Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 21 What kind of man can stand her

Chapter 21 What kind of man can stand her
Cao Deping put his hands behind his back and snorted coldly: "Anyway, she will have to peel off her skin if she doesn't die!"

Cao Chengwen was happy at first, but then asked with some worry: "But those people didn't kill anyone after all, she is at best a quack doctor who misled others, and then she will be locked up for a few days and then released, isn't it still..."

"Idiot!" Cao Deping couldn't help kicking him, "In just a few days, four of them died! If there is any disturbance now, how will the county magistrate explain it!"

Pay attention to a degree in doing things!

The county magistrate is now willing to turn a blind eye to help them, firstly for the sake of his cousin, and secondly because he also wants to close the case as soon as possible and suppress all these matters.

If people die again, people will be panicked, and if they are not kept well, someone will come out and accuse the magistrate of being incompetent, and even a small Jiangling can't be managed well.

"The magistrate's term of office is about to expire, and it is said that this promotion is expected, so there must be no mistakes during this period!"

As long as that one is promoted, can't they follow suit?

At that time, what is a small Jiangling!
Cao Chengwen's eyes lit up instantly: "Really!?"

Cao Deping stroked his beard, his face showing a bit of pride: "This is what your cousin told me personally, can it be false? But you must not disclose this news to the outside world, do you hear me?"

"My son is not stupid, there is still some sense of propriety!" Cao Chengwen immediately patted his chest to assure him.

But then, the scene of the confrontation with Ye Chutang at the gate of the yamen appeared inexplicably in front of his eyes, and for some reason he always felt inexplicably flustered.

"However, Dad, I think that Ye Chutang is quite capable. We should take more precautions. Even if we can't press her to death, we must never give her another chance to stand up!"

"Promise!" Cao Deping snorted coldly, "She is a woman, how capable is she? This visit to the yamen probably scares her enough! Now the major pharmacies in Jiangling don't do her business anymore. , and caused several accidents, the hospital was closed, even if she could come out, she would not be able to stay in Jiangling any longer. Turn over? Dreaming!"

As he spoke, he couldn't help but blame Cao Chengwen.

"Since childhood, you have always had this temperament. You lack courage, and you are more than cowardly. You are afraid of wolves and tigers! It's not like Chengwu—"

Speaking of this, he paused, swallowed the rest of the words, snorted coldly, shook his sleeves and turned to leave.

After he left, Cao Chengwen slowly raised his head, looking at him with resentment and resentment.

For so many years, he and Cheng Wu have often been compared, and Cheng Wu is always praised a lot, as if he is inferior to Cheng Wu in every way!
But now Cheng Wu is dead!Dad is still——

Cao Chengwen stood up slowly, but couldn't help but sneer.

That's right, Cheng Wu is dead anyway, and no one will argue with him anymore.

Even if father knew that he did all of this, wouldn't he still have to protect him?
Now just be patient and wait for the results.

Ye Chutang...

Thinking of the rainy spring that day, the woman was holding an oil-paper umbrella, revealing a delicate and white wrist, which was particularly eye-catching.

Cao Chengwen narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling a little hot in his heart.

In the whole of Jiangling, there is no other woman with such beauty and temperament, if——


"So, you guys really won't leave today?"

Before the steps, Ye Chutang asked again.

Lian Zhou nodded firmly: "Yes."

The master has made up his mind, and if he wants to check it out here, they will naturally not be able to leave.

Ye Chutang glanced into the room.

I couldn't see anyone, but I could only vaguely see the corner of the crescent-white brocade robe.

It looked like they really didn't intend to leave.

In Ye Chutang's two lifetimes, this was the first time he had seen such a person.

Don't dodge or evade when encountering troubles, and insist on moving forward.


Ye Chutang didn't dwell on this matter for too long, and nodded slightly.

"Since that's the case, it's not too late to leave after Mr. Shen recovers from his injury. However, I may not be able to continue to help see the doctor in the next period of time."

Lian Zhou immediately said: "Don't worry, Doctor Ye, we also know about this, just go and get busy, my master, I will take care of him."

Anyway, according to what she said, just use the medicine for a short period of time, and he can do all these things.

Ye Chutang smiled lightly: "So, please pay for the accommodation and food expenses."


"She actually charged us extra money!?"

Lian Zhou's face was full of disbelief,

"The consultation fee we gave her in the past few days is enough to buy another yard!"

Shen Yanchuan was lazily lying on the wooden rattan chair, but the corners of his lips were curled up when he heard the words, as if he was not surprised at all: "The medical clinic is closed, and she asked us to leave, which is considered to be a settlement with us. If we continue to live, we will naturally have to re-accept Money."

Lian Zhou was even more shocked: "That's what she said, how do you know!?"

Do you still need to think about it?It's just a guess.

Ever since the night of the Spring Lantern Festival, Shen Yanchuan felt that he would not be surprised or surprised by anything she did.

"Give it to her."

When the master gave the order, Lian Zhou naturally had to obey it.

It's not that there is a lack of money, it's just that...the money is given out one by one, it's like running water, who can bear it!
Lian Zhou couldn't help complaining: "I don't know what kind of man can stand such a woman!"

Shen Yanchuan's brows moved slightly, he suddenly looked up, and asked: "Go and find out, when did she come to Jiangling, and who was her former husband."

If you want to find out the relationship between her and Xu Fengchi, you must first understand her identity and her background.

The fastest way, of course, is to start with the people around her.


After arranging the family affairs, Ye Chutang followed Wu Xu and others to the Yamen.

Walking on the road, Ye Chutang suddenly remembered something and asked, "By the way, what happened to Liu Si's case before?"

Wu Xu was a little surprised. At this time, shouldn't ordinary people be most concerned about their own affairs?Why did she ask about other people instead?

After thinking about it, he felt that Ye Chutang might still be worried that Ye Yunfeng would be involved, so he comforted him: "Don't worry, Doctor Ye, Liu Si has already pleaded guilty, saying that Cao Chengwu was the one who killed him, and it has nothing to do with anyone else."

It was purely a mistake to find Ye Yunfeng before.

"Oh?" Ye Chutang seemed a little surprised, "Didn't the Zhou family testify in public that Cao Chengwen ordered it?"

Wu Xu explained helplessly: "That's true, but the point is, she has no evidence! So after trial and error, Cao Chengwen was sent back."

Ye Chutang lowered his eyes slightly.

Cao Chengwen probably prepared for this day for a long time, so every step was very cautious. Although there was Zhou's testimony, there was no evidence. After all, there was no way to convict Cao Chengwen.

But Liu Si was doomed to die.

Soon at the gate of the yamen, Wu Xu said in a low voice: "Doctor Ye, it's just a routine inquiry, don't be nervous."

Ye Chutang looked up, but saw a woman's figure flash past behind the door.

The luxurious clothes and expensive ornaments are quite charming.

It was Liu Yiyi, Cao Deping's cousin, who is now the magistrate's wife.

 Lian Zhou: I don't know what kind of man can stand such a woman!
  Shen Yanchuan: ...

(End of this chapter)

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