Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 130 Interrogation

Night star is rare.

Huh - bang!

A gorgeous firework suddenly bloomed enthusiastically in the dark night sky.

Then, the second and third flowers... overlapped and bloomed, and it was extremely lively.

Han Yao was sitting in the yard drinking in depression, when he heard this movement, he couldn't help getting up to look.

Anyone who sees this kind of scenery will feel happy, but at this moment, Han Yao is getting more and more bored.

He doesn't like seeing anything now, so he naturally finds it noisy to watch the fireworks.

"Whose house is that? What kind of fireworks are being set off at such a late hour!?" Han Yao snarled.

The waiter at the side quickly explained: "Master, that, that should be the fireworks set off by the Ye family..."

Han Yao frowned even tighter: "Ye family?"

"Yes. Rumor has it that today is... Second Miss Ye specially celebrated the third brother's birthday, and spent a lot of money. It was very grand and lively."

When Ye Chutang was mentioned, the boy's voice lowered a lot.

Sure enough, Han Yao's complexion was even worse, he clutched the wine glass tightly and almost crushed it.

He has been scolded bloody by his father these few days, but Ye Chutang is very happy!
Han Yao drank the wine in the cup in one gulp, with a bit of resentment in his tone.

"I don't know how happy she is right now!"

He really liked Ye Chutang's face before, and he really wanted to marry her, but now, he only complains about Ye Chutang.

——If Ye Chutang hadn't rescued Su Peier's mother and son at that time, how could he have fallen into such a situation now!

Suddenly, a gloomy and cold voice came.

"Of course she is happy. Now that the entire Ye family belongs to her, who can compare with her?"

Han Yao turned around in a panic, and when he saw the person coming, his arrogance subsided instantly, and he lowered his head unconsciously: "Father, why are you here?"

He is really afraid to face Han Tong now.

Seeing him like this, Han Tong couldn't help frowning: "This is the Han family, why can't I come?"

Han Yao was at a loss for words, and quickly changed the subject: "Father, what did you just say... what do you mean?"

He has been grounded for the past two days, and he still doesn't know what happened outside.

Han Tong briefly explained the matter, and said in a cold voice: "Now she has the support of the eldest princess, so she is naturally full of confidence. It's also my fault that I thought she was easy to deal with. This woman is not old, but she has deep thoughts. Even Ye Heng fell into her hands!"

He glanced at Han Yao: "You are a good knife for her to deal with Ye Heng!"

"This..." Han Yao was astonished and unbelievable, "Is this just a coincidence? She is only seventeen, and she can have such a deep city!?"

Han Tong was too lazy to talk nonsense with him.

"I can't learn from you, but I told you to stay at home honestly during this period of time, you must remember! After this limelight, it will not be too late to recover this debt."

Han Yao heard something, his eyes lit up: "Father, what do you mean..."

Han Tong stroked his beard and smiled.

"At the jockey meeting, the person who drugged the horse has been found, and more importantly, he confessed the mastermind behind it——Zhao Hanguang."


Qi Wangfu.

Xiao Chengxuan's face was gloomy after listening.

"Who gave Han Tong the courage to even dare to move Zhao Hanguang?!"

After the words fell, the middle-aged man who was standing in front of him bowed his head and knelt down, with a respectful voice: "Your Highness, calm down. This matter may have nothing to do with Han Tong—"

"Zhao Hanguang's resignation, the biggest beneficiary is him!" Xiao Chengxuan laughed angrily, "He thinks that his clothes are perfect?"

Others don't know that Zhao Hanguang belongs to him, but Han Tong knows it all.

Now that he has pulled Zhao Hanguang off his horse, his thoughts are clearly revealed!
The middle-aged man was silent for a long time.

The room was dimly lit, and he hid in the dark, unable to see clearly.

After a long time, he sighed: "Your Highness is so insightful, Han Tong's thoughts and tricks are naturally impossible to hide from you. But now that this is the case, please make a quick decision, His Highness. There are all witnesses and evidences. I don't know, but more importantly, Feng Zhang also participated in the investigation this time. If he goes to interrogate Zhao Hanguang, many things..."

Speaking of this, his voice stopped abruptly, and the room fell into dead silence.

The candle wick suddenly exploded with a spark.

Xiao Chengxuan raised his eyes, his eyes were dark, and his voice was filled with a bone-chilling chill.

"Zhao Hanguang has done a lot for this king over the years. After his death, he must treat his widow generously."

The middle-aged man responded: "Yes."

He immediately got up, and as soon as he took a step back, he heard Xiao Chengxuan say again: "By the way, Han Tong must be in a state of distress recently, let him stay at home and keep his spirits up, and he will have to deal with many matters in Guanglu Temple in the future. "

The middle-aged man understands.

"Your Highness is generous."


Heaven Prison.

In the dark and cramped cage, there was a thick and disgusting smell of blood.

From time to time, the sound of wailing and weeping came, like the neighing of a night ghost, which made people shudder.

Heavy anklets drag along the ground.

Zhao Hanguang was in a daze.

It was only half an hour since he knew he had been exposed to being imprisoned in the sky prison.

But in such a short period of time, his life has undergone earth-shaking changes.

He didn't know why a subordinate he had always trusted suddenly framed him and pushed him into a desperate situation, and he didn't know why he had been clearly convicted of the crime even though he had clearly done nothing.

Suddenly someone next to him jumped on the cell door, stretched out his dirty and blood-stained hand, and shouted frantically.

"Let me out! Let me out! I was wronged! I really didn't do anything!"

Before Zhao Hanguang had time to react, the jailer who was following behind had already beaten him with a stick.

"Be honest!"

The man suffered from pain and withdrew his trembling hand, Zhao Hanguang only then noticed that the man's right hand had only three fingers.

His heart went numb, and a chill swept over him.

The jailer wanted to beat him again, but was stopped by another person.

"Forget it, the person who is about to be exiled will not live for a few days, so what do he do."

The jailer resentfully stopped and kicked Zhao Hanguang.

"What are you looking at! Hurry up and leave!"

Zhao Hanguang looked back, lowered his head and walked forward.

Finally, he was led into the innermost cell, and the cell door was locked behind him. He dragged his sore legs, intending to go to the corner to rest.

However, as soon as he moved his feet, he saw a pair of black boots and a touch of azure clothes in front of him.

—someone! ?

Just as Zhao Hanguang was about to raise his head, his eyes were suddenly covered from behind!

The man kicked him hard in the hollow of his knee, and he knelt down in an instant, his knee hitting the ground hard.

"Zhao Hanguang." It was the voice of the jailer who had just led the way!
"If you want to live, answer every question well."

Zhao Hanguang nodded stiffly.

The jailer turned his head and looked carefully at the man beside him.

Shen Yanchuan pressed with his fingers and pushed over a thin piece of paper with a line of words written on it.

The jailer only took one look and was startled.

He suppressed the turmoil in his heart, and asked Zhao Hanguang in a cold voice:
"The battle of Tongtianguan three years ago was related to the second prince, right!?"

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