Chapter 186 Slander ([-]st update)
Princess Qinyang's face turned cold.

"Murong Ye, is this why you came to me today?"

Murong Ye saw her cold expression and knew that she was unhappy, so he immediately explained in a low voice: "...Yes, but I did this also because -"

"For Ye Shixian?"

Princess Qinyang interrupted him, her chest seemed to be pressed by something, and there was a dull pain.

She wanted to laugh a little.

"Murong Ye, have you lost your mind? Everyone knows exactly what crime Ye Heng committed. If he didn't have evidence, Su Wei would have taken him away directly? Now you come to me to help him? are you crazy!"

How had Murong Ye been scolded like this before, especially when this person was the Princess of Qinyang who had been in love with him for several years?
But thinking of Ye Shixian's hazy and worried tearful eyes, he took a deep breath and suppressed his emotions.

"Qinyang, there must be something wrong with this matter. Just think about it and you will know. How could he poison Han Yao at that time? Isn't this pushing himself to death? How could he do such a thing? "

Princess Qinyang sneered: "Maybe he is as stupid as a pig?"

Murong Ye's temples were throbbing with pain.

Princess Qinyang turned around and was about to leave: "Don't say that I can't help you with this matter. Even if I could, I wouldn't interfere. If he really didn't do anything, Dali Temple would clear his name, but he If you do it...then so be it!"

Before Murong Ye came, he had thought that Princess Qinyang might not agree, but he didn't expect that she would refuse so completely. After all, this was the first time he asked her for help.

Seeing that Princess Qinyang didn't look back and had a firm attitude, Murong Ye quickly grabbed her wrist.

Princess Qinyang seemed to be aware of this and quickly avoided it.

Murong Ye was taken aback.

Her kung fu seems to have improved a lot compared to before...

But this thought only flashed through his mind, and was quickly thrown out of his mind, replaced by an indescribable feeling of shame.

"Qinyang, you really don't want to help me, do you?"

Princess Qinyang looked at him steadily, her eyes black and white.

"Yes." She said word by word, "Murong Ye, you saved me once. I owe you a favor. As long as you speak to me today for yourself, I will have no problem with it, but you are not. Besides, Although I am the princess, this matter involves a lot. If your father is willing to help, it will be easier, so you might as well ask him."

Murong Ye frowned tightly.

Princess Qinyang must have guessed that the first person he asked for was his father, and he was rejected.

Otherwise he would never bow to her.

When she said this, she was clearly trying to make things difficult!
Seeing his increasingly ugly expression, Princess Qinyang felt ridiculous.

"I've never seen someone you work so hard for."

They all knew who he was doing this for.

Murong Ye gritted his teeth: "I..."

Princess Qinyang's patience ran out and she interrupted him: "If you want to be a hero, just rely on your own ability and don't bring others along with you. I - I'm not interested, understand?"

After saying that, Princess Qinyang turned around and left.

Murong Ye hesitated for a moment and then chased after him.

"Qinyang! Wait!"

Princess Qinyang came to the corner and was thinking about leaving the palace directly when she suddenly heard a few low voices not far ahead.

"Really or not? Is Ye Chutang actually this kind of person?" Princess Qinyang frowned and immediately stood still, looking in the direction where the voice came from.

Covered by osmanthus trees and swaying branches and leaves, several women gathered together and did not notice the arrival of Princess Qinyang.

One of the women, wearing a light pink embroidered lotus skirt, held a handkerchief and gently covered her lips.

"Isn't that true? Before, I only thought that she lost her father and mother when she was young, and it was very hard and pitiful for her to raise several younger brothers and sisters by herself. Who knew she could be such a disorderly person?"

These words immediately aroused the approval of several women nearby.

"I have always found it strange that she was only fourteen when something happened to her family. Three years later, she was able to bring her younger brothers and sisters back to Beijing safely. How did she do it? Now that I think about it, I guess she had to use a lot of help... …”

"You have to say that he is really capable. How long have you been back now and you have climbed up to the Dingbei Hou Mansion? Apart from anything else, that face is indeed pretty. What man wouldn't feel distressed when he saw it?"

"That's right. Who doesn't know that Prince Dingbei has never been lewd with women in the past, but these few times he rode in the same carriage with her and sent her back, not because she risked her life to save him? But that day? There were so many pilgrims in Wulan Mountain, but no one else saw her, but she and the Crown Prince met together? I heard that the Crown Prince went to Wulan Mountain that day to attend an appointment with His Highness King Qi! How did she show up? Only she knows what's there..."

The woman wearing a light pink skirt snorted: "In my opinion, that Ye Chutang is very scheming! In the future-"

Before she finished speaking, she inadvertently raised her eyes and saw Princess Qinyang standing in the corridor not far away. She suddenly said "Ahhh" and was startled.

She hurriedly saluted: "Princess Qinyang! Why are you here?!"

Several other people were also shocked, turned around, and hurriedly called for people.

"I've met Princess Qinyang!"

Princess Qinyang raised her eyebrows: "Tell me, why don't you continue talking? This princess is listening with great interest."

Several women were trembling, and the one in the pink skirt was about to shed tears.

"Princess, I, we didn't say anything, you misunderstood..."

"Oh?" Princess Qinyang asked with great interest, "You mean, my princess' ears don't work well?"

"No, no! I definitely don't mean this!" The woman in the pink skirt was visibly panicked, and she knelt down directly, "Your Majesty, the princess has a lot of people, please bypass me this time!"

Who doesn't know that Princess Qinyang is not easy to mess with?I heard that she and Ye Chutang had a good relationship. When she heard these words, she was kicked right onto the iron plate! ?

The other women looked at each other in panic.

Princess Qinyang looked at the woman.

"It looks your father Luo Yingqi, the young minister of Honglu Temple?"

The woman in the pink skirt suddenly turned pale.

She originally thought that Princess Qinyang didn't know her and could get away with it, but she didn't know that Princess Qinyang was very quick at making friends and could identify everyone she met.

When she followed King Yan Nan to the southwest border, she relied on this ability to catch the thief at a glance.

It's just that it's been a long time, and most people in the capital don't know that she still has such ability.

Princess Qinyang smiled half-heartedly: "I asked why there has been so much gossip lately, and I thought it was some talkative woman who was gossiping, but I didn't expect it to be the daughter of the Luo family?"

Ever since the news spread that Ye Chutang was injured while saving Shen Yanchuan, there have been some unpopular rumors.

Princess Qinyang thought that Ye Chutang had not recovered from his serious illness, so she suppressed the matter for the time being and planned to investigate it later, but unexpectedly——

Princess Qinyang took a step forward and smiled innocently at the woman in pink skirt.

"Does your father know that you are slandering the benefactor of Dingbeihou Mansion and a guest of the Eldest Princess Mansion out of thin air?"

(End of this chapter)

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