Ye Shixian waited restlessly outside the gate.

Su Pei'er didn't tell anyone until she died, and now Shen Yanchuan and Ye Chutang have entered the Han family's secret passage!

Although she didn't know what the so-called secret passage was like, she always felt that something uncontrollable would happen.

Han Tong is a suspicious and cautious person by nature. He was able to leave behind his father's clues, but who knows what other tricks he might have left!
This secret passage is probably——

Time became extremely painful, and Ye Shixian felt that she had never experienced such a difficult Mid-Autumn Festival night in so many years.


"My son please."

Ye Chutang raised his hand and motioned for Shen Yanchuan to take the first step.

Shen Yanchuan stepped forward. The black entrance was bottomless and seemed to have a hint of coldness.

Yuncheng handed over a lantern to light the way forward.

Shen Yanchuan stepped forward with his long legs and headed inside.

Ye Chutang followed closely behind.

This is a secret passage that is large enough for two people to walk side by side, and it seems to be quite old.

In the quiet secret passage, breathing can be heard clearly.

"I didn't expect that there is such a secret hidden under the Han family." Shen Yanchuan commented, "After all, when he just bought this mansion, he started secretly preparing to build this secret passage."

Ye Chutang looked at the secret passage by the light.

The workmanship is not exquisite, but it is sufficient.

The most important thing is that Han Tong had ulterior motives early on, otherwise he would not have done such a thing.

"The capital is truly a land of crouching tigers, hidden dragons." Ye Chutang said with a hint.

A mere young minister from Guanglu Temple was actually willing to go to such great lengths to go to war and put so much effort into building a secret passage... It's really hard not to make people think too much.

If it hadn't been for the fire in the Han family today and Su Peier and the others escaping from the secret passage, outsiders would never have guessed that such a secret was hidden here.

Shen Yanchuan raised his eyebrows slightly.

Suddenly, he stopped and fixed his gaze on the wall on the left.

Ye Chutang also stood still and followed his gaze. "Prince?"

Shen Yanchuan didn't say anything, he just tapped it lightly with his fingers.

dong dong.

——Behind the wall, it was actually empty!

He turned his head and told Lian Zhou, "Open it and take a look."


Lian Zhou responded and immediately stepped forward.

I saw him knocking a few times along the wall. I don't know where he hit it, and a small door suddenly opened on the wall!
The scene suddenly fell silent.

Ye Chutang glanced over there, the corners of his lips raised slightly.

Behind that doorway, there were a large number of gold bars quietly placed!

At a glance, it’s worth telling at least a thousand taels!

With Han Tong's salary, even if he worked until he died, he would never be able to have such a huge amount of money!
It's rare for an official to be greedy, especially in the capital city. Even a small official with a big sesame seed can earn a lot of money just by taking advantage of him.

But this amount still shocked everyone present.

"Master, here is a booklet!"

With quick eyes and quick hands, Lian Zhou quickly discovered a thin book lying close to the inside of the doorway. He immediately took it out, turned around and presented it to Shen Yanchuan with both hands.

Shen Yanchuan took it and turned to the first page.

Suddenly, he seemed to realize something and glanced sideways at Ye Chutang.

The woman stood quietly, her hands folded on her lower abdomen, her face was calm, and her eyes were clear, as if she didn't care much about it.

Shen Yanchuan had a vague suspicion in his heart.

He lowered his eyes slightly, glanced at the booklet in his hand, and raised his eyebrows very slightly.

This is indeed a record of Han Yao accepting bribes. At the same time, this is also——

Ye Heng's death knell is about to ring!

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