Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 307: Look down on

Ye Chutang always felt that something was not right about this.

If it was for money, Ye Heng had plenty of ways to do it, and it would be faster and more abundant than this.

If it was for other... good people, why was he hoarding food?
And he was extremely cautious in doing this, only settling on five thousand dan, a number that would not attract too much attention.

Even Ye Chutang might not have known about it if he hadn't returned to Qingzhou in person this time.

Pan Ying asked tentatively: "Does the second lady plan to collect these grains on behalf of the second master Ye?"

Before Ye Chutang could speak, Ye Yunfeng frowned: "This is not feasible."

Five thousand shi of rice, and my sister is not in the business, so even if I harvest it, there is nowhere to sell it!
And it concerns Ye Heng. Who knows how deep the water is inside?

Sure enough, Ye Chutang pondered for a moment, then shook his head and declined: "It's really inappropriate for me to do this."

This is by no means something you can just decide to take over with a slap on your head.

Pan Ying's face showed a look of disappointment, and her shoulders slumped.

In fact, he also knew that this was his wishful thinking. Ye Chutang and the others had nothing to do with this matter. How could it be possible for them to pay for the food for nothing?

He looked apologetic and stood up: "Miss Ye Er, I'm so sorry! I was just too anxious to say such nonsense. Don't mind!"

Ye Chutang smiled: "It doesn't matter."

Seeing that she really didn't care, Pan Ying breathed a sigh of relief.

"I've taken the liberty of disturbing you today, and I ask for your forgiveness. Then, if there's nothing else, I'll leave first -"

"What are your plans if they never come?"

Ye Chutang interrupted him and asked.

Pan Ying's expression was a bit helpless, and she smiled bitterly: "What else can I do? Either find someone to sell it at a low price, or... just continue to hoard it."

No matter which method is used, it is actually a loss for farmers.

Excluding the costs of sowing, irrigation, weeding, harvesting and labor, one acre of land can only yield a very thin profit. If the selling price is too low, I'm afraid I won't even be able to keep my capital by the end of the year.

And if you continue to store it at home, it won't be easy to exchange for money, and it will become old rice next year, and it won't be sold at any price.

A farmer's family cannot eat that much food for a year, so they can only watch the rice rotting there.

Ye Chutang thought for a moment and said: "They may have been delayed by the second uncle's affairs. Please wait for a while to see if they will come again."

Pan Ying actually felt in her heart that those people would not come, but now, there is really no other way.

Ye Chutang added: "In addition, the weather has been humid recently. If the rice is not stored well, it will spoil easily. I will teach you a way to ask them to go back and dig a few more grain cellars, dry the walls with fire, and then dry them in sequence. Cover it with plant ash and wooden boards to prevent moisture and insects, so that it can be stored for a longer period of time.”

Pan Ying was stunned.

"Although this is more troublesome, the good news is that it only consumes some manpower and does not require much money."

For these farmers, the most indispensable thing is labor force. In this way, they can get the least loss at the minimum cost.

For them, it's definitely a bargain.

Sure enough, Pan Ying's eyes lit up after hearing this, and she said repeatedly: "Okay! I'll go back and tell them right now! I'll thank the second lady on their behalf first!"

Ye Chutang shook his head: "I didn't help you with anything, so there is no need to thank you."

But Pan Ying still bent down and bowed, thanked him several times before leaving.

No matter what, this was much better than the worst outcome he had expected!

At least he can have an explanation with the big guys when he goes back!
After Pan Ying left, Ye Chutang lowered his eyes and many thoughts flashed through his mind.

Sensing that the surroundings were too quiet, Ye Chutang looked up and saw Ye Jingyan and Ye Yunfeng looking at her.

Ye Chutang laughed: "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Ye Jingyan paused and said, "It's nothing. I just feel that my sister is knowledgeable and knows a lot."

"That's right!" Ye Yunfeng's eyes were full of admiration and sigh, "Sister is not involved in farming, but she even knows how to store grain better!"

Ye Chutang's eyebrows jumped slightly. Just now, I was just thinking about why Ye Heng did this, but he said too much.

Ordinarily, she is a rich young lady who has never had a chance to have sex since she was a child, so she shouldn't know anything about this kind of thing.

After a moment of pause, Ye Chutang said: "It's nothing, it's just that the books I usually read are a bit complicated, and I happened to see someone mentioning such a method."

She does read a lot, not to mention that they have encountered various situations in the past few years, and Sister has solved them one by one. Now this "little trick" is really nothing.

The two brothers did not continue to discuss this topic, but instead returned their attention to Ye Heng's hoarding of food.

"But having said that, what do you think of this matter?" Ye Yunfeng crossed his arms and touched his chin thoughtfully, "I think the so-called grain merchant must be Ye Heng's person! This matter is absolutely inevitable. His participation!”

Ye Jingyan nodded: "If they weren't deeply bound to him, those people wouldn't have had such a change because Ye Heng was confiscated and exiled."

"But what does he need so much food for?" This is what Ye Yunfeng can't figure out the most.

Ye Jingyan stopped talking and looked at Ye Chutang subconsciously.

He had a few guesses in his mind, but...

Ye Chutang calmed down and smiled lightly: "That's all. These are Ye Heng's matters after all. Now that others are not here, even if we think about it thousands of times, it may not be the truth."

Ye Yunfeng raised his eyebrows: "Is it possible that we have to run to Tongbei to ask him for clarity?"

Ye Chutang was noncommittal.

It is still unclear whether Ye Heng can reach Tongbei alive...

Ye Chutang looked outside.

The sky is still gloomy and it is expected to rain again in the evening.

"Just wait a moment."

The flying geese leave traces, and she doesn’t believe that the things she has done have not left any traces.

However, she now really realizes that her second uncle seems to be much more complicated than she previously expected...


Shiluan City.

Shen Yanchuan and his party chose an inn and planned to wait until the rain stopped before leaving.

It's night and the rain is gurgling.

Shen Yanchuan was lying on the bed, his eyes lightly closed, and he seemed to have fallen asleep.


A black shadow quietly emerged from under the bed! The sharp dagger quickly stabbed Shen Yanchuan who was lying on the bed!

Everything happened too suddenly!

Seeing the sharp dagger about to pierce his chest, Shen Yanchuan, who should have fallen asleep, suddenly opened his eyes!
He moves faster!

The thin quilt was lifted up, blocking the opponent's sight. At the same time, he held up one hand and kicked out with his long legs!

Unexpectedly, the man felt a numbness in his wrist and subconsciously let go of the dagger.

However, the expected sound of the dagger falling to the ground did not come.

The next second, his neck felt cold.

The young man leaned over slightly and looked at him condescendingly. If the thin blade in his hand advanced even one inch, it would kill him!
Thunder and lightning!

The window lit up for a moment, reflecting the man's cold and handsome face, as if he were an immortal.

It's just that his eyes are extremely cold, like a god of murder who has stepped out of hell!
He said in a ruffled voice:

"Does Xu Jie look down on this palace like this?"

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