The further he went, the more Murong Ye felt something was wrong.

It wasn't until he saw the heavy guards outside Ye's house that his uneasiness finally reached its peak.

He jumped off the carriage and walked forward, but was stopped as expected.

"Mr. Murong, please stay."

The people who came with Shen Yanchuan today were all capable men, and they naturally knew Murong Ye when they met him.

But this attitude is not very respectful.

Murong Ye frowned: "What do you mean? Why did you come here when you weren't guarding the Han family?"

As he said this, he was about to walk in, but found that the people in front of him had no intention of getting out of the way.

"Mr. Murong, please come back. No one is allowed to enter the Ye Mansion without the Crown Prince's permission."

Seeing their attitude, Murong Ye knew something was wrong and did not force himself, so he said: "Then please pass the word and ask Miss Ye Shixian to come out and see them."

Things didn't go well for him in the palace and he couldn't help her. Although he felt ashamed, he had to come over and explain things clearly to her.

So much time has passed and Ye Heng has not been released yet. I wonder how anxious she is.

However, the guard still did not move: "Mr. Murong, it is not convenient for Miss Ye to see outsiders now, please come back!"


Murong Ye was stunned for a moment, and finally realized that something seemed wrong.

"Has she already rested?"

He asked this, but he knew in his heart that Ye Shixian was definitely not asleep at the moment.

Firstly, he had promised to give her an answer as soon as possible, and secondly, with so many people guarding the door, he knew that Ye Shixian would never be able to sleep peacefully at this moment.

Sure enough, the next second Murong Ye heard the other party's indifferent reply.

"These have nothing to do with Mr. Murong. You'd better not ask too much." Murong Ye was used to being domineering, but today he hit the wall again and again. He was always in trouble wherever he went. He felt very unhappy. At the moment His face turned cold.

"Who are you? It's your turn to order this young master?"

The guard clasped his hands in his fists and was about to speak when familiar footsteps came from behind him.

Accompanied by the sound was the man's deep and cold voice.

"This is what I mean. If you are dissatisfied, just tell me."

Murong Ye's heart skipped a beat. He raised his head and looked inside the door, and saw Shen Yanchuan walking slowly.

Shen Yanchuan stood on the steps and smiled slightly.

"It seems that the palace banquet is not over yet. Master Murong left so early?"

Murong Ye really didn't expect to bump into Shen Yanchuan, and was embarrassed for a moment.

But at this time in front of everyone, he didn't want to lose face, so he had to say: "I still have some things to do, so I left early. On the other hand, His Royal Highness, wasn't he supposed to be in the Han family originally? Why? When you come to the Ye family, you still put on such a show?"

The dissatisfaction in his words was obvious, and there was even a hint of questioning.

Shen Yanchuan raised his eyebrows, as if he didn't mind, and his thin lips were slightly raised.

"Why don't Mr. Murong ask Master Ye personally about this question? You have a close relationship with him. If you open your mouth, he will definitely explain it to you, right?"

Murong Ye's expression changed.

He rashly interceded for Ye Heng at the palace banquet, which had already made His Majesty unhappy. How could he continue to have any entanglements with Ye Heng?
"I just felt strange when I saw such movement in Ye Mansion." Murong Ye frowned and suppressed the anger in his heart, "The prince has his own reasons for doing things."

Shen Yanchuan raised his eyebrows slightly.

Does this mean that he is overbearing?

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