Chapter 167 That line (sixth update, supplement)
"Second Miss Ye." Fang Xuran interrupted Ye Chutang, "You, why are you so troublesome? Besides, even if that person is a tea merchant in Yuzhou, it can't explain anything. The tea is also divided into different grades. It can’t be finished for three days and three nights. I can’t explain it to you for a while, but everyone understands the truth that you get what you pay for.”

He leaned back in his chair, took a sip of tea, and said with a smile:

"You can't really tell anything by just looking at this page of accounts."

Between the words, there is a bit of disdain that cannot be concealed.

He obviously felt that Ye Chutang was messing around.

"Shopkeeper Fang's words are wrong." Ye Chutang's expression was flat, "It is precisely because I only read this page that I saw the problem, so it is not good. In terms of experience in opening a tea house, I am not as good as you, but this It's not difficult to find out the price of tea by asking around. There are so many tea houses in the capital, and you can tell whether the price is expensive or cheap by just asking a few."

The smile on Fang Xuran's face finally couldn't be maintained.

"Second Miss Ye, don't be joking. Which tea house is willing to show its account book to outsiders?"

"I don't plan to read theirs." Ye Chutang picked up the account book in his hand, "Can I just ask them to read mine?"


Fang Xuran became angry in an instant, and all the previous graciousness and politeness were gone.

"How can you show this thing to others casually!"

Ye Chutang didn't care too much: "There's nothing you can't see, anyway, you're losing money every year."

Fang Xuran choked, his face turned red, and the rest of the words were stuck in his throat, saying no, no saying no!

Ye Yunfeng couldn't help laughing out loud: "That's right, maybe you can save a little bit by asking someone for advice!"

Xiao Wu then nodded vigorously.

- that's it!
"You—" Fang Xuran was extremely annoyed.

Ye Jingyan comforted: "Why is shopkeeper Fang so excited, this tea house is not yours in the first place, even if it loses money, it is also my elder sister's fault."


Fang Xuran was about to explode.

He could tell that the siblings were not easy to get along with!

Ye Chutang waved: "You sit down first, this is only the first question, and it won't be too late to comment after you have asked all the others."

Where is the back!

Fang Xuran sneered: "Miss Ye Er, let's make things clear, you came here today to find something about me, right?"

Ye Chutang was surprised: "Why did shopkeeper Fang say that? In the past few years, the second uncle handed over this tea house to you, and asked you to run it on your behalf. You are the hardest. Today I just came to reconcile the account with you, how did it become so Made things difficult for you on purpose?"

Fang Xuran was blocked by his words.

He had also heard of Ye Chutang's name before, but he didn't take it seriously. After knowing that they took back these shops, he only thought that they were borrowing the influence of the eldest princess, but he didn't take them seriously in his heart.

Who knew... Ye Chutang was such a stubborn stubble!

Fang Xuran said coldly: "I have done my duty for the past three years, and I am worthy of anyone! If Miss Ye Er can't trust me, why don't you hire someone else!"

Ye Chutang raised his eyebrows slightly: "Shopkeeper Fang quit?"

Fang Xuran said awe-inspiringly, "I am frank and frank, and I will never be humiliated like this!"

Ye Chutang thought for a moment, then nodded: "That's fine."

Fang Xuran was stunned for a moment: "...what?"

Ye Chutang looked sincerely, and said: "I've never liked to force others to do things. Since shopkeeper Fang is so wronged by staying here, I really have no face to try to persuade him to stay."


The servant not far away heard this and accidentally knocked over the tea pot.

Fang Xuran's mind went blank, as if he hadn't realized what happened.Ye Chutang said with a gentle and steady look: "But don't worry, although the tea house has suffered a lot of losses in the past few years, it is you who have been working hard to support it. There is no credit but hard work. I will pay you an extra three months of monthly payment."

She looked sideways at Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu immediately compared a number.

Ye Chutang nodded: "Yes, 180 taels."

Xiao Wu hurriedly took out his purse, and pulled out a bank note and several silver ingots.

Ye Chutang gave her a thumbs up in admiration, and Xiao Wu grinned.

Afterwards, Ye Chutang put the money on the table and gently pushed it forward.

The whole room was dead silent.

Fang Xuran never thought that one day he would suffer such, such insults!
This kicked him out of the house directly!
He thought Ye Chutang was crazy.

"Ye Chutang! Did you ever get Master Ye's permission to do this?!"

Ye Chutang took back the ledger and handed it back to A Yan, making it clear that he didn't intend to spend any more time with Fang Xuran.

The corners of her mouth curled, but the corners of her eyes and brows were carelessly cold and indifferent.

"Treasurer Fang is joking. This tea house belongs to my family. When do we need to ask outsiders for their opinions?"

The moment they looked at each other, Fang Xuran shuddered.

He wanted to say something, but found that he had no position at all, let alone qualified.

What's more, Ye Chutang now has a backer, which is not something ordinary people can provoke.

Fang Xuran almost gritted his iron teeth: "Okay! Okay! If that's the case, I will quit this shopkeeper! You can do whatever you want!"

As he said that, he actually shook his sleeves and left without taking the bank notes from the table.

The air in the huge store seemed to freeze, and it was so quiet that you could hear a needle drop.

The boys were still in a daze, wondering why the shopkeeper was driven away in such a short period of time?
Xiao Wule Diandian counted the banknotes and silver ingots again, and put them back into her purse.

——Saved another sum of money, hehe!
Ye Chutang looked at the remaining servants.

"Who wants to stay, who wants to go?"



Fang Xuran rushed to the door, turned around and spat hard.

"I want to see if you can support this tea house just by relying on you guys!"

This is only the first tea house, if Ye Chutang dares to continue to investigate...

Fang Xuran's eyes changed, and finally he turned and left angrily, heading straight for Fengling Lane.


"Check, there are still more than a dozen." Ye Chutang led Xiao Wu out, "Time is tight and the task is heavy, and it will be easy if it is resolved early."

She clicked her tongue.

She didn't even dare to think about how much money this would bring back.

"It would be great if the next shopkeeper was so knowledgeable."

(End of this chapter)

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