"Miss, what was that sound just now?"

Shaoyao walked into the room and asked a little strangely.

She had just gone to heat up the food again, and as soon as she came back, she seemed to hear something.

Ye Shixian's eyes flashed slightly, she tucked her broken hair behind her ears, and sat down on the stool: "It's nothing, I was just thinking about what's going on with daddy..."

Shaoyao didn't doubt that he was there, put the tray down, sighed, and advised: "Miss, you are trapped in the house now, and you are restricted everywhere. For now, I can only hope that the master can clear the suspicion as soon as possible and the injustice can be cleared. "

Ye Shixian stroked her chest and took a long breath: "Yes..."

Although Murong Ye agreed to help, no one knew what the outcome would be until the last moment.

After all, he failed to persuade His Majesty to release his father at the Mid-Autumn Palace Banquet the night before. This time...

Seeing that Ye Shixian still looked gloomy, Shaoyao advised again: "Miss, don't worry, I have many close colleagues in the court, there will always be someone to help!"

Ye Heng is good at dancing with long sleeves and is usually the best at this.

However, Ye Shixian didn't feel relaxed after hearing this.

"How can you trust those people? Everyone is for himself. When he is in glory, he will step over the threshold, but when he is in decline, there will be no one. What's more, he will step on -"

Suddenly, Ye Shixian's heart skipped a beat and she stood up suddenly.

"Wait! Today, today -"

She walked a few steps quickly, grabbed Shaoyao's arm, and asked urgently: "Today is the day for Han Tong to ask for help, isn't it!?"

Shaoyao didn't know why, and nodded blankly: "It seems, it seems, Miss, is there any problem?"

Ye Shixian's heart beat a little faster for no apparent reason, and an inexplicable uneasiness gradually emerged. "Go -" Just as he was about to let Shaoyao go out to inquire about the news, but remembering the current predicament, Ye Shixian swallowed back the rest of her words, "That's all!"

She wrung the handkerchief tightly with her hands and wandered around in panic several times.

Now, we can only hope that everything will go well. At noon - Han Tong's head fell to the ground!


Han Yao's words were like throwing a boulder on a calm lake, causing waves in an instant!
The onlookers were stunned for a moment, then immediately burst into an uproar!
Listening to Han Yao's words, the evidence is conclusive that Ye Heng killed his brother!And Han Tong knew this very well!
"No wonder! I said everything was fine before, but Ye Heng suddenly brought people to the Han family to cause trouble, and even saw blood! Are they trying to kill people and silence them?"

Everything before has a reasonable explanation!
Ye Chutang was stunned, as if it took him a long time to realize what Han Yao said.

Her slightly chapped and bleeding lips moved, and her pair of lustrous black eyes were filled with complete shock and confusion.

"What did you say?"

Her voice was extremely soft, as if it would be blown away in the wind at any time, but it stood out among the noisy streets.

Those noisy voices disappeared instantly, and countless pairs of eyes fell on her with complicated expressions.

Everyone in the capital knew that Ye Chutang and Ye Heng's family had broken up a long time ago, but no matter what, they were still members of the Ye family, and they could never let go of this blood relationship.

But now-

Who in the world can still remain calm and calm after knowing that his parents and brother were murdered by his most trusted and closest relatives? !

Han Yao admired her expression, his eyes filled with madness and satisfaction.

"Why, it's unexpected? Ye Chutang, this is not the only thing that your good second uncle has done that is heartbreaking! I think back then, Huo Yucheng——"

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