Qi Wangfu.

Xiao Chengxuan felt very uneasy when he woke up early in the morning, as if something was about to happen.

He walked back and forth and asked in a deep voice, "What was going on in the palace yesterday?"

The confidant bowed his head: "Returning to Your Highness, Prince Dingbei came to the palace overnight and stayed in the imperial study room for most of an hour. No one knew what they said. They only heard... After the prince left, Your Majesty notified Xu Fengchi to enter the palace. .”

Xiao Chengxuan paused: "Xu Fengchi?"

"Yes. But he stayed in the palace for a short time and returned home soon."

Xiao Chengxuan frowned.

Shen Yanchuan was responsible for investigating the affairs of the Han family. As a result, a fire broke out in the Han family. Naturally, he wanted to enter the palace and report all this one by one.

But why was Xu Fengchi involved later?
Xiao Chengxuan thought about it and decided to go to the palace to find out the news in person.

However, as soon as he left the house, he heard about the accident that happened at the Han family.

"What did you say!? Han Yao held Ye Chutang hostage, and Han Tong was also taken there!?"

Xiao Chengxuan was shocked and lost his voice. Then he immediately realized that he had lost his composure and immediately calmed down his expression, but his eyes still contained the shock and anger that had not faded.

"Is Han Yao crazy!? And Shen Yanchuan! Han Tong is a death row prisoner! He actually kidnapped people just like that!?"

Xiao Chengxuan was furious, but he was panicking uncontrollably.

If, if—

Seeing him like this, his subordinates also remained silent: "Your Highness, then, will you still enter the palace?"

"Change! Go to Han -" Xiao Chengxuan stopped mid-sentence, struggling a little on his face, but finally seemed to have made up his mind, "Ignore them! Enter the palace immediately!"

I'm rushing to Han's house at this time. Isn't it possible that there is no 300 taels of silver here?

His face was gloomy, and he turned his head and asked, "What's going on over there with Ye Heng?"...

After Han Yao finished shouting those words, everyone looked at each other and fell silent involuntarily.

He said he had evidence?That--

Shen Yanchuan narrowed his eyes slightly and said in an indifferent voice: "In that case, you just need to show the evidence. As long as you can prove that what you said is true, Ye Heng will naturally not be able to escape punishment."

Han Yao sneered again and again: "Why, you don't believe it, do you? Okay! I want evidence-"

He suddenly looked at Han Tong: "Dad! It's already this time, what do you have to worry about!"

Han Tong is the one who really holds Ye Heng's handle. The reason why Han Yao insists on having him come is to give Ye Heng a fatal blow!
Although Han Yao also knew a lot of inside information, he had heard it after all. Since he was determined to deal with Ye Heng, he would never leave any possibility for him to escape!
However, after listening to Han Yao's words, Han Tong had no reaction.

His face was blue, his jaw was clenched, and he didn't say a word.

Han Yao just thought that he hadn't figured out the stakes here yet, and hurriedly urged: "Dad! Why are you still hesitating!? Do you really want to wait for them to bully us all to death!?"

He really didn't understand that the Han family was in ruins, the Han family was dead and injured, and they were about to die completely, why his father still refused to speak!
However, at this time, Han Yao didn't know that it was not that Han Tong didn't want to speak, but that he couldn't speak at all!
This scene looked really weird. Han Yao was shouting like crazy, but Han Tong on the opposite side remained silent.

As everyone watched this scene, they gradually became suspicious.

Han Yao's temples jumped.

He endured the humiliation and finally got this opportunity, but his father was so indifferent!

"Okay, okay! If you don't want to say it, I'll do it for you!"

Hearing this, Han Tong's eyes widened instantly, and the veins in his neck jumped.

Han Yao no longer cared about all this and smiled coldly: "There is a box hidden under the laurel tree in the backyard! The evidence you want is inside!"

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