Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 132 Water Walking

The topographic map of the entire capital quickly appeared in Ye Chutang's mind, and he quickly determined the location of the mountain.

"The southern suburbs of the capital?"

"Yeah!" Princess Qinyang didn't notice Ye Chutang, who had stayed in the capital for a few months and hadn't been out much, told the location of Wulan Mountain directly, and continued to instigate, "There are endless mountains and beautiful scenery. It is beautiful, and the scenery of Wulan Mountain is the most special. This kind of weather is the most suitable for going to the mountains to cool off!"

Ye Chutang raised his eyelids slightly, looked at her a few times, but didn't answer her immediately.

"The princess seems to be in a bad mood, but what's bothering you?"

The smile on the lips of Princess Qinyang froze, and she quickly returned to normal: "What can my princess worry about? It's nothing more than feeling that the capital is too boring, and I want to find a place to relax and have some fun."

Ye Chutang had already vaguely guessed the answer in his heart.

"The princess is having trouble with Mr. Murong again?"

Princess Qinyang's barely maintained expression finally couldn't hold back, the corners of her mouth collapsed, and she was instantly discouraged, but her mouth was still stubborn.

"Him? We haven't seen each other recently. How can there be trouble? He's busy helping Ye Shixian's family right now!"

Anyone can hear the dissatisfaction and sourness in her words.

The news that Ye Heng's family had moved overnight had already spread. Murong Ye has been helping since he knew about it.

It is said that someone saw him go to Fengling Lane.

How could Princess Qinyang not mind?

Ye Heng offended the eldest princess and made a scene so embarrassing that normal people would avoid it, but Murong Ye insisted on getting closer.

After all, he is Murong Yang's son, so even if everyone looks down on Ye Heng's family, they still have to sell him.

Princess Qinyang became very angry when she mentioned this matter.

"Tell me, what's the matter with him? Ye Hengming knows what kind of guy Han Yao is, and he insists on marrying you to him. It's clear that he has no good intentions! What kind of good can a daughter taught by such a father be?" What? I really don't know what he likes about Ye Shixian? I'm really blinded by lard!"

She was upset, and wanted to go to Murong Ye's house and scold him severely in front of Murong Ye to wake him up, but she felt that doing so was too shameful, and in the end she struggled for a long time, and decided to simply ignore it.

Ye Chutang listened quietly, and did not raise his hand to refill the tea until Princess Qinyang poured out all these words.

"I like something, and I can't help myself."

Princess Qinyang waved his hand: "Forget it, don't mention them!"

She rolled her eyes, moved closer to Ye Chutang, and asked curiously: "Speaking of which, do you have someone you like?"

Ye Chutang shook his head.

Princess Qinyang tutted lightly: "Really never? Even a little liking is fine!"

The light tea fragrance permeated the air, Ye Chutang brushed off the floating leaves, and then said with a faint smile: "I didn't have time to think about these things in the past."

Princess Qinyang thought about it, yes, Ye Chutang took several younger brothers and sisters and raised them, it was already very hard work, how could he still have that kind of leisure.


"The past is the past, and the present is the present!" Princess Qinyang blinked at her, "You and Han Yao are definitely impossible, there are so many good men in the capital, you have to choose carefully. If there is someone you like , ask the eldest princess to marry you, wouldn't everyone be happy?"

Ye Chutang smiled slightly.

"The Princess is right. I have been very busy in the past few years. Now it is rare to steal half a day off from my life. I have no other plans for the time being."


Princess Qinyang wanted to persuade her a few words, but felt that what Ye Chutang said was very reasonable, so she decided not to persuade her.

I don't know whether to comfort Ye Chutang, or to convince her.

"That's right! There are so many new and interesting things in this world! Who said you have to focus on men!"

Ye Chutang nodded in agreement, and immediately asked:

"By the way, the princess said just now, what day does the prince go to Wulan Mountain?"

Princess Qinyang: "...???"


Fengling Lane.

When Ye Heng's family left here three years ago, they never thought they would come back.

After being noisy for a day and a night, the courtyard finally calmed down a lot.

Gao was emotional and passed out when he entered the door. Ye Mingze disliked everything, refused to stay no matter what, and smashed everything in the room.

Ye Shixian sat in the yard, waiting for people to clean the inside and outside of the house several times before finally dragging her tired body inside.

So much so that when she saw Murong Ye again, she looked much haggard.

"Xian'er, haven't you slept well these two days?"

Murong Ye looked at her, feeling very distressed.

Ye Shixian originally didn't want to see him, but she also knew that only Murong Ye could help at this time.

Her eyes were flushed, and she shook her head slightly with tears in her eyes.

"I'm fine, the main reason is that my parents kissed them... This time I was hit too hard. They have always treated my cousin as their own daughter, and they didn't expect this to happen in the end."

Murong Ye frowned, and a look of disgust flashed across his face.

"I've heard all about it. She is indeed deceiving people too much this time! Who could have predicted what happened to Han Yao? Besides, she was just a girl from a brothel from a humble background. She just sent it away at will, but she went straight to the eldest princess. It is too much to file a complaint there and take the opportunity to drive your family out!"

Ye Shixian lowered her head and wept.

"My cousin had misunderstood us before. I wanted to find an opportunity to talk about it. Who knows—"

Murong Ye looked around, looking at the obviously dilapidated courtyard, and felt even more distressed: "Xian'er, I have wronged you, but don't worry, this matter will turn around soon."

Ye Shixian smiled wryly and shook her head: "This time the eldest princess took the initiative to get angry. With her backing, who would dare to make a mistake? Well, don't worry about it. We lived here anyway, as long as the eldest princess doesn't anger daddy anymore. It's..."

Murong Ye said, "No. Your Majesty already knew that the accident at the polo match was instigated by Zhao Hanguang. In a fit of rage, he removed him from the post of Minister of Guanglu Temple on the spot. When the dust of this case is settled, the person most likely to take the position is Han Guang. Tong. Although Han Yao caused a scandal, it is nothing compared to this. With the help of the Han family, all these troubles can be solved now."

Ye Shixian really didn't know about this, she had hope in her eyes: "Really?"


The night fell, the night was thick, and the stars and the moon were not visible.

Inside the house, candles burn quietly.

Ye Yunfeng flipped through the book in his hand, raised his head and asked, "Sister, do you want to read this?"

Ye Chutang nodded.

Subtle and regular breathing came from behind the screen.

She glanced back, and Ye Jingyan came out: "Sister, Xiao Wu fell asleep."

Ye Chutang nodded: "You take care of it."

Ye Jingyan responded.

Afterwards, Ye Chutang blew out the flickering candle.



Half an hour later, a blazing fire burst into the sky!

Liuwan Lane was in turmoil, and screams and shouts kept ringing out.

"It's running out of water! Come, someone!"

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