The man in black passed out completely.

Princess Qinyang kicked him, "Tsk, it's really useless."

Shen Yanchuan slowly wiped off the blood on the sword with a handkerchief, and then looked at Lian Zhou.

"Take people down."

Lian Zhou was in a daze, and immediately stepped forward when he heard the words: "Yes!"

When he tied up the man and took him away, he couldn't help but glance down.

"It's an honor for you to let my master do it himself."

In my impression, the master seldom pays attention to this kind of thing, and basically won't do it unless it is absolutely necessary.

As a result this time...

Lian Zhou glanced back, and the people in the courtyard had been dismissed one after another, and it became peaceful and quiet again.

Ye Chutang's room was always quiet.

Lian Zhou looked away, shook his head and muttered.

"Your master has violated a big taboo!"


"Hey, brother, how many of them have you caught now?" Princess Qinyang was very curious, "They are all slayers who spent a lot of money to cultivate, right? It's a huge loss to die, but this fell Going in so much... I feel pain for their master!"

Shen Yanchuan glanced at the sky.

"Okay, it's getting late, go back to bed quickly."

Princess Qinyang has just experienced such a good show, how can she sleep?


Shen Yanchuan interrupted her: "Tomorrow you go directly to Dingbeihou Mansion, where Texue will be raised."

Princess Qinyang's eyes widened in surprise: "Really!? Brother, you are so kind! I knew you were so generous, and I would definitely agree!"

Shen Yanchuan glanced at her.

Princess Qinyang shut her mouth tactfully, but she couldn't hide the joy in her eyes.

"Okay, I'm leaving right now!"

Princess Qinyang said, turning around and letting herself disappear as quickly as possible.

Finally, the courtyard was completely quiet.

Shen Yanchuan turned his head and stared at Ye Chutang's room quietly for a moment before returning to the next door.

Inside the room, Ye Chutang slowly opened his eyes.

In the middle of the night, all senses would become more sensitive, how could she not hear such a big commotion outside.

But she didn't expect the matter to be resolved so quickly.

The door to the next room was opened and closed again.

The wind blows the leaves, rustling softly.

Ye Chutang blinked, the corners of his lips curled up a little, turned around again, closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.


The next morning, Ye Chutang's high fever finally subsided.

"Your injury is very serious. You shouldn't move around at first, but after all, this place is on a mountain, so it's definitely inconvenient to continue recuperating. So it's better to go back directly."

Princess Qinyang changed Ye Chutang's medicine again, muttering while busy,
"A Yan and A Feng are both in the Imperial College, and there is only Xiao Wu left. I'm afraid I can't help you. Later, you can pick a few capable maidservants from my house to serve you conveniently."

Ye Chutang was seriously injured this time, so he had to pay attention to everything.

Hearing this, Ye Chutang declined with a light smile: "The princess has already helped me a lot, this maid, let's forget it."

Princess Qinyang can't worry about those servant girls who have just been recruited to her house.

"What's the matter? Your mansion is full of newcomers who don't understand anything. What if you don't do well and affect you? Or, you can choose from the eldest princess' mansion!"

Who can get ahead in the princess mansion, who is not smart and clever?
Even a maid, compared to those outside, I don't know how many times stronger.

Ye Chutang smiled and shook his head.

"Where is it so serious?"

"Then, is it possible that you really want Xiaowu to take care of you?" Princess Qinyang curled her lips in disapproval, "I'm afraid I'll cry in fright when I see your wound!"

Ye Chutang thought for a while and said, "Fortunately, probably not."

Princess Qinyang only thought she was embarrassed, patted her chest and said: "Don't worry, you saved my brother this time, it's a great credit! The eldest princess and Dingbeihou don't know how much to thank you! You don't have to ask for anything!" Not too much!"

Ye Chutang thought of what she said before, and felt a little headache.

"...Princess, in fact, the situation at that time was not what you thought, I just..."

Tuk Tuk.

There was a knock on the door.

Lian Zhou asked respectfully: "Princess, Miss Ye Er, everything is ready, when to leave, just order directly."

Princess Qinyang looked at Ye Chutang inquiringly.

Ye Chutang said: "There is nothing else to do here, let's go now."


As soon as the door was opened, Ye Chutang found that the courtyard was clean.

The sky is fine, the sky is as blue as washing, and the lush forests are layered on top of each other.

Everything that happened last night left no trace.

If she hadn't been woken up last night, she might have thought it was just a dream.

There were two carriages parked in front, apart from Princess Qinyang, there was another one from Dingbeihou Mansion.

Shen Yanchuan heard the voice and looked back.

Ye Chutang's complexion was better than yesterday's. Although he was still weak, he seemed to have some vitality.

Two imperial doctors, Chu Qiyuan and Chen Sun, were also waiting nearby.

Ye Chutang bowed his knees and saluted: "I have met the prince."

Shen Yanchuan's eyes fixed on her face for a moment: "Did you sleep well last night?"

The corners of Ye Chutang's lips curved slightly: "Thank you for your concern, my son. It's probably because of the medicine prescribed by the Chuyuan. I slept well."

Shen Yanchuan nodded: "That's good."

He turned sideways.

"Miss Ye Er, please—"


Ye Chutang finally got into Princess Qinyang's carriage. As for the carriage she had come, Yun Cheng sent someone to bring it back.

With Ye Chutang's current physical condition, he could no longer drive the car himself.

The carriage of Princess Qinyang was in front, and the carriage of Dingbei Hou Mansion was behind, all the way down the mountain.

The carriage swayed, Ye Chutang lifted the curtain, looked back at the steep and steep mountain, and said softly:

"It's a pity that I was injured this time, and after all, I couldn't go to worship the Buddha in person."

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