Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 268 A little effort

The Ye family in Fengling Lane was in panic all night.

Ye Mingze's sudden death was a fatal blow to the current Ye family.

The already panic-stricken house was now even more chaotic.

If there weren't still officers and soldiers guarding the place outside, I'm afraid someone would have been unable to restrain themselves and took the money and ran away.

Ye Shixian didn't sleep all night.

When the morning light entered the room, her eyes were already bloodshot.

Shaoyao walked in in a hurry, but stopped talking.

Ye Shixian cheered up: "How's it going?"

Shaoyao bit her lip and said: "My wife has been guarding the second young master all night, and now she is exhausted. I have tried to persuade her to rest several times, but she refused..."

Ye Shixian's head started to hurt again.

She has already worked hard enough, so where can she find the time to worry about this?

"Find someone to watch her, as long as she doesn't do anything else. Is the news tightly blocked?"

Shaoyao nodded quickly, "Don't worry, the door of the house is closed. Even if they want to go out, they won't be able to talk! It's just... Miss, how long do you plan to keep this matter a secret?"

Ye Mingze is dead!

Such a big living person is out of breath, how can he just hide it?

When Shaoyao came out from there just now, she felt that the room was eerie and scary!

Ye Shixian tightened her handkerchief.

"The facts of Daddy's case are unknown, and we must not let him know!"

She couldn't imagine what crazy things her father would do if he knew about this.

Only by waiting for the current difficulties to pass safely can we——

There was the sound of a quick trot, and a boy hurriedly came to report.


Ye Shixian became more and more irritated by the noise, so she picked up the paperweight and threw it out.

"what happened again!"

She has to worry about so many things alone, isn't she tired enough? ?

The boy was startled and stopped in front of the door. The expression on his face was flustered and embarrassed, as if he didn't know how to speak.

"Miss, go and have a look! Outside, outside-"

somebody is coming?

Ye Shixian sneered, who else would dare to visit their door at this time?

However, what the boy said next made the expression on her face freeze instantly.

"Miss Ye Er sent someone to deliver a coffin! It's parked outside the main gate now!"

Ye Shixian felt like she was struck by lightning: "What did you say!?"

Shaoyao quickly reacted: "Could it be that she already knows——"

The boy grimaced.

"I don't know where she got the news. There are many people gathered outside the door now. Miss, what should I do?"

Ye Shixian's nails dug deeply into her palms, almost breaking her silver teeth.

"What a good Ye Chutang!"

In this way, the news of Mingze's death will spread throughout the capital in less than half a day!

Something seemed to be rushing wildly in her chest, and Ye Shixian headed straight outside!

"She wants to see my Ye family's jokes and dream!"

As soon as Ye Shixian came to the front yard, she saw the door open and a black coffin parked outside! Ye Shixian's blood rushed to the top of her head, and she felt dizzy.

She, Ye Chutang, has gone too far!

At this time, when a middle-aged man standing next to the coffin saw Ye Shixian, he took a step forward and cupped his hands.

"The younger one is the shopkeeper of the coffin shop in the south of the city. Miss Ye Er specially sent someone to order this coffin early in the morning. She said that she knew that you were inconvenienced now, so there was no need to worry about it, so she only gave Young Master Ye a ride at that time. Several officials As I wish, little ones cannot enter this door. Fortunately, now that you are here, this matter will be much easier to handle."

As soon as the words fell, the onlookers were in an uproar!

——Just tell me why the Ye family is so busy early in the morning. It turns out something is really wrong!

Second Young Master Ye, isn’t that Ye Mingze? Hearing this, he actually... died! ?

The middle-aged man didn't care about this and just turned around and waved his hand.

"Put the coffin here, let's leave now!"

Several guys responded.

How could Ye Shixian just let someone go! ?


She suddenly spoke out and noticed the countless looks around her. She felt like her head was going to explode!

Her eyes searched the crowd several times, but she didn't see Ye Chutang.

"Where is Ye Chutang? She didn't come. Could it be that she didn't dare!?"

Who doesn’t know that the two families have been in serious trouble recently, and now that the coffin is delivered, it is simply——

The middle-aged man turned around.

"Miss Ye Er said she still had important things to do, so she just sent someone to pay the money and left."

From beginning to end, he didn’t even show his face!

Ye Shixian looked at the coffin and felt chills running down her spine.

The middle-aged man paused for a moment and then advised: "We all understand how you feel about the sudden loss of a loved one, but no matter what, it's better to have someone buried in peace this morning. What do you think?"

Ye Shixian wanted to go up and tear his mouth open!

"This is what Ye Chutang asked you to tell!?"

"You misunderstood. Miss Ye Er did not say this. Instead, she felt very sorry for the death of Young Master Ye Er and specially picked the best nanmu coffin. She said that you are trapped in the house now and everything is inconvenient, so she will do these small things for you. Yes. In addition..."

He paused.

"In addition, she also said that you can rest assured that she will definitely give an explanation to Mr. Ye Heng, so as to avoid a conflict between father and son and end up with a life-long regret."

The last string in Ye Shixian's mind was completely broken.



Heaven Prison.

Ye Chutang ordered the servant to stop the carriage far away and chose to walk there by himself.

After walking for a while, she was stopped by the officers and soldiers responsible for guarding her.

"The prison is so important that no one can break in without permission!"

Ye Chutang stopped and looked forward.

A familiar figure came into view.

The man was also stunned when he saw her.

"Miss Ye Er, why are you here?"

Ye Chutang knelt down and saluted.

"I've met Mr. Su."

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