Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 13 Predicting Dreams

Chapter 13 Predicting Dreams

Ye Yunfeng pursed his lips, suppressed the emotions in his heart, and said in a low voice: "I know."

In the past, my sister never mentioned much about her past. It's only been three short years, but it already seems like it happened in her previous life.

Ye Jingyan sighed inwardly.

It is extremely rare for them to have such a peaceful and peaceful day now.

If I go back to the capital again, I don't know how many storms will be caused.


Ye Chutang discovered that Ye Yunfeng had been hit by a board while eating.

Looking at the red mark on his palm, Ye Chutang asked: "Today, Master is training you again?"

Ye Yunfeng said nonchalantly: "It's just that there is an article that I didn't recite, the master has a weird temper, and you know it, sister."

He fights a lot on weekdays, this injury is really nothing to him, but when he went to the academy, he would be beaten five out of ten days, the frequency is really a bit high.

Ye Chutang has gotten used to it, and nodded lightly: "The ointment I gave you last time hasn't been used up yet, have you? Apply it yourself after dinner."

Ye Yunfeng actually didn't take this little injury seriously, but he was still happy because sister cared about it, and smiled: "It's still sister who loves me!"

Ye Chutang looked at Ye Jingyan again, and asked about today's homework: "Have you learned any new articles?"

Ye Jingyan shook her head: "It's still the last article."

Ye Chutang was not surprised by this answer, and commented: "It's a bit slow."

Jiangling is a small place, with few students and even fewer teachers.

She has seen their Master Yang, who is stubborn and old-fashioned, and most importantly, not very good.

If this continues, Ah Yan's future will definitely be delayed.

Ye Chutang said: "By the way, Ah Yan, I helped you choose a book, you can read it when you have time."

Ye Jingyan's eyes lit up: "Thank you, sister."

When they first moved to Jiangling with nothing, he once thought whether they could survive was a problem, but he didn't expect that Ajie supported the lintel by herself and sent them to the academy to study.

But on the first day there, the master misunderstood the meaning of a poem, Ye Jingyan politely corrected it, but was severely reprimanded by the master.

From that day on, Ye Jingyan knew that there would be no hope for studying here.

My sister didn't say anything when she found out about it, but she bought him a book the next day, and since then, she's been picking books every once in a while.

If there is something he doesn't understand, he asks Ajie for advice, and Ajie can always explain clearly.

He didn't pay attention to the things taught by the master, but he remembered every word that his sister taught.

A quarter of an hour later, Ye Jingyan looked at the book in his hand, curious: ""Zi Zhi Tong Jian"? Sister, where did you find this book again?"

Ye Chutang said casually: "Oh, I ran into a book seller on the road a while ago. I thought this book looked good, so I bought it."

This world seemed to be parallel to her previous world, and the historical dynasties she had learned and seen before were completely different from here.

After realizing this, Ye Chutang was completely relieved.

When they fled on the road before, they couldn't eat enough or sleep well for a long time, Ye Chutang could only tell them stories to distract them.

Both Ah Yan and Ah Feng listened with great enthusiasm, Xiao Wu couldn't understand, but he would lean in Ye Chutang's arms, blinking his eyes and listening obediently.

Later, when he came to Jiangling, Ye Chutang found that the academy was not very good, so he went out to buy books.

But Ah Yan reads too fast, and his comprehension is extremely high, those ordinary books are no longer enough to satisfy him.

Ye Chutang finally decided to fight on his own, and gave him a copy of "Records of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty", and he really liked it.

Afterwards, Ye Chutang often did this.

It was only at this time that Ye Chutang felt that he was not in vain in his previous life as the king of scrolls, and that he lived a new life, which was considered a waste of energy.

Ye Jingyan opened it, couldn't wait to read it, and was soon fascinated.

Ye Chutang took Xiao Wu back to the room, just in time to bump into Lian Zhou.

"Doctor Ye, this is today's medicine money."

He respectfully handed over a purse.

Ye Chutang smiled slightly, and took it unceremoniously.

"Your master is recovering well, and he should be fully recovered in three days."

Lian Zhou had lived for so many years, and it was the first time he saw a person who changed prescriptions every day and charged money for the medicine once a day, but seeing that his master's health had indeed improved significantly, he felt that the money was well worth the money.

Hearing what Ye Chutang said, Lian Zhou heaved a sigh of relief, and clasped his fists together: "Thank you, Doctor Ye, for your trouble."

Ye Chutang stuffed the purse into Xiao Wu's arms, and said with a smile, "You're welcome, you should."


Back in the room, Xiao Wu climbed onto the bed, dug out a few purses from the bedside box, counted them back and forth three times, and a big smile appeared on his chubby little face.

--silver!A lot of money!

Ye Chutang clicked her forehead lightly.

"Little money fan."

Xiao Wu raised her head, and Baba looked at her.

Ye Chutang couldn't help laughing: "Want to eat hibiscus cake? Okay, I'll take you to buy it later."

The weather has warmed up a lot, and the family has experienced a lot of things recently, the atmosphere has been quite depressing, so I just took Xiao Wu out to relax.

After going out, Ye Chutang realized that today is March [-]th, the Spring Lantern Festival in Jiangling, when he saw the bustling street with colorful lights.

Every year on this day, men, women and children in Jiangling will go out and parade through the streets with various lanterns.

Ye Chutang was walking on the street with Xiao Wu in his arms. There were many tourists and the atmosphere was lively.

"A Yan and A Feng should be called to come together." Ye Chutang said.

After all, the two of them were only twelve or thirteen years old, and it was the time when they were serious about playing. It was rare for Jiangling to be so lively, and it was a pity to be bored at home.

Xiao Wu nodded vigorously.

--nice!I want to watch it with my elder sister, third brother and fourth brother!

Ye Chutang thought for a while, and decided to go back and call them together.

After walking out of the busy street, there were gradually fewer people. Xiao Wu was afraid that she would be too tired from holding him all the time, so he took the initiative to ask to come down and walk by himself.

Ye Chutang just took her little hand and walked back.

Suddenly, cheers came from behind, Ye Chutang turned around, and saw a firework blooming in the air.

At this moment, Xiao Wu suddenly tugged at Ye Chutang's hand, signaling her to look in a certain direction.

Ye Chutang followed her gaze, and at the end of the street, several exquisite lanterns flickered, magnificent and splendid.

"Like?" Ye Chutang guessed her thoughts at once.

Xiao Wu nodded, his big black grape-like eyes sparkling.

She handed her small purse to Ye Chutang.

This purse was specially prepared by Ye Chutang for her, and it contained pocket money and lucky money for her.

Ye Chutang couldn't help laughing: "Why, do you want to buy it for sister?"

Xiao Wu nodded seriously.

——The most beautiful ones are all given to Sister!

Ye Chutang teased: "That lantern is very beautiful, it must not be cheap, Xiao Wu really wants to buy it for sister—"

Suddenly, she paused, and suddenly raised her head to look at the lantern again!

She had seen this scene in her dream!

Ye Chutang's heart sank, and a coldness suddenly rushed from the soles of his feet to his back!

(End of this chapter)

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