

"Shhh - I heard that Ye Heng went to the princess mansion yesterday, and he came back like this! I guess it's because of Han Yao?"

Everyone guessed.

Everyone knew about Han Yao's incident yesterday, the eldest princess loved Ye Chutang very much, how could she endure it?

"If you ask me, this Ye family deserves it! Then what kind of bastard Han Yao is, no one else knows, and the Ye family has a lot of friendship with them, don't they also know? It's clear that they want to push Ye Chutang into the fire pit!"

As the speaker spoke, he spat on the ground.

"Bah! What kind of second uncle would find such a husband for his own niece? I think he has been scheming from the beginning!"


Ye Heng is really like cooking oil in a raging fire now, and his whole body is devastated.

Of course he knew that those people outside would say extremely nasty things, but now he had no other choice.

What is the identity of the eldest princess?Who would dare to disobey her orders?
Ye Heng had no doubts that if he didn't follow suit and moved out within a day, he would never end well!

Maybe it's hard to keep the black hat of Shaoqing of Dali Temple!
Gao was crying and fussing, Ye Mingze also showed a face, he was unwilling to leave anyway, a servant accidentally scattered things all over the place, it was a mess...

The entire Ye family was in chaos.

However, Ye Heng couldn't care about these things at this time.

He came to the study, looked at the few boxes he had packed overnight, and frowned.

Inside, there are many precious calligraphy and paintings that he has collected from various places over the years, as well as——

Ye Heng stepped forward and opened one of the unremarkable pear blossom wooden boxes.


Ye Chutang took Xiao Wu to accompany the eldest princess for breakfast, and then proposed to go back.

"What are you doing so early?" The eldest princess was a little surprised, "It's a mess over there now, it must be very noisy."

She originally planned to wait until noon before sending Ye Chutang back, and then send someone over to help clean and tidy up, so that she can live in a good place.

Ye Chutang smiled slightly: "Actually, there is nothing important. It's just that when we returned to Beijing from Jiangling, we brought back some things, including the books Ah Yan read, some medicines that Ah Feng used, and Xiao Wu's own odds and ends. Broken things. I’m afraid they might accidentally pick up the wrong things when packing up, and if they try to get them again, it will be troublesome.”

The eldest princess understood: "It is not unreasonable to say so."

What can't the family do?Not to mention taking it by hand, it is possible to grab it by force.

"Then I will send someone to guard your residences to see who dares to touch your belongings."

After experiencing these recent incidents, the eldest princess really hated Ye Heng's family, and she didn't want to take a second look at them.

It's hard for Ye Chutang to endure until today.

Ye Chutang smiled and shook his head: "Thank you, Eldest Princess, but it doesn't need to be so troublesome. I'll just go back and have a look. Besides the ones just now, there is another umbrella given by Mr. Xu. It would be bad if they took it by mistake."

Xu Rongqing's umbrella has been kept together with the things of his parents returned by Xu Fengchi.

It is absolutely impossible for her to let Ye Heng and the others know that she still has these things, so she must go back this time.

Shen Yanchuan, who was coming to the door, paused and raised his brows slightly.

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