Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 263 Out of Control

The secret guard panicked and quickly explained: "Your Highness Mingjian! This matter was not done by your subordinates! According to the news, it seems that Han Tong had a sudden heart attack. Before the doctor came over, he lost his breath..."


Xiao Chengxuan swept the things off the table, and the anger that had been suppressed all day reached its peak at this moment.


If Han Tong died sooner or later, but he died at this time, he couldn't explain it even with a hundred mouths!

After betraying him and putting him in this situation, he was done with it!

He didn't even know who to vent his anger to!

The secret guard lowered his head: "Your Highness, calm down!"

Calm down?

Easier said than done!

"Han Tong has always been cautious and will never rebel suddenly. There must be something wrong here!"

But now that the person is dead, there is nothing to check!

This thing was such a coincidence that Xiao Chengxuan couldn't help but think about it.

"If a person disappears like this, I would like to see how Shen Yanchuan will explain!"

The secret guard paused and lowered his voice: "...Your Highness, Prince Dingbei has been staying in the mansion today and has not gone out. I heard that he was escorted to Dali Temple last night. After Han Tong's death, the first The person who arrived is Mr. Su Weisu..."

Therefore, Han Tong's death had nothing to do with Shen Yanchuan!

Xiao Chengxuan's brain throbbed with pain.

Things seemed to be slipping out of control unknowingly, and this feeling made him very uneasy.

But he had just been reprimanded by his father today. At the height of the storm, whatever he did would attract a lot of attention.

If something unexpected happens again at this time, I'm afraid it won't just be as simple as being summoned to the palace for admonishment!

So, he has to endure it!

Xiao Chengxuan took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and asked coldly: "Are you sure his death has nothing to do with anyone else?"

The secret guard respectfully said: "Your Highness, don't worry, no one will find out that there was any abnormality in his body during his lifetime."

The person is dead, no matter how much you say, it's useless. The most important thing right now is to get rid of the relationship.

"And that Han Yao——"

"After being imprisoned, Han Yao didn't vomit anything more. It seems that what he said in public that day was all he knew."

Xiao Chengxuan felt a little relieved. He waved.

"Step back. During this period, you are not allowed to act rashly without my order."

At this stage, it is better to keep a low profile.


After the secret guard retreated, Xiao Chengxuan sat alone in the room for a long time, but his mood could not calm down for a long time.

If Huo Yucheng is really overturned, he who was in charge of the case will be the first to bear the brunt!

So - no matter what, Huo Yucheng's crime must be nailed! There is no way to cleanse the wrong!


Su Pei'er drank the bitter decoction, and the warmth spread out. It seemed that even her cold hands and feet were much warmer.

The little maid handed over a candied fruit in time.

"Thanks to Dr. Ye, the lady looks much better!"

Su Pei'er took the candied fruit into her mouth, and her mind was in a trance for a moment.

She has experienced so much during this period, and now she no longer finds the soup bitter at all, but she still cherishes it very much.

"Dong'er, follow me, I've wronged you."

Dong'er's eyes turned red and she shook her head desperately: "What are you talking about! If the young lady hadn't rescued me from Ren Yazi, I would have frozen to death on the street long ago. How could I still be alive today?"

Su Pei'er looked unbearable and suddenly heard footsteps coming from outside.

She subconsciously looked out the door, and the next moment she saw the door open.

"Miss Su, the case between the Han family and his son has been closed and has nothing to do with you. From now on, you can leave."

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