Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 244 The hanging heart finally died

Chapter 229

However, if someone else is present at this time and sees the pile of files in his hand, he will find that there is not only the Ye Zheng case, but also several books that have nothing to do with it.

Xu Fengchi's eyes were sore from watching it, so he closed his eyes to rest.

After a brief pause, he opened his eyes again, picked up another book, and opened it in front of him.

He spent a lot of effort to get this thing. If His Majesty hadn't ordered him to conduct a thorough investigation and given him privileges, he didn't know when he would be able to see this.

Xu Fengchi sat up straight, with a solemn expression and a solemn expression.

His eyes fell on the name on the first line of the first page.

——Huo Yucheng.


Ye Chutang took a rare nap.

She was sleepy in spring and tired in autumn, and with the many things going on recently, she did feel a little tired.

Now that I am finally clean, I naturally need to take a good rest.

After sleeping well, her mood improved a lot, and she even had the time to ask about some trivial matters while spreading the herbs.

"There doesn't seem to be much movement over there at Ye Shixian?"

According to her understanding of Ye Shixian, if such a big thing happened, Ye Shixian should not sit back and wait for death.

"She?" Ye Yunfeng sneered coldly, "How capable is she? Now that I can't protect myself, what kind of trouble can she cause?"

Ye Jingyan was grinding the medicine. When she heard this, her hands did not stop and she said without raising her head: "It's hard for my sister to still care about their family, but I heard that she seemed to have begged the guards before, but it was nothing." use."


"It seems to be related to sister." Ye Jingyan explained, "It seems that Ye Mingze is seriously ill and has a high fever. She wants to ask sister to come over and help with the diagnosis."

Ye Yunfeng simply found it ridiculous: "What was she dreaming about!? She had completely broken up with us before, and now she has the nerve to trouble my sister again? What does she think of her as a sister? Can she come and go as soon as she is called!?"

How many people tried their best to ask Sister for medical treatment, but Ye Shixian was better, she wanted to boss people around with just a touch of lip service!

Ye Chutang was not angry, and the corners of his lips curved: "I'm not going either."

But having said that, Shen Yanchuan's people seemed to be on the right track.

Ye Yunfeng was still angry when he mentioned them.

"Of course you shouldn't go! Now is not the time for them to be so arrogant. I want to see how long they can last!"

Ye Jingyan grabbed another handful of medicine and said thoughtfully: "Actually, I think Ye Mingze's life is pretty tough. With so many things happening before, it would have been impossible for anyone else."

"Isn't that nice?" Ye Chutang smiled, "It's nice to have a neat family."

It would be a pity to die early and miss out on the many wonderful things that follow.

Ye Yunfeng doesn't care about these, he only cares about when his sister's health will be better.

"Sister, when do you plan to go out?" Ye Chutang thought for a moment and shook his head.

"Not urgent."

I've been waiting for three years, and it's still just a moment and a half.

She held her chin and looked at the trees in the courtyard that were obviously bare again, and asked as if unintentionally: "By the way, when is the autumn hunting this year?"

Ye Jingyan finally stopped what she was doing and looked up in surprise.

"Why did sister suddenly ask about this?"

Ye Chutang smiled and said: "It's nothing, it's just... I heard my brother mention it before, it seems very interesting."

"I remember it was the end of October in previous years. It should be about the same this year, right?" Ye Yunfeng was very interested in this, with a bit of excitement in his eyes. "In addition to the princes and ministers, the Imperial College will also select representatives to participate."

With his ability in shooting, there is absolutely no problem in being selected.

Ye Chutang gently tapped his chin with his finger and murmured:
  "Your Majesty and all the princes will go for the Royal Autumn Hunting, so this trip -"

Ye Jingyan looked over.

Ye Yunfeng looked expectant: "Sister, if you have any instructions, just say so!"

"The jackpot is huge this time. You can get some more money back." Ye Chutang said seriously.

Ye Jing said: "..."

Ye Yunfeng: "..."

So, what I said so much before is just for this sentence?
  Only Xiao Wu clapped his hands.

clap clap clap!
  ——The fourth brother is going out to make money! happy!
  Ye Yunfeng felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't fault it. He scratched his head and had to respond: "...Oh, okay."

But Ye Jingyan had other worries.

"The hunting ground has always been a place for several princes to fight over each other. They compete openly and covertly, and it is unpredictable. If A Feng gets out of the limelight and makes some people unhappy, and then targets him, it would be inappropriate."

His concerns are not without reason.


"Be more open-minded." Ye Chutang waved casually, "Maybe some of them have already disliked us and want to get rid of us completely? Then they won't be offended this time."

As soon as the words fell, the courtyard fell into a strange silence.

Xiao Wu blinked and looked left and right.

  What sister said makes sense. Why do the third brother and the fourth brother all have this expression?
  After a long time, Ye Jingyan also breathed a sigh of relief.

"……makes sense."

Fortunately, okay, my hanging heart finally died.

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