Why isn't Ye Heng upset?

"It's not as simple as you think."

It took him a lot of effort before to be promoted to the position of Shaoqing of Dali Temple. Who knew that Su Wei would be so hostile to him. After these recent incidents, his colleagues even avoided him.

No matter how good he is, there is still no improvement.

After all, it was because of the princess!
If it wasn't for Ye Chutang, how could he have fallen to this point?
"In short, don't worry about it. After this period of time, find a way out."

Ye Shixian felt unwilling.

This is easy to say, but the officialdom is ups and downs, who knows when the chance to stand up will come?

If it's only three to five months, that's fine, but if it's longer... how can she afford to delay?

Originally, she thought that if Ye Heng was promoted, her status would rise accordingly, and she would take this opportunity to marry into a noble family, but now...

Even those sons and young masters who liked to be courteous to her had long since disappeared and cut off contact with her silently.

I don't know if I'm afraid of bad luck, or...

In the past few years, Ye Heng was going smoothly, and even Ye Shixian was surrounded by stars, how could he bear such a big gap?

But Ye Heng also looked sad, so what could she say?
"Xian'er knows."

Ye Heng glanced at her, thinking that after all, he still has an obedient and capable daughter, his expression softened a little.

"Don't think too much, the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge. By the way, how is Mingze doing today?"

Ye Shixian shook her head.

"I still haven't woken up. Besides, I originally wanted to invite Ye Chutang to see a doctor, but I'm afraid I can't do it now."

Ye Heng frowned: "What?"

Ye Shixian bit her lip, and repeated what Shao Yao said before.

After hearing this, Ye Heng's face was already very ugly.

"She's really lucky!"

However, Ye Shixian turned her eyes and said, "Father, there are good and bad things about this matter, it all depends on how everyone sees it."

Ye Heng didn't understand her meaning: "How to say?"

Ye Shixian lowered her voice.

"She is used to building a good reputation for herself, but she doesn't know that reputation can save people, and it can also kill people!"


Two carriages turned into Liuwan Lane, and stopped at the gate of Ye Mansion one after the other.

Ye Chutang got out of the carriage and took Xiao Wu to say goodbye to them.

"Thank you son and princess this time."

Princess Qinyang asked unwillingly: "Are you really not picking two people to take care of you?"

Ye Chutang declined with a smile.

Princess Qinyang had no choice but to compromise: "Okay, at worst we can come visit you more often."

She coughed: "However, I may be busy in the next half month. If I can't come, it will be the same for my brother."

Ye Chutang: "That's not true -"

"I'm sorry for delaying Miss Ye Er's business this time." A cold and low voice came. Shen Yanchuan looked at her and nodded gently, "If you have any instructions in the future, Miss Ye Er, just speak up."

Ye Chutang was stunned for a moment, and realized that he was talking about her going up the mountain to offer incense and worship Buddha.

She smiled slightly.

In fact, she doesn't believe in gods and Buddhas, but... as long as it can make her father, mother and elder brother's soul peaceful, she is willing to do it with all her heart.

Ye Chutang bowed his knees and saluted, word by word:
"Thank you, son."


Taking Xiao Wu back to the room, Xiao Wu closed the door and immediately looked over eagerly.

Ye Chutang scratched her red nose.

"Okay, it's really nothing, just change the medicine for Sister later."

Xiao Wu was finally relieved when she heard that she was willing to let him help change the dressing.She nodded repeatedly.

Ye Chutang thought of something: "By the way, your third brother and fourth brother may come back later, let's add some dishes."


As Ye Chutang expected, after a while, the two brothers came back.

Ye Yun rushed in in a hurry: "Sister!"

Ye Chutang didn't raise her head: "Your elder sister didn't die, but you will kill her too."


Ye Yunfeng swept in with a gust of wind, and when he heard Ye Chutang's voice, he finally let go of his heart that had been raised all the way.

"Sister, my third brother and I listened in Guozi and said that something happened to you, so we rushed back immediately!"

He looked at Ye Chutang carefully several times, smelling the bitter medicinal smell on her body, and his expression changed slightly.

"What's the matter?"

Ye Chutang looked up, and saw Ye Jingyan coming back right after him.

He was more stable than Ye Jingyan, but at this time he was also frowning and looking worried: "Sister, what happened yesterday?"

Ye Chutang put down the account book in his hand, smiled, and said, "I'm fine, I just got a dart in my shoulder, a little flesh injury, not serious."

Ye Yunfeng looked over her left shoulder: "Sister, didn't you go up the mountain to ask for incense, how could it be - they also said that you fell off the cliff in order to save Dingbeihou Shizi, is it true or not?"

Ye Chutang got up and turned around so that the three siblings could see clearly.

"It's true, but I'll never do anything I'm not sure about. Can you rest assured now?"

Ye Jingyan let out a long sigh of relief.

When he heard the news, his first reaction was that sister did it on purpose, but sister had never mentioned this before, so he was still very disturbed after all.

It wasn't until this time that he finally felt relieved when he got a positive answer from Auntie.

It's just...in the end it was hurt.

Ye Yunfeng still felt distressed, "Let me know who it is later, and I will definitely make them pay back a hundredfold!"

Ye Chutang thought of what happened the night before, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

Those people fell into Shen Yanchuan's hands and knew that they would not end well.

"Then wait until you are a little older, anyway, there will be opportunities in the future."

Ye Jingyan's heart moved: "...Sister, do you know the identity of the other party?"

Ye Chutang nodded.

"But this time it's not for me, so don't worry."

The one who really has a headache is probably the one from Prince Qi's Mansion...

Seeing that Ye Chutang didn't intend to say anything, Ye Jingyan didn't continue to ask.

"Anyway, it's good that sister is fine."

His eyes turned and landed on the desk.

It was an open account book, and there was another stack beside it.

"This is the account flow of the shops that have been recovered for the past three years? Didn't Sister read it before?"

Ye Chutang lightly tapped it with his pale fingers.

"Although it is a fake account book, there is still something to behold. Otherwise, when I go back to meet the shopkeepers, I won't be able to ask a single word."

Only when you know what you are doing can you act easily.

Ye Jingyan suddenly said: "Sister's words are reasonable."

Ye Chutang put the account book aside, and said, "By the way, you will take a leave of absence with the teaching assistant for a few days, and won't go back to the Imperial College for now."

"Really?" Ye Yunfeng regained his energy in an instant, but soon realized something was wrong and scratched his head, "Is there anything Elder Sister wants me and Third Brother to do?"

Ye Jingyan had a faint guess in his heart: "Sister, you want to..."

The next moment, I saw the corners of Ye Chutang's lips curved slightly, and smiled softly:
"The house deed and land title have been taken back. It would be more reassuring to go and take a look at your own property in person, right?"

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