At this moment, Ye Shixian had only one thought in her mind: Ye Chutang was going too far!

Not only did they send someone to carry a coffin to block the door the day before, but today it got even worse! This is because they are afraid that Mingze’s death will not cause enough trouble!

Seeing Ye Shixian come out, a man wearing linen immediately cried harder.

"Master Mingze! Why did you go like that!"

His opening seemed like a beginning, and several people behind him also raised their voices.

The sharp and shrill voice was so penetrating that it made Ye Shixian's heart skip a beat.

Along with the joy of mourning, people feel even more sad.

Ye Shixian's eyes turned black.

"You, who are you! How dare you come to my Ye family to cause trouble!"

The leading man was stunned for a moment: "Miss, don't you recognize the younger one?"

He looked to be in his early twenties, but his face was sallow and his eye sockets were sunken. He looked like he had been drained by alcohol and sex.

Ye Shixian felt sick in her heart and said with disgust: "How could I ever recognize you!"

The man immediately took a few steps forward, pointed at his face and said urgently: "It's me! Zhao Fusheng! Master Mingze went to Fulu Street before and gave me a reward..."

Ye Shixian was shocked.

Fulu Street is a famous casino in the capital, a dirty place where three religions and nine streams gather. Ye Mingze occasionally goes there to have fun, and sometimes loses a thousand, eight hundred taels in one night.

Ye Heng also took care of it, but Gao always protected Ye Mingze, and in the end he just gave up with a lecture.

Ever since Ye Mingze went to the Imperial College, he had never heard of this incident. Everyone thought he had never been to that place again.

Who knew someone would come to your door today!

Ye Shixian immediately interrupted him: "Stop talking nonsense! Mingze used to devote himself to studying and has never been to such a place! I don't care who asked you to come, disappear now! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

After saying these words, the expression of the person opposite him immediately changed. "Why, Miss Ye doesn't want to admit it anymore?"

Ye Shixian frowned: "I don't understand what you are talking about!"

The Ye family must not have any more problems now!

The man sneered and spat on the ground. There wasn't even a drop of tears on his face. How could there be any trace of the sadness that he had just cried?

"Miss Ye, what you said is inappropriate, isn't it? Who on the street knows the name of Young Master Mingze? Now that he has turned his back on you, could it be that he wants to default on his debt?"

Ye Shixian was confused all of a sudden.

"Defiant? What kind of debt are you reneging on?"

"Of course it's your brother's fault!"

The man took out a stack of paper from his arms and held it high.

"This is the IOU that Ye Mingze wrote on our street before! Thirteen thousand taels in total! It's written clearly in black and white on the paper!"

Every word was like thunder, booming in Ye Shixian's ears.

Her face suddenly turned pale, and she retorted almost instinctively: "You're talking nonsense! Mingze has no dealings with you! How could he owe gambling debts!"

"Don't admit it? There are still his fingerprints on it! It just so happens that he hasn't been buried yet, why don't Miss Ye take it and compare it in person?"

These words were so heartbreaking that Ye Shixian stumbled and almost fell.

The onlookers originally just wanted to join in the fun, but they didn't expect that the Ye family would go through many twists and turns, and everyone in Ye Mingze would die! How can it cause such a big trouble!

Thirteen thousand taels!

Even for the original Ye family, it would be difficult for them to come up with so much money at once, let alone now! ?

"I originally wanted to give him a period of grace for Master Ye's sake, but now that Ye Mingze is dead, you must repay this debt today!"

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