Chapter 23
Ye Chutang looked at her quietly and thought, so this is her real purpose.

When he said that the prescription was lost, he probably thought that there was no way to verify it, so he directly poured this basin of dirty water on the head of Ye's Medical Center.

But she didn't expect that Ye Chutang would leave a second prescription, so she was caught off guard.

However, it doesn't matter, this trick won't work, there is another trick.

She obviously didn't get the medicine that day from Ye's Medical Center, but now she dares to say that, which shows that it has been arranged long ago.

Seeing that Ye Chutang didn't speak, the woman thought she was intimidated, and triumphantly asked, "Why, don't you dare?"

Yang Zhen also looked at Ye Chutang.

At this point in the matter, it is impossible not to go to the medical clinic. If Ye Chutang refuses, it will only prove that she is guilty.

The next moment, he heard Ye Chutang calmly say: "My Ye's Medical Center is clean and innocent, so naturally I have nothing to fear."

Her shoulders are straight, her eyes are clear, and she is full of confidence.

Anyone who reads it will feel that she is indeed magnanimous.

However, seeing her reaction, the woman's eyes flashed with joy of success.

Of course Ye Chutang dared to say that now, but after searching the medical center later, she might not be so stubborn!
Yang Zhen immediately ordered: "Check!"

Ye Chutang's eyes swept over the woman's face calmly, and he raised his voice and asked: "Wait a minute. If I find nothing in the Ye's Medical Center, it will prove that you are a false accusation, right? At that time, you will have another What kind of words?"

"Why can't you find the medical clinic—" The woman paused for a moment, then sneered, "If you can't find it, I'll leave it to you!"

The corners of Ye Chutang's lips curved slightly.

"Since that's the case, it's a deal. You are all witnesses here, so don't renege on your promise."

Seeing her black and clear eyes, the woman panicked inexplicably.

She took the initiative to stagger her gaze, and said forcefully, "After searching the medical center, let's see if you still have the guts to say this!"


Ye's Medical Center.

Ye Jingyan waited in the room with Ye Yunfeng and Xiao Wu.

Ye Jingyan took out the book that sister left behind, Ye Yunfeng was anxious and paced back and forth, while Xiao Wu was holding the abacus and looking at the closed door with a melancholy expression.

——Hey, the door is closed, and I can't make any money today.

As if guessing what she was thinking, Ye Jingyan turned over a page of the book and handed over a purse.

"This is new."

Xiao Wu's eyes lit up, he took the purse, and squeezed it back and forth several times with his two white, tender and fleshy hands.

Feeling the heavy weight, the smile on her face became brighter.

She looked towards the neighbor with bright eyes.

—If only they had lived here forever!In that case, sister can collect money for a lifetime!
Ye Jingyan glanced over there with her gaze, and suddenly remembered something: "By the way, sister said that we will cover their board and lodging for the next period of time, Afeng, you can cook later , make two more people."

Ye Yunfeng scratched his head: "Third brother! What time is this! You are still thinking about eating! Sister is still in the yamen, I don't know what's going on!"

Ye Jingyan was not completely worried, but he believed in sister.

"Don't worry, my sister said that we should just wait at home, then we will wait."

Ye Yunfeng sat down on the chair.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden movement outside.

Ye Yunfeng jumped up quickly, and exchanged a glance with Ye Jingyan: "It's sister who's back!?"

"Look at Xiao Wu, I'll go and have a look."

Ye Jingyan said, put the book away, got up and walked outside.


Ye Jingyan didn't expect sister to come back so quickly, let alone so many people accompanying her back.

Especially——the magistrate is here too!

Actually, Yang Zhen might not have come, but there have been several murders in Jiangling recently, so he has to put on a gesture to let people know that he is not idle.

In addition, Liu Yiyi specifically asked him to pay more attention to Ye Chutang's case this morning, and he readily agreed, and now he naturally wants to follow up to investigate.

Ye's Medical Center is not big, there is only one room in the front for consultations, and the back is a square yard, several bedrooms, and a pharmacy.

Yang Zhen raised his hand, and the officials of the Yamen quickly separated to search.

Seeing this scene, Ye Jingyan frowned, walked quickly to Ye Chutang, and asked in a low voice, "Sister, what's going on?"

Ye Chutang shook his head lightly: "I can't explain a sentence or two, let them search first."

Ye Jingyan had no choice but to swallow the rest of the words.

On the other side, Ye Yunfeng, who was waiting in the house, saw people coming and going in the yard, so he couldn't sit still, so he took Xiao Wu and came out.

Seeing Ye Chutang, Xiao Wu let go of Ye Yunfeng's hand, ran towards Ye Chutang with short legs, and threw himself into her arms.

Ye Chutang rubbed her hair, took her little hand: "Don't be afraid, Xiao Wu, they're just here to find something."

Xiao Wu was a little at a loss.

She didn't know these people, why did she come to their house to find things?

Ye Yunfeng glanced around and saw that the officials searched very rudely, and in a short while, they made a mess of the originally clean and tidy yard, and immediately became angry.

This is what he just cleaned up!
Do you know how much effort it takes to put these back together!

He wanted to speak several times, but he endured it again.

never mind!At this time, I can't care about these!


"Sister, what are they looking for?" Ye Yunfeng really couldn't hold back, he frowned and asked.

Ye Chutang said: "Of course I'm looking for what they want."

Ye Yunfeng: "..."

Doesn't it mean that sister said this in vain?What the hell-

"found it!"

An officer suddenly made a noise of excitement, and everyone looked at him, and saw him take out a handful of Chuanwu from the medicine cabinet.

Chuanwu has an irregular conical shape, with one side swollen, and at first glance, it looks a bit like turmeric.

He put the few pieces of Chuanwu under his nose and smelled it: "This thing seems to have been soaked in wine!"

Chuanwu can be used as medicine, but it has certain toxicity, especially after soaking in wine, the toxicity is stronger.

The woman almost jumped up on the spot: "That's it! This is the medicine she gave me that day!"

She immediately looked at Ye Chutang and said sternly, "Ye Chutang! This was dug out from your clinic in public, what else do you have to say!"

The yard was dead silent.

This is really hard evidence, how else can she argue?
However, at this moment, Ye Chutang suddenly said: "Stop looking?"

Everyone was stunned, and even the official who found Chuanwu didn't react immediately.

Ye Chutang raised his chin and said, "Although our yard is not big, there are many people living there and there are quite a lot of miscellaneous objects. Look around and see if you can find anything else?"

The woman laughed and said, "This one is enough! You still want to deny it!"

"Oh?" Ye Chutang blinked, "You mean, you can convict me with just these few dirty pieces of Chuanwu?"

The woman's voice was even higher: "Of course! You—wait, what do you mean?!"

Ye Chutang looked sideways at the official who found Chuanwu, and said, "Smell it carefully, what smell is there?"

The man was taken aback for a moment, subconsciously leaned closer and smelled it, and then his face changed slightly.

Yang Zhen looked at it strangely, frowned and asked, "What's the matter!"

Ye Chutang smiled, "It's nothing, it's just that there should be a smell of tung oil on it."

She tilted her head slightly, and explained in a brisk tone: "Oh, I forgot to mention, because the medicinal materials have not been bought for several days, there is not much left in this medicine cabinet, so I just let Ah Yan and Ah Feng clean it up It was clean, and by the way, repainted a layer of tung oil, and refurbished the medicine cabinet. The only bad thing is that the tung oil dries slowly, and it takes a full three hours. If you put something in it during this time period, it will be stained with tung oil. "

She seemed to be somewhat curious, and asked with a slight smile, "I don't know, are there traces on these pieces of Sichuan black?"

(End of this chapter)

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