Prince Qi's Mansion.

In the past two days, everyone in the government knew that King Qi was in an extremely bad mood. If he was not careful, he would be sent out and dealt with severely.

So everyone was trembling with fear, fearing that if they did something wrong, they would get themselves into big trouble.

Suddenly, a crisp sound came from the silent and depressing courtyard.

Bang! Bang!

Xiao Chengxuan suddenly overturned the chessboard on the stone table, and the black and white chess pieces scattered all over the floor.

The servants waiting on him immediately knelt down, extremely frightened.

"Your Highness, calm down!"

When people outside heard the noise, they were even more frightened and did not dare to take a step closer.

Xiao Chengxuan's face was so gloomy that water dripped from his face.

"You mean, Ye Heng tried to commit suicide yesterday?"

The person who came to report the news knelt on one knee and lowered his head.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, the jailer in charge found out in time and rescued the person."

Xiao Chengxuan still had a bad expression and smiled coldly.

"What a Ye Heng! He's quite courageous!"

Having said that, his tone was full of sarcasm, and anyone could hear the anger in it.

Ye Heng has been in the spotlight recently, and every move he makes can easily attract huge attention. At this time, he did such a thing, was he afraid that others would not know that he was guilty! ?

Xiao Chengxuan was extremely angry.

He really couldn't understand why Ye Heng was so stupid at this time!

"Your Highness, please calm down. Lord Ye Heng has been wronged and it is possible that he cannot think about it for a while. But fortunately, there is nothing wrong with him. I believe that the truth will come to light soon."

The words were of little comfort.

Xiao Chengxuan closed his eyes and felt a headache.

I don't know why, but things always went wrong for him during this period, and it seemed like everyone was working against him.

He suppressed the anger in his heart and said coldly: "Continue to send people to keep an eye on him! This kind of thing will never be allowed to happen a second time!"

The man responded immediately. "yes!"


Dingbeihou House.

After Shen Yanchuan sat down at the desk, he opened the letter that Yuncheng had just sent.

This letter comes from Huizhou.

The slender jade-like fingers gently turned the page, and a piece of extremely thin letter paper fell down.

Yuncheng whispered something: "...The doctor has been sent over. Fortunately, the person was rescued in time and there is no serious problem."

Shen Yanchuan didn't even raise his head, and just said quietly: "Since he wants to show his loyalty, let's give him this opportunity. Does King Qi know about it?"

Yun Chengdao: "I heard that His Highness King Qi was very angry in the mansion today. I guess he already knew about it."

That's good, otherwise wouldn't it be a waste if Ye Heng made such a fuss?

"He is quite protective of his master."

Shen Yanchuan's tone was flat and no emotion could be heard.

Yuncheng smiled.

"After all, in his opinion, his master has appeared in person, so he naturally has to express his position. Otherwise, there is really no hope at all. Over the years, he should be the most aware of his What a cruel and ruthless person this master is."

Shen Yanchuan picked up the letter, read it over and warned: "Be sure to take good care of Mr. Ye. There will be important events for him to perform in the future."

Yuncheng lowered his head in response.

Shen Yanchuan didn't waste too much energy on this small matter. He was more concerned about another thing now.

After reading the letter, he took out a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and started writing.

Yuncheng raised his eyes and took a look, feeling very surprised.

Why did the master reply so quickly this time?

Just as he was thinking about it, he heard Shen Yanchuan ask.

"What's going on with the Ye family?"

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