Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 253 Setting up a trap

Zhou You is the Prime Minister of Guanglu Temple who poisoned the racehorses at the polo match.

During the first interrogation, he said that he was instructed by Zhao Hanguang, but later he decisively recanted his confession and stabbed Han Tong in the back.

There has been a lot of turmoil in the capital recently between the Han and Ye families, and it was actually all caused by this.

Once he died, the poisoning matter became an unsolved case.

"Really?" Shen Yanchuan raised his eyebrows slightly.

Seeing his expression, Feng Zhang felt his heart beat again.

He had always thought Zhou You was this person before, but looking at his reaction now, it seemed like he wasn't?

Feng Zhang hesitated to speak.

Shen Yanchuan looked upright and poured him a cup of tea.

"King Lie is coming back soon."


Feng Zhang was stunned for a moment before he reacted.

"By the way, I heard that he led his troops to victory not long ago. Considering the time, it's time to return to Beijing to receive the reward."

The third prince, Xiao Chengqi, was not of high birth, but in recent years he had managed to earn a lot of prestige in the military, and he had the potential to compete with the second prince.

A few days ago, he led his army to fight with Xiliang, and he couldn't even make it back in time for the Mid-Autumn Festival.

"When that guy comes back, I'm afraid there will be even more chaos in the capital..."

Feng Zhang looked at Shen Yanchuan. As far as he knew, this man had not yet joined any party, and he didn't know...

"If he doesn't want Han Tong to die, then there may be a turning point in this matter."

As soon as Shen Yanchuan said these words, Feng Zhang was stunned on the spot.

"How...how could this happen? Han Tong and His Highness King Lie are not anxious, and Han Tong is still——"

His voice stopped abruptly.

How could I forget!

Han Tong belongs to the second prince!

If this matter continues to be investigated, Han Tong will definitely be turned upside down, and it is very likely that the second prince will be involved!

At this time, he was the one who wanted Han Tong to die the most!

At the same time, the one who wanted to save Han Tong's life and continue the thorough investigation was the second prince! Could it be that... all of this was planned by the person thousands of miles away?

Feng Zhang's expression changed, and many thoughts flashed through his mind.

"Your Majesty, you are responsible for this case, but it has been several days and there is still no conclusion. What exactly..."

Shen Yanchuan's thin lips were slightly raised.

"Master Han wants to make meritorious service, so he must be given this opportunity."


Feng Zhang was confused.

Shen Yanchuan paused, then tapped his slender jade-like fingers on the armrest, his tone was lazy and casual, but the words he spoke were like thunder, exploding in Feng Zhang's ears!

"General Huo was mentioned in Han Tong's previous testimony."

Feng Zhang suddenly stood up in shock!



Emperor Mu Wu's face was so gloomy that water dripped from his face, and he suddenly raised his hand and threw the case file hard!

Hearing the commotion, all the palace people knelt down. Eunuch Li was even more frightened and quickly stepped forward to persuade: "Your Majesty, please calm down!"

Emperor Muwu was furious:

"This Han Tong is so bold!"

Eunuch Li quickly glanced at it with his peripheral vision. It was the Han Tong file that had just been jointly submitted by Prince Dingbei and Dali Temple.

Even if he heard that Han Tong had embezzled a huge amount of gold and silver before, His Majesty had never been so angry. What on earth did he see now to make him so angry?

As soon as the imperial concubine arrived in the courtyard, she faintly heard Emperor Mu Wu's angry scolding coming from inside the house.

She took two quick steps and was about to go in to persuade him, when she saw the door suddenly opened and Eunuch Li hurriedly retreated.

At the same time, Emperor Mu Wu's angry shouts came.

"Go and call King Qi over now!"

Ru Guifei’s heart suddenly jumped!

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