Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 159 Marriage card, sign on top

Chapter 159: Marriage card, signed (second update)

In the woodshed, the light is dim.

A man in night clothes was lying on the ground with disheveled hair, several sword wounds on his body, his hands and feet were tied with ropes, and he exuded a strong, disgusting bloody smell.

He lay there motionless, dying, as if he would die at any moment.


Yuncheng, who was on guard at the side, lowered his head and saluted.

Shen Yanchuan raised his hand: "Has anyone woken up?"

Yun Cheng shook his head: "Not at all."

Shen Yanchuan took two steps forward and stood beside the man.

"Can you find out this person's identity?"

Yun Cheng looked guilty: "This subordinate is incompetent. He has nothing on him except bows, arrows and darts, and he has a face. It will take a lot of effort to find out his origin."

Shen Yanchuan kicked the man, but he didn't respond.

"Go ask Imperial Physician Chen to come, no matter what method you use, make sure he wakes up as soon as possible. Save his life and interrogate him later."



Midday on the moon.

Under Zhu Xin's leadership, Xiao Wu washes up obediently.

Zhu Xin saw her earnestly wiping her face with a handkerchief, and at the same time liked it and felt distressed.

On weekdays, Xiao Wu always followed Ye Chutang, like a follower, but when it came to the critical moment, she was always very sensible, neither crying nor making trouble.

Ever since Princess Qinyang sent someone to send the news that they would stay on the mountain for one night today and come back tomorrow, Xiao Wu ate and played obediently, then washed and prepared to sleep.

Nothing to worry about.

Zhu Xin couldn't help but patted her little head, and said with a gentle smile, "Xiao Wu has a good sleep, wake up tomorrow, Miss Ye Er will come back to pick you up."

Xiao Wu nodded vigorously.

Afterwards, she came to the bed, neatly arranged the little shoes she had taken off, climbed onto the bed with hands and feet together, and got into the bed again, only revealing a soft and round face.

Zhu Xin walked over, straightened the quilt for her, and said: "Maidservant here to sleep with you, okay?"

Xiao Wu blinked and shook his head.

- No need!She is four years old and can sleep by herself!

Zhu Xin thought for a while: "The servant girl will guard outside, okay?"

Xiaowu couldn't speak, so if he really needed to use her, he wouldn't be able to shout in time, so of course she couldn't leave.

Xiao Wu nodded obediently and closed his eyes to sleep.

Seeing that she had fallen asleep, Zhu Xin blew out the candle and quietly stepped out.

The room darkened.

Xiao Wu opened his eyes.

I still miss my sister...

She turned over and closed her eyes again.

Elder Sister is not here, so she has to be obedient and wait for Elder Sister to come back.


Tonight is bound to be a sleepless night.

After Xiao Chengxuan returned to the mansion, he was still restless and couldn't calm down no matter what.

As long as he thinks that there is still someone locked in Shen Yanchuan's hands, he will feel restless.

Shen Yanchuan is not a simple character, Xiao Chengxuan has no doubts at all, if that person wakes up, Shen Yanchuan will definitely get a lot of things out of his mouth.

And now that Wulan Mountain is still banned, who knows how many people will be caught by them later?

Once someone leaks the news...

"Come on!"

Xiao Chengxuan spoke in a deep voice.

A figure appeared quietly, hidden in the shadows, unable to see clearly.

"What are your orders, Your Highness?"

Xiao Chengxuan slowly clenched his fists.

"At all costs, go and get rid of everyone!"


After Ye Chutang drank the medicine, he finally fell asleep again.

Princess Qinyang closed the door, turned around and entered the next room.

"elder brother?"

Shen Yanchuan was playing chess, and when he heard her movement, he seemed to have expected it, so he didn't raise his head.

"It's so late, is there anything else?"

Princess Qinyang let out a "tsk".

"You don't welcome me so much? Don't forget, I'm the one who brought you back today!"

She snorted triumphantly: "If it weren't for my sharp eyesight, Second Miss Ye wouldn't know how long she would have to wait below. Can you afford the delay?"

This really cannot be denied.

Shen Yanchuan raised his eyes: "Whatever you want, just say it."

Princess Qinyang clasped her hands together and moved forward with anticipation.

"I heard that stepping on the snow was sent back? Can you let me ride?"

Shen Yanchuan raised his eyebrows slightly: "You are well informed."

Princess Qinyang begged: "A month? Half a month? If it really doesn't work, ten days will do! Really, I'm almost suffocated in the capital, brother, just promise me!"

Shen Yanchuan asked back: "In three months, you bumped into people twice, got into five fights, and went to Chunfeng Tower three times. Now you tell me that you are in the capital - are you going to die of suffocation?"

Princess Qinyang: "..."

Shen Yanchuan withdrew his gaze and dropped a sunspot.

"Go back to sleep now, the dream will come true."

Princess Qinyang couldn't take it anymore, and stood up abruptly: "Shen Yanchuan, don't go too far! I've only been to Chunfeng Tower twice! Where did the third time come from? Don't accuse a good person, you!"

Shen Yanchuan: "Yes. If it wasn't for Su Pei'er entering the Han family for the third time, you should still go."

"..." Princess Qinyang's arrogant arrogance suddenly extinguished, and he coughed lightly, "I, I also want to do my part for you! That old man Ye Heng wants to betroth Chutang to Han Yao, How can this be done? There are many old friends of Han Yao in Chunfeng Tower, wouldn't it be convenient to start with them..."

Shen Yanchuan raised his eyebrows slightly: "So, I still need to thank you?"

Princess Qinyang waved her hand: "What is this! It's just a trivial matter, not worth mentioning!"

She saw a lot of fun there and listened to some songs, which was pretty good, not a loss at all.

"At that time, I didn't know that Chutang was so powerful. If I knew she could solve these troubles, why would I have to get involved? But——you have to thank me for one thing."

Princess Qinyang looked serious.

Shen Yanchuan squeezed another white piece, carelessly.


Princess Qinyang stared at him, and said word by word: "I asked for a marriage card for you in Guling Temple today! Sign it!"

Shen Yanchuan: "..."

"At first I wondered, what was there that Chutang couldn't think about, that he would rather take the risk of being injured than save you? Then I understood—" Princess Qinyang snapped her fingers, vowing, "It's a manifestation! It must be a Bodhisattva's manifestation! If it wasn't for this, how could Chutang treat you so well all of a sudden? Who can't see how much they disliked you before—"

"Li Yue." A deep and cold man's voice sounded.

Princess Qinyang stopped subconsciously: "Huh?"

Shen Yanchuan looked at her and said calmly: "I can send Taxue back to Huizhou again."

Princess Qinyang: "..."

"I can also send you back to the southwest, and then send Murong Ye to Mobei. He should have wanted to go to the frontier to earn military merits."

Princess Qinyang: "..."

Finally clean.

Shen Yanchuan raised his chin: "Okay, let's go back."

Princess Qinyang reluctantly said: "Then stepping on the snow—"

The sound of breaking the air came from outside the window, Princess Qinyang's face changed, and she turned around suddenly!


(End of this chapter)

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