Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 135 Moving the Grave

"The last time I went to Ye's house, I talked to her about it, and she specifically asked when you will go to Wulan Mountain." Princess Qinyang raised her eyebrows, "But, if you don't want to say it, forget it."

Saying that, she turned to leave.

A cold voice finally sounded from behind.

"Wait a minute."


Ye Chutang sent Ye Jingyan and Ye Yunfeng back to the Imperial College, and then took Xiao Wu to Fengling Lane.

When we came to the entrance of the alley, we could see the continuous black smoke from a distance, and the air was filled with the smell of burnt things.

Many people gathered around the door of Ye's house, looking around constantly, and many of them were beaming and talking about something.

"Hey, what kind of evil do you think the Ye family is besieged by, and accidents happen one after another?"

"Who knows... Anyway, I don't think it's normal!"

"Just moving back and causing such a big trouble again, I think it's better to stay away from the Ye family, so as to save yourself from bad luck!"

The Ye family has not stopped during this period of time, it is really hard not to let people think too much.

Suddenly, someone in the crowd noticed Ye Chutang's arrival and shouted in a low voice, "Isn't that Ye Chutang? Why is she here?"

For a moment, many people turned their heads and focused on Ye Chutang.

Who didn't know that Ye Heng's family moved back here because of Ye Chutang, and now the rightful owner actually appeared!
Everyone consciously kept silent, but their eyes were still on Ye Chutang, not knowing what she was doing here.

Ye Chutang turned a blind eye to these gazes, and took Xiao Wu's hand to the door of Ye's house.

Looking at the closed door, she raised her hand and gently knocked on the door knocker.


Ye Heng didn't sleep all night, his beard was unshaven, and he didn't have time to change his clothes. He looked much older and haggard.

It's a trivial matter that the house burned down, but what's more important - Ye Mingze is still in a coma!

Gao stayed by Ye Mingze's bed the whole time, his eyes were swollen from crying.

Ye Shixian had to deal with the management of the mansion, and she was so busy that her feet didn't touch the ground. Her whole body was like a tight string, and she didn't dare to let go.

The atmosphere in the whole mansion was stagnant and heavy, and the servants did not dare to breathe, for fear of being angered somewhere.

When Ye Shixian stepped into the door, she saw such a scene.

"Father, mother."

Hearing her voice, Ye Heng finally came back to his senses, looked up at her, and asked hoarsely, "What can you find out?"

Ye Shixian pursed her lips and shook her head.

"It looks like Mingze forgot to blow out the candles when he fell asleep by himself..."

"Impossible!" Gao Shi suddenly seemed to be greatly stimulated, "How could Mingze kill himself? There must be someone! Someone must have done it secretly!"

Didn't Ye Heng have the same suspicion in his heart?But if there is no evidence for this kind of thing, everything is useless.

Seeing that he didn't respond, Gao couldn't help complaining.

"It's Ye Chutang...it's her! It must be her! She hates us, so she deliberately took revenge!"

Ye Heng clenched and loosened his fists, and scolded in a deep voice: "Keep your voice down! Don't be afraid of being heard! Don't you think you've been laughed at enough!?"

Mrs. Gao was not frightened by him, instead she went all out and scolded back: "So what? I just think there's something wrong with her! Ever since she returned to Beijing, we haven't had a single good thing happen." Trouble keeps coming, and now it even hits Mingze! It's not her fault, who else can be blamed!?"

The more she talked, the more excited she got up, and she was about to run outside.

"I'll ask her myself!"

Ye Heng was startled, and immediately stepped forward to grab her, but as soon as he touched her wrist, Gao slammed her away.

In desperation, Ye Heng directly raised his hand and slapped her loudly!

Gao was stunned by the slap, covering her face in disbelief.

Ye Shixian also took half a step back in shock.

Ye Heng had no patience, pointed at Gao and cursed: "You woman! What do you know! Then Ye Chutang is backed by the eldest princess now, and you openly trouble her, are you trying to drag us all into trouble!"

Just at this moment, the butler hurried over, seeing this scene, he could only bite the bullet and say: "Master! Ye, Second Miss Ye is here!"

Ye Heng turned back in astonishment in an instant: "What!?"

His face changed, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind at this moment.

In fact, he also had doubts about Ye Chutang in his heart, but he didn't dare to speak nonsense because he had no evidence.

Who knew that Ye Chutang actually came to the door on his own initiative!
Ye Shixian frowned: "Father, why did she..."

After weighing it over and over again, Ye Heng finally said: "Let her in!"

He wanted to see what tricks she was going to play this time!

Ye Chutang followed the butler into the room with slow steps, and the yard was already a mess as far as he could see.

"Why did it burn like this?"

Ye Shixian was waiting for her, and when she heard this, she felt amused.

"Cousin is really well informed, she came to see our joke so soon?"

This is the Ye family, and there are no outsiders around, Ye Shixian speaks much more straightforwardly.

Ye Chutang paused, as if she was not affected by her words.

"The fire is burning so badly that most of the capital has already known about it. I didn't want to come and disturb me at first, but after thinking about it, I feel that such a big thing happened, so I should come and have a look."

However, these words fell into Ye Shixian's ears, but she felt extremely ironic!
They had just broken up, and they were so embarrassing, there was no love at all!

It's also fortunate that Ye Chutang can still say such things without changing his face!
"That's our family's business, and it has nothing to do with you!" Ye Shixian didn't close her eyes all night, she had no patience to put on a good face, and flirted with Ye Chutang.

She twitched the corner of her mouth and said with a sneer, "Did a lot of people outside see it when you came here? After a while, everyone will spread rumors that you, Ye Chutang, will never leave my Ye family and earn a good reputation easily. It's a pity that we don't have that patience." To entertain you, you'd better go out for me now!"

Ye Chutang's expression remained unchanged, as if he didn't mind these words, he only glanced behind her twice.

"Actually, I came here today, and there is one more thing I want to talk to my second uncle in person."

Ye Shixian frowned, feeling extremely disgusted in her heart: "What do you have—"

Before he finished speaking, Ye Heng came up from behind and said in a deep voice, "What do you want to talk about?"

As he asked, he looked at Ye Chutang calmly, trying to find clues from her.

If the fire last night was really written by Ye Chutang, then this incident could be——

Did she come here early this morning to check on the situation, or was she deliberately pretending?
Ye Chutang turned a blind eye to his scrutinizing gaze, pondered for a while, and said:
"To be honest, I came today because I wanted to talk to my second uncle about moving the graves of my parents and brother."

Ye Heng was stunned for a moment.

"What did you say!?"

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