Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 19 Her Pen and Ink

Chapter 19 Her Pen and Ink
"how so!?"

When Ye Yunfeng got the news, his eyes widened, he couldn't believe it,
"The evidence is solid, so many people can testify! How could he come out of the yamen cleanly!?"

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and he turned to go out.

Ye Chutang stopped him: "What are you doing?"

Ye Yunfeng clenched his fists: "I'm going to the Yamen to ask for clarification!"

Ye Chutang said indifferently: "He is the main gate of the yamen that he walked in a fair manner today. If you ask now, what can you ask?"

Isn't that letting the people in the yamen slap themselves in the face?


Ye Yunfeng held his breath tightly in his chest, unable to move up or down, unable to hold back.

While tidying up the medicine cabinet, Ye Chutang said, "The Cao family is considered a tyrant in Jiangling, and it's not something small families like us can handle."

After the initial accident, Ye Chutang quickly figured out the key point - Cao Deping's cousin is now the wife of the magistrate of Jiangling County.

It is said that it is the wife, but it is actually just a concubine. The original wife of the head of the Yangzhi County passed away a few years ago, and has been the head of the concubine ever since.

Hearing that she was very favored, Yang Zhixian wanted to help her, but because she was a merchant and had many concerns, she just kept procrastinating.

Except for not having that title, everything about this concubine's room is treated like a decent magistrate's wife.

She only needs to blow a few words of pillow wind, but is she still worried that she can't help her cousin?
Ye Jingyan frowned: "But that's a total of three lives, and they just forget about it?"

The corners of Ye Chutang's lips curled up, but the dark and moist eyes were cold.

She calmly said: "Human life? It's nothing but worthless, how much is it worth?"

In this world, this is the last thing worth mentioning.

Those three masked men were all gamblers, and they owed Cao Chengwen's gambling debts, so they were bought by him and came out to do this desperate thing.

Now that the three of them are dead, Cao Chengwen can get away with making up a random explanation, and no one will pursue them anyway.

Even if someone wants to find out, they will be easily covered by power and profit, covering up all traces.

Listening to her words, Ye Jingyan was stunned for a moment, thinking of something, and didn't speak for a long time.

Ye Yunfeng was still furious: "But even if this is the case, what about Cao Chengwu? He was killed by Cao Chengwen! It's a certainty! How can we reverse the case?"

The Zhou family made a big fuss at the gate of the yamen that day, and the scene of publicly identifying Cao Chengwen is still talked about by many people. Why did the wind completely change in just three days?

Ye Chutang opened a medicine cabinet, but it was still empty.

Ever since major pharmacies refused to sell medicinal materials to her, the inventory of medical centers has been decreasing rapidly, and now it is almost impossible to get a neat set of prescriptions.

She closed the medicine cabinet, turned around and picked up a pen, wrote down the required medicinal materials one by one, and dried them gently.

"Zhou's testimony is true, but if he can't produce evidence, it will be futile." Ye Chutang folded the paper neatly and told Ye Jingyan, "Ah Yan, you go and write a notice, saying that from today , Ye’s Medical Center only sees a doctor, not prescribes medicine.”

Ye Jingyan felt uncomfortable, but she had no choice but to do so, "Okay, I'll go right away."

Ye Chutang stopped Ye Yunfeng again: "It just so happens that the medicine cabinet is basically emptied, so I'll take the time to tidy it up later."

Ye Yunfeng responded sullenly: "Oh."

Ye Chutang planned to wait and see what happened.

In fact, she also wanted to see what else Boss Cao could do.

Although Ye Yunfeng has a strong temper, he listened to her words very much, he gritted his teeth and agreed.

Ye Chutang sent the prescription to Lian Zhou.

"The medical center doesn't have enough medicinal materials. I'm afraid you will have to go to the pharmacy to get the medicine yourself. After you get it back, I can fry it for you."

Lian Zhou returned to the room with the prescription in a complicated mood.

"I didn't expect the Cao family to be quite capable. Doctor Ye may be in trouble now."

Opening a medical clinic, but not being able to buy medicinal materials, isn't this cutting off people's lives?

Even if she can still see a doctor now, she knows that the Cao family will definitely not let it go. If there is any more pressure in the future, her big family will probably be...

Shen Yanchuan's eyes fell on the prescription, and he raised his hand.

Lian Zhou immediately handed over the prescription. Seeing the master staring at it for a long time, he asked strangely, "What's the matter, master? Is there something wrong with this prescription?"

Shen Yanchuan said: "The writing is not bad."

Lian Zhou followed suit.

It was a very beautiful lower script with hairpin flowers, delicate and graceful.

He nodded, originally he wanted to speak like a person, but then he thought about the night a few days ago, and felt that this sentence seemed inappropriate.

Dr. Ye seemed... different from ordinary women.

However, even if this word is well written, it's not worth the master's attention, right?
After all, it is hard to find the master's handwriting in the whole capital. Although Doctor Ye's handwriting is not bad, compared with the master's handwriting, it seems too rigid and restrained, and lacks aura.

Shen Yanchuan said: "Paper and ink are even better."

Lian Zhou was even more puzzled.

"This...isn't this just ordinary Sunan rice paper and lampblack ink?"

This thing can be seen everywhere, and it seems to be nothing special.

Shen Yanchuan's eyebrows moved slightly, and there seemed to be a playful smile on his lips.

"These two things are indeed very common, but they are not common when put together. This lampblack ink is produced in Yecheng, with a very light pine fragrance. It is thousands of miles away from here, and the price of transporting it will be several times. And What Jiangling uses most is ordinary pine smoke ink, which is relatively cheap and easy to use, but she just doesn't choose it."

Lian Zhou hesitated for a moment: "Maybe...she just likes this oily ink?"

This is not a rare thing, many people really care about pens, inks, papers and inkstones.

Shen Yanchuan laughed, put the piece of paper aside, and tapped it twice with his slender fingers like jade.

"The last time I saw such paper and ink was at Xu Fengchi's residence."

Lian Zhou was startled, almost thinking he had heard wrong.

"You mean, the imperial censor Zuoqian of the Metropolitan Procuratorate—Master Xu!?"


There were not many people coming to see a doctor that day, Ye Chutang had a rare leisure time, so he silently played "Six Kingdoms" in his room.

Xiao Wu was lying on the opposite side of the table, dragging his chubby face with two small hands, watching seriously.

Although she is only four years old, she can basically understand the words on it.

Although it's fine if you don't understand the content, it doesn't matter, Ye Chutang will occasionally pick an interesting story to tell her.

By the time I finished writing, two hours had passed.

Ye Chutang moved his slightly sore wrist.

This is not the way to go. Although she can get a lot of books for Ah Yan to read, it is still not enough.

What's more, their wife...

Ding Ding Deng!
Suddenly there were hurried footsteps outside, Ye Chutang raised his head, and saw Ye Yunfeng hurried in.

"Sister! It's not good! They want to close our clinic!"

(End of this chapter)

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