Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 292 Yunlai Restaurant

Ye Chutang took Xiao Wu to stay at Feiyun Temple. Ye Shixian, who had made a fuss, waited to no avail, and finally had to go back unwillingly.

——If you continue to wait, everyone will not think that Ye Chutang is going too far, but will only think that she is pushing people too hard.

After all, what could be more important than his father and brother?
When she returned to the remote and simple little house, Mrs. Gao was still waiting for her in the yard.


When Mrs. Gao saw her coming back, she immediately became energetic. She stood up and walked forward quickly, with an eager look on her face.

"How's it going? Is she willing to help?"

Ye Shixian was completely tired and was too lazy to deal with her at this time. Her expression was indifferent and she didn't say a word.

Shaoyao couldn't help but curl her lips: "Madam, please stop asking. Miss went there today and didn't even see her face!"

"What!?" Mrs. Gao was immediately furious, "I knew it! That bitch really refused to help, not even to meet her!"

She resented a few words and then blamed Ye Shixian.

"You too! If she doesn't see you, won't you think of a way? Just come back like this, and then--"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Ye Shixian's mouth.

"Find a way? She has left the city, what else can I do!? Is it possible to go to Feiyun Temple to cause trouble again!?"

Then her final face is gone!
Mrs. Gao was startled by her and couldn't help but take a step back. She was shocked and confused: "Leave the city? She, she's not staying at home at this time. Why did she go to Feiyun Temple!?"

Ye Shixian was too lazy to talk nonsense with her, so she turned around and left with a cold face.

It's just that the yard is small. Even if she went back to her room, she could still hear the noise outside.

Shaoyao and Gao hurriedly explained a few words. Gao was naturally shocked and couldn't help cursing.

Cursing and cursing, she started crying again, which made people upset.

Shaoyao ignored her and returned to Ye Shixian's door.

A boy came over and whispered something in a low voice.

Shaoyao thought about it again and again, then went to get a basin of hot water and went into the house to wait on her.

"Miss, please wipe your face. The weather is dry in autumn, and you have been standing in the cold wind all day today. It will not be good if you turn around and hurt your face."

The conditions here are naturally not comparable to those of the Ye family in the past.

Ye Shixian's mouth was bitter and she had been crying for a whole day. At this time, her tears were almost dry. Seeing this only made her numb.

Seeing that she didn't move, Shaoyao gave a few more words of advice: "...It is said that Mr. Murong may come over later. If I see you like this, I don't know how distressed I will be."

Ye Shixian listened, feeling both funny and angry at the same time.

"Why, now I am reduced to serving Israel?!"

She actually thought that Murong Ye would be unhappy when he saw her in such a miserable state!

Shaoyao said quickly: "Miss! I don't mean this! I just feel that Mr. Murong has put a lot of effort into helping you this time. He is thinking of you in his heart, and he definitely can't bear to see you like this..."

Ye Shixian pursed her lips tightly and did not make a sound for a long time.


Shaoyao was right. Without Murong Ye, she wouldn't even have a place to settle down now.

And for a long time to come, she would be unable to do without Murong Ye's help.

Now the only one she can rely on is him.

Even if she didn't want to, she would still have to coax him into offering him. Ye Shixian looked at herself in the bronze mirror, her face was haggard, and there was resentment between her brows.

Even she herself was bored to death, let alone Murong Ye?

After a long time, Ye Shixian finally said: "The water is cold, go get a basin of hot water and help me wash up."

Shaoyao hurriedly responded and went out.

She was the only one left in the room, and Ye Shixian took off the hairpin from her head.

Everything happened so suddenly, they only had time to pack some gold and silver items with them, but nothing else was brought out.

Although there are several pieces of gorgeous and luxurious hairpin jewelry hidden in it, how can she still wear them in her current situation?

What's more, Mingze's gambling debts haven't been paid off yet. If those people come to visit him again... they may have to sell all those things and use the money to ward off the disaster.

Ye Shixian gently touched her face, feeling dazed for a moment.

After today, it will be even harder to choose a good family for her marriage...

She wanted to cry, but found that there were no tears left.

Chilling up, she closed her eyes, and the sharp hairpin pierced her palm.

All the shame... She will have to let that bitch Ye Chutang pay back a hundred times!

As several days passed, the matters in the Ye family gradually subsided and were forgotten by everyone.

The capital is too big, there are too many people, and all kinds of new things happen every day. Such things are like throwing a stone into the lake. After a "pop" splash, there will soon be only a few left. The circle ripples, and finally calms down.

In the past two days, the one that everyone in the city talked about a lot was a wine shop.

The restaurant's name is "Yunlai", which means it's as if customers are coming from the clouds. It is located opposite Lanyue Tower.

The building is two stories high, with simple and elegant decoration.

Unlike other lively wine shops, this one only deals in wine.

At first, everyone thought that this store would definitely not be able to open. First of all, it only sells wine, no food, and no acrobatics, so it must be very tasteless. Secondly, it is opposite Lanyue Building, which has the best business in the capital. How about this? Can you fight it?
However, three days after the opening, everyone gradually discovered that things seemed to be a little different from what they expected.

This Yunlai Restaurant does not receive many guests every day, but those who come are all first-class distinguished guests!
The first guest who came to our door on the first day was the Qinyang Monarch!
Who in the entire capital didn't know that this ancestor was notoriously difficult to take care of, but they couldn't bear it. She was from a good family background, and in this huge capital, apart from the princes and princesses, she was the only one who counted on her.

What's more, if we really talk about it, her peers in the royal family may not be able to beat her.

As soon as she arrived, the standard of Yunlai Winery immediately went up. From then on, everyone knew that this place was not an ordinary place, so they naturally aroused some curiosity and yearning.

On the second day, Mr. Feng Zhang, the director of the Imperial College, came.

His rank is not high, and he doesn't have much to begin with, but who told him that there is a general of Zhenguo standing behind him? !
The children of these aristocratic families in Beijing were like mice meeting a cat when they saw Feng Zhang. They didn't dare to go west when he said things to the east.

It was just such a trip, and he even brought a few people with him to make it look "lively".

On the morning of the third day, we received only one guest again—Chen Songshi, the cabinet bachelor.

This man is a good drinker. When I heard that he was leaving, he repeatedly asked the shopkeeper if he could take another bottle of wine with him. After being declined, the old man muttered several words of dissatisfaction, and finally said that he would leave the box for him. Yes, he will come back tomorrow.

As a result, in just three days, Yunlai Winery had already become famous in the capital.


Feiyun Temple.

Chen Xin came to the door and clasped his hands together.

"Donor Ye, you have guests arriving."

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