After thinking about it, Ye Shixian realized in despair that she didn't even have anyone to turn to for help.

Different from the previous petty quarrels, the old incident involving Han Yao this time had a great impact.

It was true that Ye Zheng had offended Long Yan and was demoted, but something unexpected happened later, which was not his intention.

Now if it is confirmed that his death was not an accident, but someone deliberately planned it, wouldn't it be a slap in His Majesty's face! ?
I also know that His Majesty will definitely order people to investigate to the end!
Ye Shixian is not stupid, she knows very well that the emperor's anger is definitely not something they can bear.

What's more, Shen Yanchuan can already tell too many things if he can directly take Han Tong away from the road to the execution ground...

Just when Ye Shixian was extremely anxious, the maid's cry suddenly came from outside the door.

"Miss! Go and see the second young master!"

Ye Shixian stood up in shock, and saw Ye Mingze's personal maid running towards him crying, which made her feel even more uneasy.

"What's wrong with Mingze? He's awake!?"

The little maid knelt on the ground with a plop.

"No, no... It's just that the second young master has had a high fever since last night. He doesn't eat or drink, and he can't take the medicine no matter what. I'm afraid this will continue like this. I'm just afraid -"

Ye Shixian's anger suddenly boiled up: "Why did you wait until now to report such a big thing!"

The little maid shivered and cried so much that she choked: "Miss, please forgive me! I'm just thinking about the current situation in the house. One more thing is worse than one less thing. You are already worried about the master's affairs. How dare you bother me again?" ? I just want to clean the body of the second young master and stay overnight. Maybe he will be fine today. Who knows..."

Her voice became softer and softer, her tears kept falling, and she was obviously too scared.

Ye Shixian closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She felt something was pounding in her chest, her temples were throbbing and painful.

Yes, in this short period of time, too many things have happened in the family. The maids and servants are already panic-stricken, and they dare not report such incidents for fear of being reprimanded.

If you come to report now, I'm afraid it can't be covered up anymore.

Ye Shixian didn't care about anything else and walked towards Ye Mingze's residence.

"If something happens to Mingze, neither of you will be able to live well!"


Ye Shixian arrived as quickly as possible and pushed open the door.


She stepped forward quickly, walked around the screen, and saw Ye Mingze lying on the bed, his eyes closed and his face abnormally flushed.

During this period of time, he had been unconscious. He had lost a lot of weight and his face was a little out of shape. With this expression on his face, he looked even weirder.

Ye Shixian touched his forehead, and it was indeed extremely hot.

Her heart was high - with such a high fever, if the temperature could not be cooled down as soon as possible, she would probably burn out!
"Mingze? Mingze?"

She shouted eagerly several times in succession, but Ye Mingze was still the same as in the past, without any reaction.

"Give me the medicine."

She ordered someone to help Ye Mingze up and planned to give him medicine herself.

But Ye Mingze was indeed as the maid said, his mouth was tightly closed and he couldn't feed him a bite.

The bitter brown decoction dripped from his lips, soaking the clothes and quilt, and even spilled a piece of it on Ye Shixian's dress.

The dark mark fell on her dress, which was particularly conspicuous.

Huge embarrassment came over her, and Ye Shixian's hand holding the medicine bowl trembled slightly, and she felt a chill rising up.

She didn't ask anyone to ask for a doctor, because she knew very well that those people would never agree.

Within a few days, she was like a fish on the fire, and could only be slaughtered and tortured repeatedly.

Despair kept rising, like a tide swallowing her up again and again.

"Miss, please save the second young master!" the little maid cried and begged.Why doesn't Ye Shixian not want to save her?
This is her biological brother!

What's more, the situation on his father's side is unknown, and Mingze is now the only male in the family.

If something happened to him, her and her mother's life would never be easy in the future.

Although Ye Shixian always felt that her younger brother was stupid and impulsive, she could not just watch him die.

Ye Shixian glanced outside the door.

The air is crisp in autumn, and the sun is clearly shining brightly, but the dead leaves falling all over the yard make it look a bit desolate inexplicably.

As if she had made up her mind, she stood up and walked outside.

We walked all the way and came to the gate, where the soldiers guarding the gate were cold and indifferent.

Ye Shixian folded her hands, folded her long sleeves slightly, and her eyes were red. She had obviously cried just now.

Her delicately manicured nails were deeply embedded in her palms, which was painful.

"I have something to ask of you, and I beg you to please me." She forced a smile, with a bleak look on her face, "My brother is sick, has a high fever, and needs urgent treatment. I know you all have important things to do, so I don't ask for anything else. Please do me a favor: Please, please pass a message to my cousin Ye Chutang, asking her to save my brother’s life for the sake of the Ye family!”

As she spoke, she actually knelt down straight upright!
In the dead silence, Ye Shixian could already smell the sweet smell between her lips and teeth.

She was extremely angry and resentful!

Before today, she had never thought that she would kneel down to such a lowly servant!
But she really had no choice.

She must keep Mingze, and now the entire Ye family is under the care of Shen Yanchuan. They will not allow outsiders to come in. Only Ye Chutang——

Ye Shixian never dreamed that after going around in a big circle, she would actually beg the person she hated the most!

The officer in charge of guarding finally spoke.

"Miss Ye, it's not that we don't want to help, it's just that your brother is ill at the wrong time."

he said,

"That man was kidnapped today and almost died. He couldn't even care about it. How could he come here?"

Ye Shixian raised her head suddenly!
However, the soldiers were unmoved and waved their hands at her - the master personally sent her back to the house. Which one is more important?

Ye Shixian's palms drew blood, and her vision turned black. Finally, her body softened and she fell to the ground!


Ye Chutang quickly treated the wound, and the piece of gauze on his long and fair neck was particularly dazzling.

Ye Yunfeng stared at her and pursed his lips.

"I'm still so useless!"

Ye Chutang thought for a while and suddenly asked: "Whose hand did that last arrow come from?"

Ye Yunfeng immediately understood what she was asking and shook his head: "I didn't see it clearly either, but what is certain is that that person is definitely the prince's person."

Ye Chutang held his chin in his hand, thoughtfully: "Then I'll look for an opportunity later and help you make a date?"

Ye Yunfeng's eyes lit up: "Really?"

"Of course it's true." Ye Chutang was also very interested, smiled, and said, "After my father, mother, and brother's affairs are finished, I will go find Shen Yanchuan and ask."

Ye Jingyan suddenly asked: "Sister, what do you mean... has the date been set?"

Ye Chutang said "hmm", narrowed his eyes slightly and raised the corners of his lips.

"The weather has been nice recently, brother will like it."

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