Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 278: Confiscating the house and being exiled

Xiaowu blinked.

Although Ajie said it was her first time meeting them, when she was behind the screen just now, she discovered that Ajie seemed to know them quite well.

During the conversation, Ajie was able to impress the other person with just a few words. It was not like they had just met each other.

Xiao Wu had a vague guess in his mind, but he didn't continue to ask, and raised his little face with a bright smile.

——Everything Sister said is right!


After explaining what happened in the shop, Ye Chutang closed the door again to thank the guests.

The wound on her neck had long since healed, leaving only a shallow scar, which was particularly conspicuous on her slender neck, which was as delicate as gelatin.

Three days flew by in a blink of an eye.

On this day, Ye Chutang rarely got up early, had breakfast with Xiaowu, and then took her to play chess in the yard.

Xiao Wu was so happy that he quickly sat down on the stone bench opposite Ye Chutang, his little face eager to try.

——Sister, she rarely has such leisure time on weekdays! This opportunity is rare, so you should cherish it!

Ye Chutang pinched a white chess piece, and his fingertips felt warm and cool.

"Heizi goes first."


Xiao Wu immediately dropped a piece.

Ye Chutang followed closely.

As time went by, Xiao Wu's moves became slower and slower. Sometimes he had to hold his chin and think for a long time before taking a step.

Ye Chutang didn't rush, his eyebrows were clear and smooth, and his whole body exuded a lazy and leisurely atmosphere.

Xiao Wu couldn't help but raise his eyes to glance at her, feeling a little curious.

——Sister seems to be in a good mood today?

Seeing that his black man was at a disadvantage, Xiao Wu frowned in distress.

Although Ajie has let go, it’s still very difficult... I wonder what the next game between Brother Shizi and Ajie will be like?

"Second miss!"

The sudden sound interrupted Xiao Wu's thoughts. She turned around and saw a little maid running towards her in a hurry.

It seems like there is something very important.

Ye Chutang tilted his head slightly: "What's the matter?"

The little maid was panting, but the words came to her lips but she couldn't come out. She was so anxious that she was covered in sweat. After a long while, she stammered: "Second Miss, Mr. Ye's case has been decided!"

Xiao Wu's eyes widened instantly.

Ye Chutang looked very calm: "How?"

The little maid bit her lip and immediately lowered her head.

"Master Ye was corrupt, perverted the law, offered and accepted bribes, was dismissed from his official position, and had his home confiscated! He will be exiled to Tongbei from now on!"


Imperial College.

The supervisors were walking towards Guangye Hall one after another. Qiao Zimo appeared out of nowhere, passed through the crowd, and pulled Ye Yunfeng aside.

"A Feng! Big news!"

Ye Yunfeng glanced at him: "What, you want to skip class again? Let's make an agreement first, I won't go."

Ajie had specifically told him to stay in the Imperial College during this period.

"Oh! No!"

Qiao Zimo stopped talking, turned around and looked around. Seeing Ye Jingyan looking this way, he quickly waved frantically to signal him to come over.

Ye Jingyan's eyes moved slightly, and she deliberately fell a few steps behind and came to the two of them.

"Brother Zimo, what's wrong?"

Qiao Zimo looked awkward, as if he didn't know how to speak. Finally, he scratched his head and said happily:

"You don't know yet, right? Your case - Ye Heng's case has come to an end!"

He lowered his voice so that only the two brothers could hear.

"Search your house! Exile!"

After the words fell, Ye Jingyan's eyelashes trembled, but Ye Yunfeng could not conceal his shock and anger.

"What did you say!?"

It turned out that it was not execution, but just confiscation of the house and exile! ?

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