Ye Chutang paused slightly and turned sideways to avoid the sudden figure.

It turned out to be Gao. Taking advantage of the moment when he was being escorted to his feet, he broke free from the restraints and suddenly rushed towards Ye Chutang.

No one expected that she would suddenly attack Ye Chutang, but Ye Chutang quickly dodged and Gao was able to escape.

Gao stumbled a few steps and fell to the ground. His forehead accidentally hit the stone steps next to him, and a bloody hole suddenly appeared.

The blood was pouring out, making her red, swollen and ulcerated face even more terrifying.


Ye Shixian was shocked on the spot and rushed over, but before she could get close, she was stopped by someone.

The officers and soldiers who had accidentally let Gao out just now were all covered in cold sweat, and they detained her again and apologized in a panic.

"Subordinates are incompetent!"

If something really happened to Ye Chutang, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to eat and walk around!
Blood was dripping from Mrs. Gao's face, and she was angry and annoyed in her heart. She gritted her teeth and said bitterly: "Ye Chutang! Are you satisfied now!? Seeing our family destroyed, you will be happy, right?"

Ye Chutang gently smoothed the wrinkles at the corners of her skirt, and then looked at Mrs. Gao calmly.

"Where did your words come from? It was not my wish for my second uncle to be imprisoned, but now the evidence is conclusive. Even though I have a lot of reluctance in my heart, I cannot go against my will. I ask my second aunt for your understanding."

The light, soft yet calm and indifferent voice is like clear spring water, cooling the bones.

"Just like when my father angered Long Yan and was demoted to Wuzhou, my second uncle was helpless. I believe my second aunt will feel the same way."

Gao's wailing voice suddenly stopped.

She met those dark and gentle eyes, but at this moment she felt that those eyes were too deep to be understood!
The scene that happened three years ago appeared in his mind, and Gao shuddered unconsciously.

At that time, something happened to Ye Zheng. In order not to be implicated, Ye Heng never said a word from the beginning to the end.

and after?
Ye Zheng's family was killed and blood flowed all over the ground.

Thinking of this, Gao felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave.Ye Chutang's meaning couldn't be more obvious - everything today is just the cause and effect of what was sown in the past!

Shen Yanchuan's eyes turned cold: "It seems that Mrs. Ye's condition is not very good, and more people need to be sent to take care of her."

Yuncheng's spiritual meeting: "Yes!"

Gao was filled with fear and fear, as if something was violently hitting her chest, but her throat seemed to be blocked, and she couldn't say a word.

She subconsciously touched her head, her hand warm and sticky.

The next moment, whether because of injury or fear, she rolled her eyes and fainted.

Ye Shixian's heart suddenly twitched: "Mother!"

Lian Zhou came to her at some point.

Although he didn't say anything, it seemed like he said everything.

In this situation, how can they be allowed to do whatever they want?

Seeing Mrs. Gao being carried away quickly, Ye Shixian was distraught and felt unprecedented despair.

His father was imprisoned, his mother was injured, and even Mingze was unconscious...

How come she was the only one left in such a big Ye family overnight?
"It's late at night, it's time to go home."

Ye Chutang rubbed Xiao Wu's head and raised the corners of his lips slightly, as if what happened just now had nothing to do with her, and it didn't even stir up a single ripple in her heart.

Xiaowu's eyes were bright.

Ye Chutang rolled his eyes.

"Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, a day for family reunion. Naturally, we have to come home early and have a reunion dinner together." (End of Chapter)

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