There was a sound of trotting, and Ye Chutang looked up and saw a fleshy little breast running towards her on short legs.

Xiao Wu jumped into Ye Chutang's arms.

——A sister has only been away for a short time, but she feels like they have been separated for a long time!

Ye Chutang gently scratched her nose with his fingers: "Did you come here just because you smell the smell of silver?"

Xiao Wu raised his face and smiled brightly at her.

She had indeed heard what Ye Chutang and his servants said just now, and knew the origin of these posts.

In her opinion, there is never anything that Sister A wants to do that cannot be done.

Now that the shop has been taken back, Ajie has taken over it personally. Isn’t the business going to be booming in the future?

Ye Chutang took her hand and walked inside, walking slowly and slowly.

The servants followed behind and couldn't help but look back at the boy who accompanied Ye Chutang out.

——Second Miss has been closing her doors to thank guests during this period. Today is the first time she officially goes out, and it just so happens that Ye Mingze died suddenly. Now most of the capital has learned about the news, and everyone is talking about it, especially about Ye Chutang. Pay special attention to the attitude.

But... no one could tell what she was thinking.

You could say that she didn't care. She sent someone to order a coffin and sent it to Fengling Lane early in the morning. But she could say that she did care, but her expression was always calm and calm, and there was nothing strange about it.

Now he even plans to take care of those shops himself...

"I responded to these posts and asked them to come over tomorrow."

Ye Chutang quickly opened the posts one by one and read them before giving instructions.


Ye Chutang asked again: "By the way, what's going on over there in Fengling Lane?"

Several servants looked at each other.

Finally, one of them stepped forward and recounted all the things that happened in front of Ye's house that morning. Ye Chutang listened with a calm expression, as if he had already anticipated all the results.

"Has she said where she wants to bury Mingze?"

The boy trembled and stammered: "This, this doesn't seem to be..."

Ye Shixian was almost mad to death. If it weren't for the officers and soldiers guarding the Ye family, she would have made a fuss on the spot. How could she have thought of anything else?

If this question were asked face to face... I'm afraid she would follow Ye Mingze.

Ye Chutang said softly "Oh".

"Yes, she and the second aunt should be extremely grieved now. How could they have thought of this? But this matter is indeed difficult to decide. I heard that when the second uncle chose the cemetery for his father, mother and brother, it took a lot of time. It’s been a lot of twists and turns.”

Xiao Wu looked up at her, his dark and clear eyes like the purest obsidian, seeming to understand.

Ye Chutang rubbed her little head, but couldn't help but think of Xu Fengchi's words before.

"...At that time, everyone thought he would send them back to his hometown of Qingzhou for burial. But it was snowing in the middle of winter, the road was difficult to travel, and Qingzhou was a long way away. It would take a month anyway. He had just been promoted to the position of Prime Minister of Yousi of Dali Temple. , there were many inconveniences due to official matters, and finally made the decision to bury your parents and Xi Ting at the foot of Jiuhua Mountain on the outskirts of Beijing. He said that after your father came to Beijing, he especially liked it there, so that they could rest in peace under Jiuquan. "

Ye Chutang's lips twitched very lightly.

No matter how far away Qingzhou is, it is only a hundred miles away.

She was able to take Ayan, Afeng and Xiaowu all the way south, sleeping in the open air and suffering all kinds of hardships, but Ye Heng couldn't even send her parents, brothers, and brothers back to their hometown.

She couldn't bear such "favor".

Ye Chutang said quietly:

"Then let's settle at Bao'er Pass."

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