Chapter 173 It’s not for him (first update)
Human lives were at stake, and with Su Wei accompanying him at this time, no one dared to stop Ye Chutang.

She followed the little maid all the way in, and when passing through the atrium, she saw blood spattering on the ground.

Apparently a fierce conflict broke out here not long ago, and Su Peier must have been injured as a result.

Ye Chutang quickened his pace.


Inside the house, Ye Heng was pacing back and forth irritably.

Hearing footsteps coming from outside, he immediately looked up and saw the face he least wanted to see.

"Ye Chutang!?" Ye Heng frowned.

How did she come so fast! ?

However, Ye Chutang just nodded lightly at him and walked towards the inner room, as if he didn't want to waste time on him.

Just as Ye Heng was about to catch up, he heard Ye Chutang's voice.

"Close the door, and please leave all irrelevant personnel."

The door was shut tightly by the little maid!

Ye Heng almost got a headache and quickly took a step back, his expression slightly changed.

"Ye Chutang! This is the Han family! What do you want to do!?"

There was no response in the room, but a voice came from behind that made Ye Heng's whole body tingle instantly:
"I would also like to ask Mr. Ye, what is the purpose of all this trouble?"

Ye Heng turned around in disbelief: "S-Master Su!?"

Ye Chutang actually came with him! ?

But how could these two people be involved?
Ye Heng couldn't understand even after thinking about it, but it was already too late to ask this at this time.

Su Wei looked around, and finally his eyes fell on Ye Heng, and said in a nonchalant manner: "I thought that a lot of things happened to Mr. Ye during this period, and he must be mentally and physically exhausted, but I didn't expect that he would still have time to take care of the Han family's business. ?”

Hearing this, Ye Heng's heart skipped a beat.

Su Wei has always been at odds with him, and something like this happened again today. I know that Su Wei will never expose this matter easily!

He forced a smile: "Mr. Su, you are serious. I came here today because I was thinking about my old relationship with Han Tong and came to visit Han Yao to prevent him from being stimulated and doing stupid things——"

"Didn't you say that he was knocked unconscious by your people before?" Su Wei interrupted Ye Heng, "Now that he has passed out, Mr. Ye no longer has to worry about what he will do."

Ye Heng could naturally hear the irony in these words, but he did not dare to confront Su Wei, so he had to endure it secretly. …

"Girl! Doctor Ye is here!"

The little maid hurried over and started to cry again.

Su Peier's face turned extremely pale, and she turned her head slightly when she heard the sound.

"...Doctor Ye, you are finally here..."

Ye Chutang stepped forward and looked at Su Peier's wounds, frowning slightly.

Su Pei'er's injury made her look like she was running to die.

The bloody mouth rolled over and dripped with blood.

If there was even the slightest deviation, her life would really not be saved.

"Why do this for Han Yao?"

Su Peier smiled slowly, and the corners of her pale lips curved in a very shallow arc.

"I...not for him..."

Ye Chutang paused.

The next moment, she felt something being stuffed in her hand.

Ye Chutang was slightly startled. The moment their eyes met, the tears hanging in the corners of Su Peier's eyes fell silently, but the smile between her eyebrows slowly spread.

"Doctor Ye, please... we must save Han Lang..."


Time passed slowly, and Ye Heng could not sit still.

Finally, the door was opened and Ye Chutang walked out.

Ye Heng stood up immediately, but to his surprise, Ye Chutang spoke first.

"Where is Han Yao now?"

(End of this chapter)

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