Chapter 170 Slander ([-]st update)
Shopkeeper Zhao laughed angrily: "What? Are you trying to be tough?"

Ye Yunfeng moved his shoulders, looked him up and down, and raised his eyebrows: "I can't tell you, Shopkeeper Zhao."

Shopkeeper Zhao was in his 30s and seemed to be in his prime, but he was thin and frail. Ye Yunfeng felt that he could throw the man away like a chicken with just one move.

That can't be said to be "forcible"!

Shopkeeper Zhao heard what Ye Yunfeng meant and was so angry that he was shaking all over, but he didn't dare to say another word.

Although they had not seen Ye Yunfeng before, they were not unfamiliar with this name.

Ye Yunfeng stole the show at the polo match, and even many people outside the palace heard about it.

Who dares to provoke such a number one person at will?

Shopkeeper Zhao angrily said: "Ye Chutang! If you do this, aren't you afraid of being poked in the back?"

Ye Chutang smiled slightly.

Ye Heng wasn't afraid, so what was she afraid of?

"This is my business, so I don't have to worry about it, Shopkeeper Zhao. I'm very pressed for time today, and I would like to ask Shopkeeper Zhao to make a decision as soon as possible. If you still haven't made a choice after half a quarter of an hour, then I will help you choose?" "

Shopkeeper Zhao was so angry that he turned around and left.

"I want to see what you can do!"

The store became quiet again.

Ye Chutang pinched Xiao Wu's face and saved another amount of compensation. Xiao Wu was very happy.

"The materials here are all average. Let's pick some good ones later and make more clothes for you."

Xiaowu smiled brightly at her.

Ye Chutang stood up: "Okay, next one." Ye Jingyan was still a little worried about her health: "Sister, in fact, we don't have to rush this matter in a day or two. Your injury has not fully recovered yet, why don't you go back early? have a rest?"

Ye Chutang shook his head: "No need, there aren't many in the first place, not to mention there are other things to do in the future."

Ye Jingyan was stunned for a moment.

Ye Yunfeng came over curiously: "After that? Sister, do you have other plans?"

Ye Chutang put away the account book, gently stroked it with his green-white fingers, and murmured:

"It's not easy to make so many ledgers. I just don't know when I can see the other 'ledgers'?"


Han family.

Inside and outside the gate, the two sides were in a confrontation, and the atmosphere was on the verge of breaking out.

Han Yao saw that Ye Heng not only came in person, but also brought many people with him. How could he not guess what the other party was thinking?
——This is to prevent him!
Ye Heng felt bad when he saw Han Yao's expression. He took a step forward and persuaded: "Xiannephew, listen to me. I didn't know anything about your father before!"

Han Yao almost wanted to laugh.

"You don't know? Ye Heng, you are probably looking forward to this day the most, right?"

As long as his father dies, Ye Heng's secrets will be buried and never mentioned again!
Ye Heng said in a deep voice: "I know you won't believe anything I say now, but I can swear that I have really tried my best to plead for your father! But, the crime he committed is too serious, and I don't have that The ability to control wind and rain, how can-"

"Why don't you? I think you are very capable!" Ye Heng said every word, gritting his teeth, and his eyes were burning with crazy flames, "I am too naive! I actually believed your words! You can even do it to your own brother Trapping and killing, what does this mean?"

Ye Heng's heart suddenly sank, and his expression immediately changed!

"Han Yao! You can eat randomly, but you can't talk nonsense! My eldest brother and I grew up together and have a deep relationship. Don't slander me here!"

(End of this chapter)

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