The boy was puzzled.

Distinguished guest?

At this time, what kind of distinguished guests would come to their place?

But they didn't dare to ask, and just bowed their heads and accepted the orders.


A carriage slowly stopped in front of the tea house, and an old man with white hair in brocade clothes walked down. He looked up at the plaque on the door and stroked his beard.

"Is this it?"

Someone passing by recognized him and exclaimed in a low voice.

"Master Jijiu!?"

If this person is not Tang Zhongli, who is offering wine at the Imperial Academy, who is he? ?

Tang Zhongli seemed to turn a deaf ear to the voices around him. After making sure again, he lifted the hem of his clothes and walked directly inside.

Although the waiter in the store did not see Tang Zhongli, he had clearly heard the movement outside. He was surprised and happy for a moment, and hurriedly stepped forward to greet him.

"My little eyes are clumsy, Master Jiejiu is here, it's too late to welcome him from afar!"

Tang Zhongli smiled and waved his hand.

"No problem. I heard that your tea house has the best tea, so I came here to ask for a cup."

As soon as he said this, everyone was shocked.

The people standing outside the door looking at each other looked at each other.

--what's the situation? Tang Zhongli actually came to this small teahouse to drink tea! ?

Who in the civil and military circles of the Manchu Dynasty doesn't know that the Master Jijiu of the Imperial College is upright and strict, self-disciplined, and has only two hobbies in his daily life, and drinking tea is one of them.

Now he actually appears here!

The boy was also stunned for a while, then he remembered what Ye Chutang had said before going upstairs, and he quickly bowed to invite.

"Yes! Our master and I have been waiting upstairs for a long time. Please take a seat——"

Tang Zhongli nodded and immediately followed the boy to the second floor, leaving only a bunch of bewildered onlookers outside the store.

"Master Jijiu, what do you mean? This tea house has been open for several years, and I have never heard of any treasures before?"

"It is said that he is very picky about tea, and it can catch his eye...Does this tea house really have some skills?" Ye Chutang sat by the window, with a complete set of tea sets in front of him, and the faint fragrance of tea overflowed, giving him a sense of tranquility. Qinghe.

Tang Zhongli saw this scene as soon as he came in. Thinking of the rumors in Beijing today, he couldn't help but sigh.

——There was already a quarrel in the court, but Ye Chutang, who was at the center of this incident, was still enjoying a cup of tea as if nothing was wrong.

"Miss Ye Er, I've been waiting for a long time."

Ye Chutang looked back and stood up to salute: "The presence of Master Jijiu will make the humble house shine. No matter how long you wait, it will be worth it."

Tang Zhongli waved his hand and came to her, facing each other across the table.

"You're welcome, Miss Ye Er. I have no official duties today, but I'm just here to ask for a cup of tea."

His eyes swept over the tea set, and then paused for a moment on the jar of tea leaves, with a hint of interest in his eyes.

"Is this the tea you made yourself?"

He drank it once at Yin's house, and he never forgot it. Unfortunately, that old man Yin Shaoting was very stingy. He only had one can, and once he drank it, it was gone, and he refused to give it to him again.

Ye Chutang rolled his eyes.


After inviting Tang Zhongli to take a seat, Ye Chutang followed suit.

Scrape foam, rub tea, shake incense, go to sea, show tea, take refuge.

The plain hands are like condensed water, flowing like clouds and flowing water.

In the quiet room, there is only the scent of tea.

Ye Chutang raised his hand: "This is this year's spring tea. Try it and see if you like it."

Tang Zhongli picked up the tea cup, it was clear and clear, the tea was fragrant, the taste was sweet, and it was refreshing.

It was indeed the tea he had been thinking about for a long time!

Tang Zhongli's eyes lit up.

"I didn't expect Miss Ye Er to have such abilities."

Ye Chutang also picked up a glass with a smile in his eyes.

"I have nothing to do on weekdays, so I just ponder a few thoughts on this, but it's not my skill. It just so happens that Ayan picked these tea leaves, and there are still some at home. If you like it, I will have it delivered to your residence another day. "

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